4th SICB -2016
Permanent URI for this collectionhttp://repository.kln.ac.lk/handle/123456789/15479
Item Antecedents to the Export Market Orientation of BOI Registered Organizations in Sri Lanka(Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2016) Kumara, P.G.; Samarakoon, S.M.A.K.Export market orientation is one of the most important characteristics which is essential to develop in every organization. Since it is very important to make out the level of export market orientation of BOI registered organizations. Further, identification of potential antecedents of export orientation in the BOI registered organizations in Sri Lanka is essential to expand the quantity of export to obtain balance of payment positive value. Literature review of the study identified export experience, export environment and export coordination may impact the level of market orientation of BOI companies will be asses. BOI registered companies represent different sectors such as Tourism & leisure, Infrastructure, Knowledge services, Utilities, Apparel, Export Manufacturing, Export Services, Agriculture, Education. This is research mainly aims to measure the level of export market orientation of BOI registered companies in Sri Lanka. Population of the study is BOI registered companies in Sri Lanka. Sample size is 100 BOI registered companies representing Katunayaya, Biyagama & Seethawaka Export Processing Zones. Sample technique is Probability sample method is used for the research. Data collection method is both primary and secondary data will be used. A structured questionnaire with five point Likert scale questions will be used to collect primary data. Data analysis method is Descriptive statistic, co-relations and multiple regression methods are used with the analysis method of SPSS-20 (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). This type of study is in minimum level in Sri Lanka and it is highly needed export business performs well and new business should be started. And also this study will be contributed enterprises to do export business in a strength way. This leads to success export business and it should be evaluated from various related factors on export market.Item Awareness of Credit Cards based Cyber-Crimes: With Special Reference to Colombo District(Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2016) Kaushalya, K.T.T.; Ediriisnghe, S.D.World has become a village because of the technology. Through the technological development most of the nations in the world have open up their opportunities in various ways. At present internet create unlimited opportunities to the society such as commercial, social, educational and anymore. But the problem is most of the parts such as Europe, America, Asia in the world has affected by Cybercrimes ever increasing rates. This has been a threat and a fear for peoples’ lives and to the businesses. Therefore Cybercrime has become a strange phenomenon for the world. In Sri Lanka also Cybercrimes in the society have become a threat to the people. Especially this situation can be seen among the urbanize regions in Sri Lanka because there is a huge trend to use credit cards for many reasons for people’s lives .Hence the objective of this research paper is to investigate the awareness of the people Of Cyber-crimes Based on Credit Cards living in urban areas. The sample will be selected the commercial city of Sri Lanka; Colombo. Though there are several ways in happening cybercrimes, this study is limited to Cybercrimes based on Credit Cards. This study will be used both secondary data and primary data. Secondary data will be collected through publish documents such as police records, bank records etc…Primary data collecting through web base survey and by using the postal questionnaire. Study respondents to the research will be selected through random sampling method .It is planned to analyzed data by using descriptive statistical technique and statistical tests comes under large sample tests. Further relevance of this study will be revealed that updating the knowledge in cybercrimes with credit cards will be benefitted for considerable amount of people in the society. And also they can safeguard from cyber criminals. Because ICT users should be security conscious. Therefore, as a whole, this paper examine the types, causes and consequences of cybercrimes based on credit cards.Item Comparative Study on the Popularity of Fixed and Mobile Internet Connections in Sri Lanka: Study Based on Western Province(Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2016) Karunaratne, R.N.P.; Pieris, D.Internet has grown from a nascent technology to a tool that transforms people’s lifestyle and business world. In Sri Lanka, as per statistics published by Telecommunication Regulatory Commission, number of Mobile Internet subscribers is higher than Fixed Internet subscribers despite the heavy investments by Fixed Internet Service Providers (ISP). The purpose of this comparative study is to examine the factors leading to adoption or popularity of Mobile Internet over Fixed Internet connections. A survey was distributed to a randomly selected population residing in Western province. Out of the 150 total respondents, 121 valid responses were analysed. The results in this study revealed that Technicality of Mobile Internet over Fixed Internet (TEC) and Perceived Fee of Mobile Internet over Fixed Internet (FEE) are