ICBI 2018

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    Pathway to Develop a New Agile ERP Implementation Approach
    (9th International Conference on Business and Information (ICBI-2018), Department of Management Studies and Toc H Institute of Science and Technology, India, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2018) Rajakaruna, R.J.P.K.; Wijayanayake, W.M.J.
    Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) plays a key role in technology driven Business Process Reengineering (BPR) by ensuring smooth alignment with best business practices and dynamic market needs in current business setting. According to Gartner analyst firm, around 75 percent of ERP enabled BPR projects were failures in recent 10 years. However, ERP specialists regard agile approaches positively to mitigate common ERP implementation downsides. Although agile practices are widely used during designing, development and quality assurance process of ERP projects, they are rarely applied for the implementation process. However, only limited studies have been conducted on the synchronicity between the ERP implementations and agile approaches. The purpose of this research was, therefore, to explore a partway to develop a new agile ERP implementation approach. A questionnaire analysis was carried out in Sri Lankan ERP implementation companies. It was analyzed using statistical approaches to assess the coexistence between the ERP implementation success and agile approaches. A widely used performance metric in strategic management was used to assess the success level of ERP implementation projects. The analysis revealed that there is a significant positive correlation between agile approaches and ERP implementation success. At the same time incremental change, multiple project views, business value prioritization and change management act as key success factors for agile implementation of ERPs. The findings of the research would be an aid to the practitioners and academics in the respective field.
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    Feasibility Study of Defense Research Projects: Identification and Analysis of Endogenous and Exogenous Parameters
    (9th International Conference on Business and Information (ICBI-2018), Department of Management Studies and Toc H Institute of Science and Technology, India, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2018) Kumar, K.A.; Kiran Govind, V.; Ramanathan, H.N.
    High technology research projects like defense and space technologies etc. are undertaken by Government of India departments like Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO) and Indian Space Research Organization. The new project proposals are subjected to detailed review for its feasibility and completeness. This paper aims at identifying critical parameters based on Systems Engineering principles for evaluation of such new project proposals. A careful analysis of the parameters brings out the endogenous and exogenous characteristics which are important for successful completion of research and development projects. These parameters form the basis for deriving composite matrices which can be used for evaluation and feasibility of new research project proposals
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    Downfall of Sri Lankan Cricket: Local Fans’ Perspective
    (9th International Conference on Business and Information (ICBI-2018), Department of Management Studies and Toc H Institute of Science and Technology, India, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2018) Arjun De Silva; Weerasinghe, T.D.; Maldeniya, D.
    Even though the most popular and the most watched game during last few decades in Sri Lanka is cricket, it has been witnessed that the cricket fans are becoming less excited about the game of cricket during last years since Sri Lankan National men’s cricket team showed a losing momentum. Hence, bridging the gap in the context with empirical knowledge, the current study attempts to identify whether Sri Lanka Cricket actually has a downfall, and if so, what caused it, from the perspective of local cricket fans. Overall design of the study is qualitative. A trend analysis was performed using secondary data related to Test and ODIs match wins/draw/tie. A total of 74 Facebook comments were collected for the public question asked from July 14 at 11:54 PM to July 21 midnight. The qualitative data analysis; conventional content analysis was performed using the Atlas.ti application software. The comments carried 118 opinions out of which 2 said there is no downfall in Sri Lankan Cricket, and 116 said different opinions of the losing trend. The trend analysis provides that there is a downfall in Sri Lanka Test/ODI National men’s Cricket over last 8 years. According to the fans’ comments; poor management strategies, sport and politics, domestic cricket (school/club) issues, individual talent related issues, issues in selection of players, and sport commercialization are the main reasons whilst player replacement succession planning issues, issues related to the infrastructure distribution, and sport celebrity nature cause minor effect on the downfall of Cricket in Sri Lanka. Accordingly, it is suggested to formalize the selection procedure of players to the national team and establish a sound mechanism to regulate sport commercialization & eradicate undue political influences.
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    Content and Readability Analysis of Mission Statements: A Study Based on Listed Companies in Colombo Stock Exchange-Sri Lanka
    (9th International Conference on Business and Information (ICBI-2018), Department of Management Studies and Toc H Institute of Science and Technology, India, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2018) De Alwis, A.C.; Ramanadhan, H.N.
