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Item Impact of Grass Root Level Pesticide Advertising Tools on Farmer’s Purchase Decision: With Special Reference to Sri Lankan Commercial Paddy Farming Sector(Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2016) Gamage, V.L.R.; Samarakoon, S.M.A.K.Since 1980, different type of chemicals with different formulation has been initiated in Sri Lanka. Registrar of Pesticide has imposed some laws as well as Government has already created a stressful condition to limits the practices of Agro chemical companies which specially advertising & promotion. The specific concern of this research is the representation in advertising of the changes in the consumption of pesticides which are categorized as technological products which are not directly consumed but are used in the production of materials needed for the production of final consumer goods such as rice and vegetable. The purpose of this study is to study the impact of grass root advertising tools to purchase decision of the farmer, to examine the impact, descriptive in nature and a single cross sectional design will employ to collect data through a self-administered questionnaire. Two hundred farmers are going to select from four districts. This area purposely selected due to the highest paddy production among all the other paddy growing districts in Sri Lanka. Further, that contribute to the higher average paddy yield per net hectare and these four districts are using the highest pesticides for paddy cultivation. In the light of the research question and study objectives, following theoretical model has been developed. Research model developed to investigate the impact of sales promotion tools; farmer training class, farmer visit, agriculture instructor visit, and etc. Data analysis comprised of both qualitative and quantitative methods complementary to each other. Specially, regression and correlation will use to analysis associations among the variables.Item Impact of Social Media Marketing on Consumer Buying Decision Making(Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2016) Puvendran, A.People use social media to share their experiences, reviews, information, advice, warnings, tips and any kind of issues that are interesting to their “connection” or friends. That information is a helpful source, which may influence consumer’s decision-making. Most of studies showed that people use information on social media contents as the guideline for their future purchase. Also, social media is used as advertising for the marketer. Marketers take this advantage and create marketing strategy, which in turn could help them gain more customers. The social media environment is very easy to apply and to reach the reach customer. These benefits give persons convenience to achieve what they are looking for. People tend to believe in what their friends recommend. Posting information could lead their friends to do the same thing or use their information to make decisions. The samples counted 220 respondents are choose by convenient sampling method and from the statistical perspective, the conclusions were established in terms of the univariate and bivariate analysis. Likewise, after doing the complex statistical analysis using SPSS and the analysis offered by the online platform the host of questionnaire, it can be seen how much it is influenced and the real impact of social media marketing reflected in the consumer buying decision making process.Item Study on Expectations of Domestic Tourists in Sri Lankan Hotels: With Special Reference to Ceylon Hotels Corporation(Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2016) Puvendran, A.; Sarangan, B.Sri Lanka has been successful in attracting foreign tourists and Sri Lankan hotels have accommodated the expectations of international tourists, performance of domestic tourism sector has been limited in Sri Lanka. Therefore main purpose of this study is to investigate why the Sri Lankan Hotels do not focus on catering to the expectations of local tourists. Hence findings of this study would be useful to the Sri Lankan hotel sector to develop policies to cater to the requirements of local tourists and thereby develop the domestic tourism. This research was limited to the tourists of Group Hotels of Ceylon Hotels Corporation PLC. Quantitative methodology was adopted and structured questionnaires were used for data collection. Questionnaires were distributed to 100 domestic tourists who visited group hotels of Ceylon Hotels Corporation PLC situated in the different regions of the country. Descriptive analysis was used for data analysis. Results showed that Sri Lankan tourists are mostly concerned about the affordability of room rates and quality of service.Item The Impact of Brand Personality on Customer Buying Intention: An Empirical Study on TATA Brand in Sri Lankan Passenger Car Market(Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2016) Sanjeewani, L.P.S.; Sangarandeniya, V.There are no scientific background in the Sri Lankan contest which talks about the impact on Brand Personality on Customer Buying Intention in passenger car industry. There are limited studies done by DIMO sole distributer for TATA brand in Sri Lanka. Therefore does not really know how the market perceives them. So, there is a literature gap which did not fulfil the requirement by recent studies and empirical gap that indicate the importance of this research in the current context. This research is centered to examine the Impact of Brand Personality on Customer Buying Intention in relation to the Sri Lankan passenger car market. As per the empirical nature of the study, this study has been design based on the positivism research paradigm which is based on deductive