the factors that influence Behavioural Intention to Adopt Mobile Internet over Fixed Internet (BIA). TEC, the highest correlated item with the BIA indicated that the adopters sought for straight forward connectivity and speed in an internet connection. Dynamic pricing, an indicator of FEE was another influencing factor for adoption decision. Adopters give least priority Perceived Usefulness of Mobile Internet over Fixed Internet (USE). The research findings prove that subscribers are content with the level of the technicality in Mobile Internet connections whilst Mobile Internet connections are perceived to be more economical than Fixed Internet connections. Additionally, the results reveal that adoption decision is influenced by cultural and social characteristics of a particular society or a country. The clarity gained from this research can be considered by ISPs in their marketing activities.Item Consumer Perception and Purchasing Decision towards Dairy Product(Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2016) Ishanka, H.G.; Perera, G.N.R.At present there is a growing demand for set yoghurts in Sri Lanka. It is important for set yoghurt industry to understand and identify what are the consumer’s perception, needs and wants, what are the factors affecting on purchasing decision before and after launching the product in this competitive business environment. The purpose of the study is to identify factors determining consumer’s purchasing decision towards set yoghurt and to identify the relationship between Brand equity and consumer perception of 4P’s and purchasing decision towards the yoghurt in Sri Lanka. Target population for this study is yoghurt consumers/buyers in Western province, Sri Lanka. In this study collected data from 100 respondents and used Random sampling method. The primary data were obtained through a standard questionnaire which is distributed via Online and descriptive analysis and regression analysis are used as data analysis tools. This study provides useful framework for business organizations engaged in set yoghurt business to develop and promote marketing plans and strategies, and to give solutions to overcome the problem in applying 4 Ps in an appropriate and strategic manner in the long run.Item The Contribution of HRMS on Employee Retention in IT Organizations in Sri Lanka(Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2016) Perera, C.It is expected to examine whether HRMS support to increase the employee retention rate while reducing the employee turnover and the study is associated with set of IT companies in Sri Lanka. Inductive research approach considering its characteristics and features is used in this study. This research tries to finding out the knowledge gaps and tries to understand the contribution of HRMS on employee retention and its impact to organizational performances. However, it is focused on few major IT companies named as Virtusa and John Keells in Sri Lanka. The research will continue as an explanatory and deductive research. Primary data collection method is the method of data collection and survey strategy is followed which is quite match with this particular study. It is decided to follow non probability sampling technique with simple random sampling method. Thirty employees are considered as the sample size and fifteen of each is selected from Virtusa and John Keells Computer Services. A questionnaire is prepared which contains open-ended and close-ended, includes all forms of questions such as rating, ranking, category and etc. However, most of results of this research will be more qualitative since HRMS is more deals with qualitative performances. But through above questions, the answers will convert to quantitative. However, this research will create benefits for IT industry in Sri Lanka and will provides benefits for retaining employees and enhancing organizational performances.Item Customer Intention towards IT Driven Banking Services in Sri Lanka: Special Reference to Western Province(Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2016) Pathirana, K.D.P.R.; Yatigammana, M.R.K.N.Using Information technology driven banking services (ITDBS) such as automated teller machines (ATM), mobile banking, internet payment gateway, online banking and telephone banking customers are benefited by attend to their banking transactions all day every day at a lowest cost where as banks are benefited by time saving, cost saving and saving human effort. All most all of the Sri Lankan commercial banks are trying to introduce more ITDBS by investing huge amount of money in order to improve their operations thereby achieve competitive advantage. This investigation examines the user acceptance of ITDBS and factors influencing the customer intention to use information technology driven banking services (ITDBS) in Sri Lankan western province customers. This study targeted at theory building and developing a framework highlighting on quantitative research including document revision with banking customers to inspect the reasons influencing customer intention to use ITDBS. TAM, TRA and TPB models are used to give better conceptualization for the Customer acceptance issues. By understanding the factors that can affect customer intention to use ITDBS will assistance the banking industry to construct their marketing strategies to support new form of IT driven banking solutions in the