ICBI 2015

Permanent URI for this collectionhttp://repository.kln.ac.lk/handle/123456789/10527


Search Results

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  • Item
    The Perception of Mobile Banking Adoption among the Students Community: With Special Reference to Eastern University
    (Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, 2015) Subramaniam, V.; Maheswaranathan, S.
    The banking industry gained the opportunity to improve the quality of services offered to their customers with a mechanism that marked the way for the introduction of sophisticated services at a negligible cost. M - Banking is one of the above and plays important role in various daily and routine activities. Banking transaction is one of a transaction process which is transformed by information technology through mobile phones. Mobile banking (M-banking) has dramatically grownup according to the increasing number of mobile device users. In recent years, Mobile banking has become a useful platform to easily access banking services. Therefore, the intended of this study is to find out the factors that contribute to the perception of mobile banking for the student’s community. Using convenience sampling method 100 students were selected from six faculties of the Eastern University, Sri Lanka and primary data were collected through administrated structured questionnaire. Considering the three variables such as perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and perceived security concern, this study was carried out among the student community. The main finding of this study indicates high level of perception in adaption of mobile banking among the student community.
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    The Impact of Visual Merchandising on Impulsive Buying Decision: A Study Based on Super Market Industry in Sri Lanka
    (Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, 2015) Sandamali, W.A.L.; Kumara, D.W.
    The supermarket concept was initially started in Sri Lanka at 1980’s and the particular industry began to expand after the year 2000. The supermarket industry is at the growing stage of the Industry Life Cycle. The Visual Merchandising of supermarket outlets were focused in this study and major purpose was to examine the consumer reaction to the Visual Merchandising in supermarkets in Sri Lanka. As this study was empirical in nature, categorized as deductive research and designed as quantitative research. The study was based on both primary and secondary data. 150 respondents were selected for the sample from Kiribathgoda, Wattala and Colombo. A questionnaire was designed to obtain customer’s attitudes regarding major variables of Visual Merchandising in their impulsive buying decisions. Visual Merchandising was grouped into four variables namely Store layout, Product Display, Cleanliness and Lighting. Further moderating variables namely Impulsiveness and Payment method were tested to identify moderate impact on relationship between visual merchandising and impulsive buying behavior The impact of independent variables on dependent variables was analyzed with the help of correlation and multiple regression model. The impact of moderate variables on relationship between visual merchandising and impulsive buying behavior was tested based on hierarchical regression model. This study revealed that, among the four visual merchandising dimension named, product display and lighting have significantly influence on impulse buying behavior. Factors like Store layout and cleanliness are moderately influence the impulsive buying behavior. The overall conclusion is that visual merchandising has significant impact on impulsive buying decision of customers in Sri Lanka. Further the findings show that there was a significant moderating impact in payment method on visual merchandising and impulsive buying behavior. As per the regression output impulsiveness has significant impact on relationship between visual merchandising and impulsive buying behavior.
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    The Impact of Physical Evidences on Customer Store Loyalty with Special Reference to Supermarket Industry in Sri Lanka
    (Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, 2015) Thilina, D.K.; Liyanage, N.
    In Sri Lanka, when concentrating on previous researches on supermarket environment, the main focus has gone towards how far the customer service has affected on customer satisfaction or customer loyalty. However, other than the service quality there are so many areas to be looked at on the super market environment. There has been no such research conducted to study how physical evidences are made an impact on consumer behavior in super market environment. Therefore, there is a gap on identifying variables, which affect on consumer behavior other than the service quality in Sri Lankan supermarkets. Consumer mind is changing time to time but it is questionable whether that change is captured by retailers when designing their strategies. The overall study focused on whether there is an impact on the physical evidence used in supermarkets towards achieving customer store loyalty. This survey has covered the five major supermarkets in Sri Lanka. The sample is consisted of 100 customers those who are doing shopping at supermarket. To carry out the research there were four physical evidence elements selected such as layout, signage, lighting and signboards of supermarkets. Through the research findings there are several aspects of the customer store loyalty was revealed. One of those is present context customers are moving from general trade to modern just because of the opportunity that they getting to compare prices of the goods, quality and specifications of each products unlike in the general trade shopping. The next reason is most of the people love to have family shopping specially in supermarkets. Nowadays this has become a new trend in supermarkets.
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    The Impact of Perceived Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction: A Study Based on Veterinary Hospital in Sri Lanka
    (Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, 2015) Dassanayake, P.S.; Weerasiri, R.A.S.
