Factors affect on Employee Turnover Intention: Special Reference to Machine Operators in Apparel Industry in Sri Lanka

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Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka


Employee turnover occurs when workers leave an organization and need to be replaced by new recruits. In Sri Lanka, island wide, retention of operational level employees in apparel industry has been of serious concern to managers in the face of ever increasing high rate of employee turnover. Retention of operational level employees has become a difficult task for managers as this category of employees is being attached by more than one organization at a time with various kind of incentives. Furthermore operational level employees specially “sewing machine operators” in Sri Lanka are daily migrating abroad for better job conditions. This phenomenon is having adverse effect on investment. This study investigates the factors affect on employee turnover intension with special reference to machine operators in apparel industry in Sri Lanka. The research questions are how extent work-family life balance, career development opportunities, compensation and benefits, employee performance management system, employee relationship and job security effect on employee turnover intention? The research study questionnaires were used in data collection. The statements of questionnaire were measured using fine point likert scale. With the sample size of 150 the impact was examined using Pearson’s Correlation and multiple regression. The results indicates that career development opportunities, compensation and benefits, job security, work-family life balance significantly impact on employee turnover intention where perceive supervisor supports and employee performance management were not significantly influence on the turnover intention. Therefore employees should be given enough time to meet their family requirement, enhancing career development opportunities and the immediate supervisor need to keep strong relationship with their subordinates.



Apparel Industry, Employee Turnover, Machine Operators


Wimalasiri, H.S. and Jayatilake, L.V.K. 2016. Factors affect on Employee Turnover Intention: Special Reference to Machine Operators in Apparel Industry in Sri Lanka. 4th Students’ International Conference on Business (SICB 2016), Faculty of Commerce & Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. p 19.




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