forthcoming.Item Customer Satisfaction on Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) and Satellite TV in Sri Lanka(Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2016) Mudannayake, S.; Thilakarathne, C.R.Sri Lanka has entered to the IPTV and Satellite TV industry with the launch of PEO TV, Dialog TV, SAT TV, DISH TV, etc. Dialog TV is a market leader in Satellite TV service in Sri Lanka. With the recent evolution of telecommunication technology operators in Sri Lanka have introduced several emerging technologies to market like HSPA, SATELLITE TV, IPTV, and DVB-T & WiMAX. Severe competition particularly among mobile operators, unbearable taxes imposed by the government on the industry, continuous increase in the operational expenditure, industry saturation, Inflation , features and benefits of the product can be identified as the possible reason behind the customer satisfaction or reject the service. This study is conducted to identify the intention of using IPTV or Satellite TV in Sri Lanka, while measuring customer satisfaction related to both technologies including Ease of Use, usefulness of the service and Attitude toward the service. This study is basically focused on customer satisfaction on IPTV and Satellite TV. Actually there are two market leaders for those two services; those are Dialog TV and PEO TV. The research framework was based on TAM model to compare the two services as well as customer satisfaction. Targeted population for this Quantitative research is peo TV and Dialog TV users in Colombo District. This survey is used to acquire data from 200 samples and used Simple Random sampling method. This empirical study offers several implications for the service providers to increase consumer’s intention by considering the factors affect to use these services as their future marketing strategies. On the other hand service providers can be able to find thinking pattern and diffusion pattern of the service. Customers can be able to get an idea about these services and benefits of the services.Item Determinants of Switching Behavior of Mobile Service Users: With Reference to Students of the State Universities in Sri Lanka(Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2016) Kumarasiri, C.J.; Perera, G.N.R.Mobile phones have evolved as important devises for human daily lives with many user friendly applications. The new era of the Smart Phones made telecommunication industry highly competitive. In Sri Lanka, Mobile telecommunication industry is one of the competitive industry consisting of five major service providers. In Sri Lanka, Mobile penetration has historically been relatively low compared with other more developed Asian markets but recently it has reached up with penetration level 105% by 2015 (Budde, Telecommunication research site,2015). Liberalization undoubtedly benefited the telecommunication market and since it’s reaching the mature stage, five service providers may face a bigger challenge in maintaining their profitability. This could be result in consolidation in mobile telecommunication market. Knowing about this uncertain future, all five operators are very much keen on sustaining their existing customers while acquiring new ones. The main objective of this research is to find the factors that influence the consumers in switching their service provider. The research will be descriptive research and will go with stratified probability sampling technique. For this study, researcher selected Sri Lankan state university students as the population. Out of 15 universities 3 have been selected using random sampling and data have been collected randomly from the selected three universities. Data collection was done through an online questionnaire. Questionnaire link was sent via mail and face book links to the selected sample. In case of not having mail or Facebook facility, members was given a printed questioner. Analysis of data, found that price, Inconvenience situations, Core service failure, Development of technology have significant impact on consumer switching behavior in mobile service Sector in Sri Lanka. And Switching cost also has an impact on switching behavior. Failed service encounter, competition and Response to failure service do not have an impact on consumer switching behavior.Item Determinants of the Financial Inclusion in Sri Lanka(Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2016) Silva, A.K.C.; Abeywardana, N.L.E.The financial system of a country reflects an important role to fulfill the needs of the people by offering savings, credits, payments and risk managements products. Inclusive financial systems are removing barriers and giving the opportunity to enter a broad access to financial services especially to poor and vulnerable communities. Due to the importance of the inclusive finance, financial inclusion emerged as a priority for poverty alleviation. Sri Lanka is in the process of development and to achieve development goals as a country; the majority should benefit from the outcomes of the economy. However, since the majority is living in rural areas, most of the disadvantaged communities are suffering from various problems when it comes to accessibility of a quality life. The level of financial inclusion is different from one country to another. Moreover, the empirical studies found that the age of individuals, literacy level, and distance to financial