A Vision-Information and Communication Technology Enabled Teaching: An Illusion or Reality
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9th International Conference on Business and Information (ICBI-2018), Department of Management Studies and Toc H Institute of Science and Technology, India, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka
With a whole new array of technological developments in and around the world, the
Technology means are the strongest way to stay connected and relevant. As far as teachers are
concerned, technology enabled teaching environment can positively reinforce their teaching
methodology. This study assesses the technology perception among the teachers of government
and aided schools in Kerala by examining the availability of ICT aides and teachers’ current
usage of ICT in the teaching-learning processes, and also closely examining the variation of
teacher perception with changing demographic dimensions like age, gender, qualification,
training as well as receipt of reward for ICT use. Though research studies have been done in
evaluating the effectiveness of Information and Communications Technology-enabled
education in several parts of the world, minimal studies have been conducted with regard to
Kerala, India. In the light of IT @ School project, an initiative by the Government of Kerala, it
is highly relevant to do this study for evaluating the teacher’s views on ICT integration in
curriculum delivery.
A conclusive research design was used to analyze the teacher perception on Information and
Communications Technology enabled education. Since the study focused onto the evaluation
of teacher perception, a qualitative research approach was best suited and opted for the study.
By convenience sampling, a sample of 71 Government (or Aided) High School teachers, were
selected from a district in Kerala, India for the study. Data for the study was collected using a
questionnaire. From the study, Information and Communications Technology tend to greatly
improve their teaching efficiency. Also, the teacher perception on ICT usage was found to vary
with the gender, qualification, training and receipt of incentives for ICT use.
ICT, IT @ Schools, Teacher perception, ICT enabled education, High schools
Enniriyil, V.T., Kurian, S. and Ramanathan, H.N. (2018). A Vision-Information and Communication Technology Enabled Teaching: An Illusion or Reality. 9th International Conference on Business and Information (ICBI-2018), Department of Management Studies and Toc H Institute of Science and Technology, India, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka.p.33