Impact of Grass Root Level Pesticide Advertising Tools on Farmer’s Purchase Decision: With Special Reference to Sri Lankan Commercial Paddy Farming Sector
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Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka
Since 1980, different type of chemicals with different formulation has been initiated in Sri Lanka. Registrar of Pesticide has imposed some laws as well as Government has already created a stressful condition to limits the practices of Agro chemical companies which specially advertising & promotion. The specific concern of this research is the representation in advertising of the changes in the consumption of pesticides which are categorized as technological products which are not directly consumed but are used in the production of materials needed for the production of final consumer goods such as rice and vegetable. The purpose of this study is to study the impact of grass root advertising tools to purchase decision of the farmer, to examine the impact, descriptive in nature and a single cross sectional design will employ to collect data through a self-administered questionnaire. Two hundred farmers are going to select from four districts. This area purposely selected due to the highest paddy production among all the other paddy growing districts in Sri Lanka. Further, that contribute to the higher average paddy yield per net hectare and these four districts are using the highest pesticides for paddy cultivation. In the light of the research question and study objectives, following theoretical model has been developed. Research model developed to investigate the impact of sales promotion tools; farmer training class, farmer visit, agriculture instructor visit, and etc. Data analysis comprised of both qualitative and quantitative methods complementary to each other. Specially, regression and correlation will use to analysis associations among the variables.
Commercial Paddy Farming Sector, Pesticide Advertising, Purchase Decision
Gamage, V.L.R. and Samarakoon, S.M.A.K. 2016. Impact of Grass Root Level Pesticide Advertising Tools on Farmer’s Purchase Decision: With Special Reference to Sri Lankan Commercial Paddy Farming Sector. 4th Students’ International Conference on Business (SICB 2016), Faculty of Commerce & Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. p 57.