institutions, documentation, and trust in formal financial institutions, gender, insurance, dependents and income level of the individuals are factors which can influence the Financial Inclusion. Hence, to fill this research gap, the study tests the determinants of the financial inclusion of the rural farmers in Sri Lanka. To attempt to address this research problem, two objectives were formulated; to quantify financial inclusion and to identify the determinants of financial inclusion. The aim of this study seeks to contribute to the literature on the determinants of Financial Inclusion in Sri Lanka. This will become an eye-opener for the relevant public and private organizations to coordinate and prepare a strategic plan to spearhead the campaign for financial inclusion for rural farmers and suggest policy and operational measures for their financial stability.Item Effect of Working Capital Management on Profitability: Evidence from Listed Manufacturing Companies in Sri Lanka(Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2016) Wanigasekara, W.A.D.K.J.; Nadeesha, D.L.D.R.The problem address by this research study is; “What is the impact of working capital management on profitability of manufacturing companies in Sri Lanka?” The objective of this study was to identify the effect of working capital management on profitability of manufacturing companies listed on Colombo Stock Exchange in Sri Lanka. Data has been collected from a sample of 12 manufacturing firms during the period of five years from 2009 to 2013. Working capital management, which was measured using cash conversion cycle, inventory turnover period, accounts receivable period and accounts payable period was the independent variable while the profitability, which was measured in terms of net operating profit margin, was the dependent variable of this study. Correlation and panel data pool regression analysis were employed to identify the effects of working capital management on profitability. The results showed that there was a positive insignificant relationship with profitability and working capital management in listed manufacturing companies in Sri Lanka. This study will help the managers to handle the working capital efficiently to increase its profitability.Item Empirical Study on Customer Intention of Using Mobile Payment Services in Western Province of Sri Lanka(Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2016) Amarasinghe, A.V.S.C.; Yatigammana, M.R.K.N.In this modern and fast moving world, technology is growing rapidly. People accepted the technology by using online transactions via internet in order to ease the work. Mobile payment is also an emerging and important application in mobile commerce. Though the technologically advanced solutions exist there is a lack of usage in mobile payment services among consumers. This study is conducted to identify the intention of using mobile payment services from a holistic perspective including behavioral beliefs, social influences, and personal traits on consumers of mobile payment services in Sri Lanka. The research framework was based on TPB, TAM, TRA and DOI models to compare through empirical evidence in order to examine which is better to predict the factors affect to use m-payment. The conceptual of finding the intention to use m- payment services are determined by five factors such as, Perceived Compatibility, Perceived Security, Perceived Usefulness, Individual Mobility and Subjective Norm. Targeted population for this quantitative research is mobile phone users in Western Province of Sri Lanka. This survey is used to acquire data from 200 samples and used simple random sampling method. Online questionnaire survey is conducted to gather the data and multiple regression analysis is used to explain the five factors affected to the intention of using m-payment. This empirical study offers several implications for mobile payment service providers to increase consumer’s intention by considering the factors affect to use these services as their future marketing strategies. This survey results can be used in promoting business plans related to mobile payment services and make solutions to overcome the problem in lack of usage of mobile payment services.Item Empirical Study on the Impact of Celebrity Endorsement on Purchasing Decision in Cosmetics and Personal Care Products Industry(Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2016) Munasinghe, U.; Weerasiri, S.Celebrity endorsement is a form of brand or promotion campaign that involves a famous public figure use his/her fame to promote products and services. In today’s marketplace, consumers of age level of 25-35 years have more purchasing power than ever before. Sri Lankan consumers who are in their 25-35 years age level presents majority of consumers with tremendous disposable income. This research will try to study the impact of celebrity endorsement on purchase decision of age level of 25-35 years in cosmetics and personnel care products industry in Sri Lanka This study is conducted to identify the impact of celebrity endorsement on purchase decision of age level of 25-35 years in cosmetics and personnel care products industry in Sri Lanka. The research framework was based on TEARS models to compare through empirical evidence in order to examine which is better to predict the factors affect to use celebrity endorsement. One of the methods of gathering