    Customer satisfaction is the most important strategic achievement in order to gain sustainable competitive advantage in highly competitive veterinary healthcare industry. There is no research literature on the impact of perceived service quality on customer satisfaction in Sri Lankan veterinary health context. Therefore purpose of the study was to examine whether there is an impact of perceived service quality on customer satisfaction and determined most and least important dimensions of perceived service quality for customer satisfaction. This study was carried out in a leading Sri Lankan Veterinary Hospital. The sampling technique was systematic random sampling and sample size was 200. Primary data collection done by SERVQUAL and four items construct for customer satisfaction. They were subjected to Principal Component Analysis and Cronbach’s alpha test. Multiple Regression Analysis was used to find out relationships. Principal Component Analysis revealed four components for SERVQUAL and named as Service Oriented Commitment, reliability, tangibility and assurance. Internal consistency of constructs were within acceptable level. The Multiple Regression Analysis revealed strong positive relationship between perceived service quality and customer satisfaction. Most important dimension for customer satisfaction was service oriented commitment and least important dimension was tangibility. This study made clear insight of hidden knowledge on impact of perceived service quality on customer satisfaction in Sri Lankan Veterinary Healthcare.
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    The Impact of Experience Design Elements on Loyalty Behavior: With Special Reference to Textiles Shopping Industry in Sri Lanka
    (Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, 2015) Ruwan, C.; Gunawardane, N.
    This research has focused on identifying the impact of experience design elements in textiles shopping industry in Sri Lanka on the loyalty behavior of the customers. There were three independent variables: Functional experience, Sensory experience and Social experience which were used to categorize the experience design elements in a textiles shopping environment. Loyalty behavior was the dependent variable in this research which was affected by experience design elements. In the same time, two variables: Pleasure and Arousal mediated the relationship between experience design elements and loyalty behavior in the textiles shopping environment. As the results, functional experience, sensory experience and social experience has a direct but not a significant relationship with the loyalty behavior while pleasure and arousal mediates significantly the relationship between experience design elements and loyalty behavior.
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    Relationship between Celebrity Endorsement and Brand Attitude: With Reference to Financial Services Sector Brands in Sri Lanka
    (Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, 2015) Dissanayake, D.M.R.; Ismail, N.
    This study is focused on Sri Lankan service sector which has remarked a significant position in the local economy. The concept of Celebrity Endorsement has been tested in this study to evaluate on how it does relate with Brand Attitude towards financial services brands in Sri Lanka. It has followed a deductive approach in justifying the variables to conceptualize the variable relationships and measures were rationalized accordingly. Reliability was tested to verify the internal consistency of the variables. It has selected 160 respondents followed by stratified random sampling technique and hypotheses were tested by using correlation analysis via 2 tailed test. It revealed that celebrity characteristics namely Trustworthiness, Expertise and Attractiveness are highly correlated with Perceived Brand Attitude, and Similarity was found as weakly correlated factor with Perceived Brand Attitude. The characteristic of Respect was found as moderate level factor being correlated with Perceived Brand Attitude. It has proposed the propositions for the future studies referring to the research gaps found in Sri Lankan service sector followed by conclusion and notions for managerial implication at the end of the paper.
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    Perceived Brand Value Benefits of Tea Product and its Impact on Consumer Behavior Study on Sri Lanka
    (Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, 2015) Rasheed, M.S.; Patabendige, S.
    In a highly competitive marketplace, managing the non-price purchase and satisfaction drivers that matter most to customers can positively impact market share. Customers make purchase decisions based on how valuable they perceive the quality of products and services as they relate to price and the competitive position is determined by the perceived value of products and services, relative to the competition. The value concept is one of marketing theory’s basic elements. Identifying and creating customer value (CV) - understood as value for customers - is regarded as an essential prerequisite for future company success. This paper aims to investigate the relationship between Consumer Perceive Value dimensions and purchase intention and the study was focused on Tea products and it’s consumption of Sri Lanka. Sweeney and Soutar (2001)’s well-known conceptual framework built on customer purchase intention that includes the major determinants of customer perceived value; functional benefits, emotional (experiential) benefits and social (symbolic) benefits was employed to investigate the level of relationship of perceived value dimensions with consumer buying intention. Based on the extensive review of literature hypotheses were set and tested with help of a sample of 100 respondents. Author had used the same indicators of functional Benefits, emotional benefits and social benefits as it was used in majority of the literature carried out with regard to the customer perceived value. To measure the functional benefits of tea Taste, Aroma, Easy to use and Economical benefits were assigned as indicators based on the study carried out by Foods for Specified Health Use (FOSHU) certification body of Japan. Finding of this research suggests that marketers should carefully consider the brand perceived value components specially the functional Components when designing branding strategies particularly with regard to tea rather concentrate on emotional values as it is currently targeted by most of the tea brand and also called on to adapt their branding approaches to fit each marketing environment and enhance brand loyalty to reduce the switching behavior of consumers. Further, this paper identified and emphasized the need of proper education to the general public with regard to health and medicinal value of Tea for the cause of a healthy Nation as well as the country’s economy. In the meantime, urging all parties engage in the industry for further product innovation beyond the present scope of tea “beverage”.