research philosophy. According to the deductive method, in order to find the answers for the research questions, the researcher developed research questions and both secondary data and primary data were collected. The researcher used different published sources such as government reports, company annual reports etc. in order to collect secondary data which was used. An organization must design their marketing campaigns having proper understanding of its product personally for successful results. So outcome of this will be useful for Passenger car marketers in designing their marketing campaigns.Item The Impact of After Sales Service Quality on Customer Brand Loyalty: With Special Reference to Construction Machinery Industry in Sri Lanka(Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2016) Pushpakumara, J.; Wanninayake, W.M.C.B.In Sri Lanka construction is the 4th largest sector with contributing 6-7% to GDP over past decade and provides employment to 4-5% of labour force. Construction industry mainly depends on construction machineries and there is no heavy construction machinery manufactures in Sri Lanka. Therefore, separate business sector has been developed for importing and distributing construction machineries. However, only few brands are dominating the market with strong CRM strategies and effective aftersales services. However there is no sufficient evidence whether effectiveness of after sales services has significant influence on the brand loyalty of construction companies towards heavy construction machinery brands in Sri Lanka. With the aforesaid background, the present study is focused on the assessing the impact of after sales service quality of heavy machinery providers on brand loyally of their clients towards heavy machinery brands. This study has been designed as quantitative research based on the positivism research paradigm. Both primary and secondary data will be collected for the study. Secondary data will be mainly collected through available online data, published government reports, journals, and company annual reports in construction industry. Primary data will be collected based on the survey among employees of construction companies. Accordingly, survey was conducted among the selected sample which is 396 and sample was selected randomly among the technical officers and other executives who are directly involved with purchasing of machinery from the machinery suppliers of industry. The research instrument will be a self-administrated questionnaire. Data will be analysed based on frequencies, percentages and descriptive statistical tools such as mean value and standard deviation while correlation analysis and regression analysis will be adopted for testing hypothesis. The findings of the study may be helped to develop effective after sales services heavy machinery suppliers for developing brand loyalty towards products among the construction companies in Sri Lanka.Item Comparative Study on the Popularity of Fixed and Mobile Internet Connections in Sri Lanka: Study Based on Western Province(Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2016) Karunaratne, R.N.P.; Pieris, D.Internet has grown from a nascent technology to a tool that transforms people’s lifestyle and business world. In Sri Lanka, as per statistics published by Telecommunication Regulatory Commission, number of Mobile Internet subscribers is higher than Fixed Internet subscribers despite the heavy investments by Fixed Internet Service Providers (ISP). The purpose of this comparative study is to examine the factors leading to adoption or popularity of Mobile Internet over Fixed Internet connections. A survey was distributed to a randomly selected population residing in Western province. Out of the 150 total respondents, 121 valid responses were analysed. The results in this study revealed that Technicality of Mobile Internet over Fixed Internet (TEC) and Perceived Fee of Mobile Internet over Fixed Internet (FEE) are the factors that influence Behavioural Intention to Adopt Mobile Internet over Fixed Internet (BIA). TEC, the highest correlated item with the BIA indicated that the adopters sought for straight forward connectivity and speed in an internet connection. Dynamic pricing, an indicator of FEE was another influencing factor for adoption decision. Adopters give least priority Perceived Usefulness of Mobile Internet over Fixed Internet (USE). The research findings prove that subscribers are content with the level of the technicality in Mobile Internet connections whilst Mobile Internet connections are perceived to be more economical than Fixed Internet connections. Additionally, the results reveal that adoption decision is influenced by cultural and social characteristics of a particular society or a country. The clarity gained from this research can be considered by ISPs in their marketing activities.Item Factors Influencing Consumer Purchase Intention of Genetically Modified Foods in Sri Lanka(Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2016) Liyanaarachchi, A.L.A.C.; Bandara, S.U.The rapid expansion in the worldwide cultivation of GM crops and the abundance of GM foods in the market has resulted in a great concern over the impact of them on consumers. Consumer purchase intention plays a vital role when determining the future of GM crops and foods in Sri Lanka. Therefore it is important to study the factors affecting the consumer purchase intention of GM foods. But except one article, no sufficient literature is available in Sri Lanka regarding this concept. This study is conducted to study the influence of some selected factors such as consumers’ GM knowledge, opinion towards use of modern technology in food production, risk perception and reading labels on food items