reliable primary data is direct interviews on judgmental sampling, so questionnaire survey will conduct to carry out the research. Descriptive and Inferential statistics, regression model will be carried out in order to provide the findings from collected data. This empirical study offers implications for marketers who use celebrity endorsements as their promotion campaign to increase consumer’s purchasing decision by considering the factors affect to use these services as their future marketing strategies.Item Employer Branding and its Impact on Developing Sales Force Commitment in Pharmaceutical Industry in Sri Lanka(Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2016) Jayawardene, M.U.; Wanninayake, W.M.C.B.In today’s fast-changing business environment it is crucial for an organization to possess a highly qualified and motivated workforce in order to keep up with the fast pace of the market. The demand of competent personnel is increasing steadily, in particular for key-positions which require in-depth knowledge and expertise. However most of industries face big challenge to retain their employees within their organizations for long periods. The performances of pharmaceutical companies mainly depend on their Salesforce and it was noted that most of sales persons frequently change their companies and show low commitment towards their organizations. With the aforesaid background the present study is focused on assessing the impact of employer branding strategies on sales force commitment in pharmaceutical industry in Sri Lanka. As per the empirical nature of the study, proposed research has been designed as a quantitative study based on deductive approach. Both primary and secondary data will be collected for the study. Secondary data will be mainly collected through available online data, based on government reports, journals, articles, and publications of pharmaceutical industry. Primary data will be collected based on the survey among medical representatives, field managers and field coordinators who are working in registered pharmaceutical companies in Sri Lanka. All medical representatives, field managers and field coordinators of the pharmaceutical companies will be taken as target population, out of them 200 medical representatives, field managers and field coordinators will be taken as sample, proposed sample method is Random Sampling. The research instrument will be a self-administrated questionnaire. Data will be analyzed based on frequencies, percentages and descriptive statistical while correlation analysis and regression analysis will be adopted for testing hypothesis. The findings of the study will be helped to design employer branding strategies for improving the organizational commitment among Salesforce of pharmaceutical companies in Sri Lanka.Item Evaluating the Success Factors of Enterprise Resource Planning(Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2016) Gomes, C.C.; Thilakarathne, C.R.Many organizations have not invested adequate time when it comes to software selection, business case justification, benefits realization or post-implementation audits when there are using ERP systems. In light of such a high failure rate, many authors have proposed success measurement models in order to identify success factors that would help organizations to achieve success in ERP implementation. The purpose of the study is to provide a set of guidelines in the form of a model that would present critical success factors that needs to be considered when Implementing ERP systems. This could be beneficial for a project team that is handling ERP implementation. As mentioned in previous chapters, research on ERP success factors has been either conducted using IS models or through research conducted with focus on ERP implementation process. The study also aims to clarify the relationship between these two approaches. The research takes a deductive approach. A quantitative research method is selected to felicitate the deductive approach taken to conduct the research. A Judgmental or Purposive sampling technique is used in order to conduct the survey. The people chosen for the sample should be key informants on ERP systems. Fully structured questionnaire was used which covers the selected dimensions and identified factors derived from secondary research. Factor analysis applied in the analysis to identify the relationships between different factors and examine the significance of each factor. Factors under management not only has an effect towards the IS success measurement models but also throughout the ERP implementation process. Hence IS models need to take into account of the effect that management factors have towards the IS success measurements.Item Factors affect on Employee Turnover Intention: Special Reference to Machine Operators in Apparel Industry in Sri Lanka(Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2016) Wimalasiri, H.S.; Jayatilake, L.V.K.Employee turnover occurs when workers leave an organization and need to be replaced by new recruits. In Sri Lanka, island wide, retention of operational level employees in apparel industry has been of serious concern to managers in the face of ever increasing high rate of employee turnover. Retention of operational level employees has become a difficult task for managers as this category of employees is being attached by more than one organization at a