    Mission statement is the most important document of corporate communication and it should be developed with relevant required components and able to read and understand by the different stakeholders. Considering this premise, this research endeavor is aimed at evaluating the mission statements of public quoted companies in Colombo Stock Exchange (CSE). The entire population of the CSE is 298 companies, the sample selected through multi stage sampling method, and it was consisted 78 companies. The mission statements were retrieved from the respective websites, while the analysis was done under two stages. To test the richness of the statement, it was applied the model developed by Pearce and David (1987) and David (1989). To test the level of readability, the fog index was used. Analysis of statements for richness proved that the sample firms in our study generally did not include needed components in their mission statements. The most popular components the sample firms most often included was Product and service, Philosophy and public image. Secondly it was recorded a very poor readability index for mission statements of all the companies. This high score implies the need to review and rewrite the mission statements by reducing sentence length and the use of multiple-syllable words.
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    A Study on the Export Competitiveness of Indian Industries
    (9th International Conference on Business and Information (ICBI-2018), Department of Management Studies and Toc H Institute of Science and Technology, India, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2018) Menon, C.V.; Thomas, M.; Devika
    Overtime with liberalization, International Trade has grown to be significant contributor towards foreign exchange and national income. While, Manufacturing and natural resource exports constitute two-third of the export basket remaining one-third comprises exports of services. The study aims at comparing the export competitiveness patterns in Indian industries and classifying the industries into various categories. In this study, the secondary data has been obtained from UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development), 2006. Using the empirical data from 88 Indian industries for the period 2010- 2016,the industries were classified as domestic dynamic, domestic static, global dynamic and global static based on Industrial specialization and growth. Balassa Index is used for the calculation of industry specialization in this study and Compounded Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) is used to calculate the industry growth. In this study two-way ANOVA (GLM univariate analysis) with level of significance as 5% is applied to the data in order to access the statistical significance and to classify the industries into four categories. The study found that the most of the industries in India are globally dynamic and focus on overseas market than domestic (home) market. The findings of this paper throw light on to the export competitiveness patterns of the Indian industries when compared with the world economy. The study concludes that majority of the industries are globally dynamic and measures can be taken to promote the growth rate of the industries further.
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    A Vision-Information and Communication Technology Enabled Teaching: An Illusion or Reality
    (9th International Conference on Business and Information (ICBI-2018), Department of Management Studies and Toc H Institute of Science and Technology, India, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2018) Enniriyil, V.T.; Kurian, S.; Ramanathan, H.N.
    With a whole new array of technological developments in and around the world, the Technology means are the strongest way to stay connected and relevant. As far as teachers are concerned, technology enabled teaching environment can positively reinforce their teaching methodology. This study assesses the technology perception among the teachers of government and aided schools in Kerala by examining the availability of ICT aides and teachers’ current usage of ICT in the teaching-learning processes, and also closely examining the variation of teacher perception with changing demographic dimensions like age, gender, qualification, training as well as receipt of reward for ICT use. Though research studies have been done in evaluating the effectiveness of Information and Communications Technology-enabled education in several parts of the world, minimal studies have been conducted with regard to Kerala, India. In the light of IT @ School project, an initiative by the Government of Kerala, it is highly relevant to do this study for evaluating the teacher’s views on ICT integration in curriculum delivery. A conclusive research design was used to analyze the teacher perception on Information and Communications Technology enabled education. Since the study focused onto the evaluation of teacher perception, a qualitative research approach was best suited and opted for the study. By convenience sampling, a sample of 71 Government (or Aided) High School teachers, were selected from a district in Kerala, India for the study. Data for the study was collected using a questionnaire. From the study, Information and Communications Technology tend to greatly improve their teaching efficiency. Also, the teacher perception on ICT usage was found to vary with the gender, qualification, training and receipt of incentives for ICT use.
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    Transition of World Cashew Industry: Challenges Ahead for India
    (9th International Conference on Business and Information (ICBI-2018), Department of Management Studies and Toc H Institute of Science and Technology, India, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2018) Bhoodes, R.K.; Ramanatha, H.N.; Mathew, G.C.
    Cashew is an important commodity traded across the continents and the world cashew industry is the livelihood of more than three million people worldwide, the majority of whom are womenfolk from the socially and economically backward community of the developing nations. India was the first country to hit the world market with cashew as a commodity and it was she who pioneered cashew processing as an industry. For decades together India was enjoying a monopoly in the world cashew industry. The liberalization of international trade has brought in a big transition in the field of cashew. India started to benefit from the trade policy, but with more raw nut producing countries acquiring the knowhow of processing coupled with vast mechanization in cashew processing, India started losing her premier positions in the world cashew scenario. The inability to make use of opportunity, foreign entrants in the domestic market, foreign suppliers of raw nuts, reduction in the international market share, shift in the processing, identify new market are some of the major challenges that awaits Indian cashew Industry. This transition of world cashew industry and the challenges that await India in the years to come in view of these continued transition were the subject matter of this research work. The findings of the study enable the Indian cashew Industry to gear up to cater the ever increasing demand of the domestic market as well as to contribute in a better way to the growth of the country. Though there has been a lot of research conducted in the field of cashew, the gap of a research in the above mentioned dimension is huge. This prompted the researcher to conduct a study in this aspect
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    Methodological Specificities and Possibilities of Application of Tourism Market Research via Internet
    (9th International Conference on Business and Information (ICBI-2018), Department of Management Studies and Toc H Institute of Science and Technology, India, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2018) Andrlic, B.; Serzhanov, V.; Hak, M.