that affect the purchase intention of GM foods of Sri Lankan consumers. Target population for this quantitative research is the consumers in Western Province of Sri Lanka. Primary data was collected from 100 respondents and simple random sampling method was used to select the respondents. Online standard questionnaire survey was conducted to gather data and multiple regression analysis was used to analyze the data. This study will primarily be useful for GM foods importers and distributors to identify the factors influencing the consumer purchase intention of GM foods and consider those factors when implementing their future marketing strategies. Since it is an emerging topic, it will be beneficial to researchers, policy makers and all other interested parties in the future as well.Item The Impact of Service Quality and Partnership Quality on the Success of Business Outsourcing in Information System(Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2016) Matharage, S.; Thilakarathne, C.R.Information systems outsourcing is emerging in Sri Lanka and lack of success in many of these contracts, which makes it necessary to study the factors determining that success. This paper proposes service quality and partnership quality as the key factors to achieve outsourcing success in Sri Lanka. Also it established a number of measures to value the degree of success reached by firms at outsourcing. Sri Lankan Information Systems Outsourcing industry has made significant progress over the last five years. The objective of the study to find the impact of service quality and partnership quality on the business outsourcing success in information system. The research framework extracts dependent variables (outsourcing success) and independent variables (service quality and partnership quality) relating to IS outsourcing success. Targeted population for the study is 30 companies and samples are collected one feedback for the designed questionnaire from one company which are operating under IS outsourced environment. Online questionnaire survey is conducted to gather the data and the hypotheses are tested using a multiple regression analysis. This empirical study provides basis IS outsourcing success and There is no any research conducted in Sri Lanka to find the impact of service quality and partnership quality on outsource success in IS systems. This research will helps to further identify the research gaps in IS outsourcing in Sri Lanka.Item Factors Influencing Green IT Adoption in Sri Lanka(Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2016) Kawshala, B.A.H.In recent decades, environmental sustainability had become a hot topic being discussed by academicians and practitioners. The increase of environmental problems such as pollution, global warming, scarcity of foods, depletion of natural resources and solid waste had drawn attention from governments sector, communities as well as business organizations. Hence, going green is the latest approach that emphasized. Green Information Technology (IT) is part of the effort by business organizations to be green. This study aims to investigate factors influencing green IT adoption by Audit & IT firms in Sri Lanka. As well as an understanding of the determinant factors is essential for practitioners to best implement green practices. In attaining the study objectives, using random sampling method a quantitative approach was used by distributing survey questionnaire to randomly 100 sampled Audit & IT firms in Sri Lanka. The findings from this study serve as guideline for top management to understand factors that motivate organizations to invest in green IT. This study is also useful for researchers to further investigate on other drivers, values and antecedents of green IT.Item The Relationship between Emotional Appeal Advertisement and Brand Trust: A study in Private Sector Commercial Banks in Sri Lanka(Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2016) Mutugala, J.; Wanninayake, W.M.C.B.Advertising has become one of the most important commercial activities in the modern competitive environment. To meet the varying demands of their target consumers, advertisers commonly use rational appeal and emotional appeal in their advertising in an attempt to influence consumer behaviour. Therefore many researchers have tried to understand the association between emotional appeals and brand trust in different socio economic contexts. According to one argument, financial services organizations like banks are mainly consider rational appeals are more effective for developing their brands. However, it was noted that most of the commercial banks in Sri Lanka were highly adopted to emotional appeals than the rational appeals in their advertisements during recent years. Therefore present study attempts to examine how does emotional appeals of advertising influence on developing the brand trust among customers towards private sector commercial banks in Sri Lanka. According to literature, advertisers mainly adopted to social appeal, personal appeal, humour appeals and, fear appeal as main emotional appeals in their advertisements. Therefore, conceptual model was developed based on those emotional appeals and brand trust towards the commercial banks. The research philosophy is designed as positivism research paradigm based on deductive approach which elaborated as testing theory through observation of data. The research instrument will be a self-administrated questionnaire through emails and face to face interviews as the contact method and response format will be 7 point likert scale for all variables in the conceptual framework. Sample population will be the customers who are regularly doing transaction with the selected three private sector commercial banks.