time with various kind of incentives. Furthermore operational level employees specially “sewing machine operators” in Sri Lanka are daily migrating abroad for better job conditions. This phenomenon is having adverse effect on investment. This study investigates the factors affect on employee turnover intension with special reference to machine operators in apparel industry in Sri Lanka. The research questions are how extent work-family life balance, career development opportunities, compensation and benefits, employee performance management system, employee relationship and job security effect on employee turnover intention? The research study questionnaires were used in data collection. The statements of questionnaire were measured using fine point likert scale. With the sample size of 150 the impact was examined using Pearson’s Correlation and multiple regression. The results indicates that career development opportunities, compensation and benefits, job security, work-family life balance significantly impact on employee turnover intention where perceive supervisor supports and employee performance management were not significantly influence on the turnover intention. Therefore employees should be given enough time to meet their family requirement, enhancing career development opportunities and the immediate supervisor need to keep strong relationship with their subordinates.Item Factors Affecting Individual Investment Behavior: A Study of Individual Investors in Colombo Stock Exchange(Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2016) Galhena, N.S.; Weligamage, S.Both conventional finance theories and economic theories have been built on the assumption that investors are to be rational in making decisions. However, with the development of behavioral Finance theories which are based on psychology, attempts have been made to understand how the emotions and biases of human can influence investor behavior. Many studies have been conducted in different capital markets all around the world. However, there are limited studies about individual investor behavior in Sri Lankan capital market. This study expected to fill the gap of determining the factors and their level of influence over individual investor’s decision in Colombo stock exchange (CSE) by testing the factors used in other empirical researches in other countries.Primary objective of the study is to explore the variable that can be influenced on behavior of individual investors in CSE. Furthermore, the level of influence of these variables over the behavior of individual investors in CSE is also studied based on five main factors namely, self-image/firm image, accounting information, neutral information, advocate recommendation and personal financial needs. The study begins with the existing theories and studies in behavioral finance, based on which, the main variables are identified. A structured questionnaire has been used in the study covering all identified variables. Data is collected using convenient and snow ball sampling of 200 individual investors in CSE. Data will be analysed through factors analysis. Findings of this study will be useful for individual investors to make decisions, for fund managers and research firms to provide their recommendations to clients.Item Factors Affecting on Employee Engagement of Blue Collar Jobs in Apparel Industry(Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2016) Galappaththi, S.S.; Jayatilake, L.V.K.In the global business environment, employee engagement and retention issues are emerging as the most critical challenges on workforce management and these will lead to performance of industries as well growth of the economy of country. Less intention/ less engagement for domestic industrial jobs which categorized as blue collar jobs are downsizing the economy with creating big issues for industrialists. Purpose of this study was to assess the factors affecting to Employee Engagement for the Blue Collar Jobs in Sri Lankan apparel industry. In order to develop the key objective, there are sub objectives supported to develop the research such as to identify the existing level of employee engagement (Blue color jobs) in apparel industry in Sri Lanka. There are 200 sample subjects participated to the research, and provide their contribution to the research. The research study is considered as four independent variables such as commitment, job satisfaction, motivation and the training and development and the depend variable in employee engagement and these variables will be involved with the analytical study. Today the Global Apparel Industry is facing many challenges than ever. Performance of employees (Blue Collar jobs) is significantly affected with the apparel industry in Sri Lanka, in this regard; employee engagement is the major aspect of the apparel industry.Item Factors affecting on Lending Decisions of Microfinance Operation in Non-Banking Financial Institutions (NBFIs) in Sri Lanka(Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2016) Samarawickrama, S.; Thrikawala, S.This study investigates the factors that affect the lending decisions of microfinance operation in the Non-Banking Financial Institutions (NBFIs) in Sri Lanka. Microfinance sector of the country can be identified as an important sub-sector of the financial system. NBFIs operating in the micro-finance sector in Sri Lanka provide loan facilities for people