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    Marketing Promotional Efforts and Generating Positive Word-of-Mouth
    (Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, 2015) Devendra, S.
    Banking industry as a part of service sector in all the world is now in a strong competitive situation. Using Positive Word of Mouth is one of the best tactic to accomplish competitive advantage and to sustain in the market. There is a requirement for generating positive word-of-mouth and an understanding the factors those are influencing on it. Therefore, this research is contributing to identify the main factor that is influencing on Generating Positive Word-Of-Mouth (GPWOM) in relation to banks selectively. To achieve the goal of this research, the data were collected from convenience sample of 200 banking customers in Colombo Divisional Secretariat Division. The respondents provided the data by means of a close-ended questionnaire. Pearson’s Correlation was used for testing the hypotheses. Data analysis was conducted using SPSS Software. The results of this research revealed that Promotional Efforts (PE) has positive significant relationship with GPWOM and PE has higher influence on GPWOM. This study provides outcomes that could be valuable to bank managers for strategic planning and to compete in the industry.
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    Impact of Service Recovery on Customer Loyalty: With Special Reference to People’s Bank
    (Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, 2015) Archchana, Y.
    People’s Bank is a licensed commercial bank incorporated in 1961 with a mandate to support macroeconomic development in Sri Lanka by mobilizing rural savings. as a fully-owned state bank, we partner and support the development of the nation and its people The aim of the study is to analyze the impact of service recovery measures on customer loyalty by considering a Case company People’s bank. Both primary and secondary data have been collected for this study. In primary data interviews and questionnaires are used. Different theories about customer loyalty and service recovery are discussed in secondary data. Both qualitative and quantitative data are used. Multiple regression analysis is used to analyze the data and give conclusion. Conclusion shows that service recovery measure can impact customer loyalty. It is also concluded that prompt response, material compensation and politeness of employees play important role in service recovery measures and influence customer loyalty. Theories discussed in the study can be used as basis to develop the strategies in services; these strategies can consider the service recovery measures discussed in this investigation and it can also help People’s bank to know the importance of service recovery process in customer loyalty. Few limitations of this study are; customer loyalty is the objective, not Customer satisfaction. Service recovery may result in customer satisfaction not in customer loyalty. Moreover only two components of loyalty have been examined, word of mouth and repurchase intention. This study is not considering customers who have problems but they did not communicate to the bank.
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    A Study on factors Influence Customer Retention towards XYZ Airlines
    (Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, 2015) Gunasekara, M.A.N.P.
    Since the last decade, customer retention has been a central issue in management, and marketing decisions of firms. This phenomenon is good for the general well-being of the firms. Benefits of customer retention from a different perspective, especially from that of economic, cannot be over-emphasized as they culminate in the overall profitability of firms. The open skies policy in the air transport industry all over the world sparked intense competition and has witnessed a proliferation of airlines into the industry. This reminds us of the deliberate workable strategies aimed at not only acquiring customers, but also keeping them. Several studies have been conducted to identify the relationship between customer satisfaction and business performance in the airline industry but less from the customer retention perspective. The aim of this study was to find out the impact of customer retention in xyz airlines on business performance. In that case customer retention acts as a mediator variable in the model. A quantitative method and survey questionnaire were used to investigate the problem. The survey design was a cross-sectional non-experimental study of 100 respondents which was sampled by using a random sampling technique. Exploratory data analysis and correlation analysis were used. The analysis of the study clearly exposed that all the six constructs used in the study namely; customer satisfaction, switching cost, price perception, customer loyalty, perceived service quality and customer service are significantly and positively associated with business performance. Despite limitations like generalizability, the findings of this study provide evidence that airline industry professionals are required to work closely with these strategies, especially with Airline Service Quality and Airline Switching Barriers. It is essential to fine-tune the strategies to reflect the exigencies of the time.