    Today's market conditions have imposed a growing part of business with the support of information systems. Timely information becomes an increasingly important resource that gives the company a competitive edge. As the information market is subject to constant changes, the success of an individual tourism subject is based on continuous monitoring of these changes and fast adaptation to them. Accelerated technological and technical development has certainly improved some business processes, but has also conditioned some modification of marketing research techniques in tourism. Methods used in paper to investigate this problem are analysis, synthesis, comparasion and deduction. Data collection is made through Internet databases and also on the field in sample of tourist subjects Authors analyzed consumer behaviour of participants on the online tourist market in order to make marketing decisions more efficiently using numerous market research techniques. With the development of new technologies and the Internet, there has been a modification of traditional methods in modern methods that make up the e-marketing information system (CRM; ERP, MIS), which is main focus of this paper
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    Students’ Entrepreneurial Intention in the Most Literate State of India: A Perspective on Emerging Environmental Valuations
    (9th International Conference on Business and Information (ICBI-2018), Department of Management Studies and Toc H Institute of Science and Technology, India, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2018) Unnithan, D.; Ramanadhan, H.N.
    The transformative powers of the contextual environment on the entrepreneurial pursuits of nations had always been awe inspiring for India. With an unprecedented upsurge in startup initiatives in the country, India has also slowly starting pitching itself into the entrepreneurial foray resting its ambition on youth. Realizing the up springing of entrepreneurial intentions among the young in the country, policymakers in Centre as well as States are competing to amass all support elements in the operative environment of students who aspire to be selfemployed and create employment for others. The undulations of this paradigm is well experienced in the most literate state of India - Kerala which has started evaluating and favoring first generation entrepreneurs within families and societies. This paper attempts to analyze whether these evaluations by the environmental components can influence the entrepreneurial intention of students in Kerala. The data was collected from a representative sample of 474 final year students from BTech/MBA courses identified through stratified random sampling across the length and breadth of the state of Kerala. Findings proved that the entrepreneurial intention of students of Kerala is subject to valuations by elements of the closer environment as well as general environment which can have significant effects on policy imperatives in this regard
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    Export Gap and Export Performance of Black Pepper in India under WTO Era
    (9th International Conference on Business and Information (ICBI-2018), Department of Management Studies and Toc H Institute of Science and Technology, India, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2018) Sivadas, R.K.
    The study area is mainly focused to explain production- export gap and export performance of Black Pepper in the WTO era. Black pepper, the ‘King of Spices’ is the most ancient and important spices exported from the ‘Home of Spices’ India. The implementation of WTO AoA on 1st January 1995 marked the beginning of a new era in agricultural trade policy. India opted for bound tariff rate of 108 per cent for black pepper but, the tariff rates of these crops significantly less than WTO bound rates and India reduced the levels of tariff rates unilaterally. By April 2001, India has removed all quantitative restrictions on imports and it again deteriorate already existing situation. In the WTO epoch, being a perennial crop black pepper faced year to year instability in export, export market of these crops could not attain any positive growth trend, and then also identified production- export gap became wide in these period. Thus, this study mainly focused to explain export gap constraints and its influence on export performance. Empirical studies using ANOVA model to observe the average growth trend of black pepper export in the pre, partial and post WTO epoch found that the trend of this crop is faced high level declining trend in the post WTO period. “Post- Hoc Range Test” and “Least Significance Difference (LSD)” methods were applied for identifying the multiple comparisons of different means. Then, “Mean- Plots” was used for graphically summarizing, the means of sub groups in this study. Factors constraining export of this crop in the WTO era from India were grouped under internal and external constraints. Empirical studies using Multiple Regression models identified that the export gap constraints harmfully influenced the export performance of black pepper exporters. In the WTO epoch, along with the normal cyclical challenges of this crop have been supplemented by other internal and external constraints and these constraints influenced export performance of exporters Thus, drawing from its findings, the study calls for more intense support and development is needed at proper time to the pepper exporters for efficient utilization of emerging market opportunities under WTO epoch and it requires enhancement of productivity, competitiveness and diversification/ value addition of these crops