who cannot obtain those facilities from formal banking system in Sri Lanka. Based on the people’s needs and expectations microfinance sector can be developed as a lucrative business while maintaining an effective financial and economic stability in the country. Many studies have showed that the lending organizations have been encountered with severe difficulties when recovering microfinance loans and facilities provided for the individuals and small groups. Therefore, studying such factors are highly important since they are directly related with the effective credit management by NBFIs. In the current study primary data will be collected from the credit managers of five NBFIs. Secondary data also collected from the sources like Central Bank Annual Reports and Company publications. The quantitative and qualitative techniques will be deployed when analyzing and interpreting data. SPSS statistical software has been deployed to analyze and interpret data that produce generalizations for the population. This research provides insight for the NBFIs and policy-makers in the financial system of Sri Lanka regarding factors that impact the lending decisions of microfinance operations in Sri Lanka.Item Factors Affecting Service Delivery Gaps towards Student Satisfaction; With Special Reference to Administrative Services in Newly Established Universities in Sri Lanka(Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2016) Piyathilaka, M.This research was designed to analyze the factors causing service delivery gaps towards student satisfaction upon providing services to the students by the administrative officers in newly establish universities. In observation of the present situation of the University and analysis of the secondary data and the literature review, it was evident that there was a problem of student dissatisfaction, frustration regarding the university services which are offered by the administrative officers in the newly established universities. Therefore, this research was developed to analyze the issues of the students in such universities. The main objective of this research was to study and investigate the factors influencing the service delivery gaps such as service reliability, quality, tangibility, empathy and service delivery point satisfaction upon providing services by the administrative officers and relationship between independent variables with student satisfaction in newly established universities. The methodology of the empirical study was shown in this research. The sample, development of the questionnaire, data analysis using Likert scale and analysis of finding using mean and standard deviation were discussed. The research model and operationalization of variables were shown thereinafter. It was revealed that the three factors namely reliability, tangibility and empathy were highly influential to student dissatisfaction. Researcher concludes through his study that there are lapses of reliability, tangibility and empathy which decrease the student satisfaction. The researcher further recommends through developing physical facilities, offering reliable and accurate services and treating empathetic manner to the students can increase the student satisfaction.Item Factors Affecting the Enterprise Recourse Planning (ERP) Systems on Organizational Performance(Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2016) Roshantha, L.M.D.; Edirisinghe, S.D.Technology has become great connectors of all societies and countless platform for the people. As technology becomes more powerful, more and more capabilities are merged. Therefore people do more new forms of value to create, new ways to connect people, deliver capabilities. ERP systems are sophisticated information technologies that enable companies to gain noticeable advantages over their rivals. However, these systems are neither a remedy to competition, nor a medium guaranteeing success. During the last decade controversial discussion opened and a lot of criticism and constructive agreement came out on decision –making benefits from ERP systems. Even though a lot of attention has been paid to the decision-making benefits of ERP systems in practice, there is limited amount of empirical research that explores the nature of end-user satisfaction and perceived organizational performance with ERP systems especially in Sri Lankan context. Therefore examining the factors that constitute ERP users’ satisfaction and to explore whether ERP users varies among the different users are of timely importance. The purpose of this research paper is to present the synthesized theoretical and empirical literature to help in the development of propositions and suggestions of a research agenda on the acceptance of ERP systems and investigate their link with organizational performance. Further the paper develops the technology acceptance model (TAM) to synthesize relevant literature and to develop propositions for future research agendas. A quantitative approach will be employed in the data analysis and multi-stage stratified sampling method will be used to select the respondents of ERP implemented companies. This study will use the descriptive statistical techniques and the structural equation method as the statistical techniques. Additionally, questionnaire and interview methods will be utilized as data collecting instruments.
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