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    Impact of Job Satisfaction on Employee Retention in Apparel Industry of Sri Lanka: Examining the Moderating Effect of the Age Factor
    (Department of Marketing Management, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya Sri Lanka, 2021) Hemarathne, D. J. C.; Thilina, D. K.
    This research mainly explores the employee satisfaction and it determinants how to impact on employee retention using of the sewing machine operators (SMOs) in apparel industry. In this aims to identify the factors that affect to employee retention in Garment factories because in garment factories employee retention is very low compare to other countries and industries. The study intent to use survey method where data collected through Google form and physically from sample of 383 machine operators employed in a leading garment factory and moderate factories in Sri Lanka. For that use Brandix, Vogue textile, M.A.S Unichela and Star garments which is located in Koggala free trade zone. Pay and benefits, working condition, supervisory support and promotion are positively correlate with the employee retention according to the Regression Linear process of the SPSS 25 tool. Through this research reveal that working condition and supervisory support highly affect to the employee retention. As well as in this showed age as a moderator and finding shows this moderator has positive and significant relationship between job satisfaction and the employee retention according to Andrew F. Hayes process in SPSS 25. As well as in Sri Lankan context, these variables impact need to understand for sustainability of the apparel industry.
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    The Impact of Facebook Advertising on e-Brand Equity: Examining the Moderating Effect of Negative Sentiments with Special Reference to Telecommunication Industry in Sri Lanka
    (Department of Marketing Management, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya Sri Lanka, 2021) Hewapathirana, N. T.; Thilina, D. K.
    Facebook advertising has become one of the most used social media advertising platforms in the Sri Lankan telecommunication industry. The industry is growing rapidly over the past decade of time and demand for telecommunication services have been enormously raised. In today's context, telecommunication service providers utilize Facebook advertising to accomplish specific marketing goals and objectives. Thus this study aims to interpret how Facebook advertising affects e-brand equity. Moreover, the researcher's secondary aim is to examine the moderate role of negative sentiments. This analysis was quantitative and structured questionnaires were used to obtain primary data from the sample. The study used the convenience sampling method, which comes under non-probability sampling and three hundred thirty-three responses were collected from the western province which includes Colombo, Gampaha and Kalutara districts. The data were analyzed using the software SPSS 25 to obtain descriptive statistics, comparing mean analysis and correlation analyses. The findings of the study revealed that Facebook advertising significantly impacted e-brand equity while negative sentiments significantly moderated the relationship between Facebook advertising and e-brand equity. Finally, the study contributes with several strategies for the telecommunication industry with their Facebook advertising practitioners in planning the advertising campaigns and improving the existing practices.
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    Factors Affecting on Smartphone Purchase Intention of Customers in Sri Lanka: Examining the Moderating Effect of Age
    (Department of Marketing Management, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya Sri Lanka, 2021) Ranathunga, P. R. S. W.; Thilina, D. K.
    Freelance of digital marketing is a rapidly grown industry in these days. Since this COVID-19 situation most people were turn in to digital jobs and work from home. Advertisers and freelancers in Sri Lanka very surely know how much their web showcasing procedures, digital marketing strategies are making the clients towards the brand. So they try to go with this industry. But in here some people were very success in their career and some were not. And also there has no any correct guidelines, information for this industry. Main aim of this study to identify the Factors influence on online freelancing of Digital Marketing industry in Sri Lanka. By this research researcher can identify the factors that affecting to that industry. This analysis was quantitative. In here researcher used structured questionnaires for collect primary data. The sample size was two hundred eighty-six. Researcher used convenience sampling method under non-probability sampling. Those responses were collected from the western province. The data were analyzed using the software SPSS 25. The finding of the study demonstrate that online freelancing of digital marketing industry positively influenced by use of social media, awareness, willingness for online freelancing and smart technology. By this research, researcher can identify the favorable and unfavorable factors. So freelancers, future researchers and other relevant parties can use this information for create their strategies and find the best way to improve their carrier. And they can get a better understanding about the industry.
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    Factors Influence on Online Freelancing in Digital Marketing Industry
    (Department of Marketing Management, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya Sri Lanka, 2021) Kodithuwakku, D. K.; Thilina, D. K.
    Freelance of digital marketing is a rapidly grown industry in these days. Since this COVID-19 situation most people were turn in to digital jobs and work from home. Advertisers and freelancers in Sri Lanka very surely know how much their web showcasing procedures, digital marketing strategies are making the clients towards the brand. So they try to go with this industry. But in here some people were very success in their career and some were not. And also there has no any correct guidelines, information for this industry. Main aim of this study to identify the Factors influence on online freelancing of Digital Marketing industry in Sri Lanka. By this research researcher can identify the factors that affecting to that industry. This analysis was quantitative. In here researcher used structured questionnaires for collect primary data. The sample size was two hundred eighty-six. Researcher used convenience sampling method under non-probability sampling. Those responses were collected from the western province. The data were analyzed using the software SPSS 25. The finding of the study demonstrate that online freelancing of digital marketing industry positively influenced by use of social media, awareness, willingness for online freelancing and smart technology. By this research, researcher can identify the favorable and unfavorable factors. So freelancers, future researchers and other relevant parties can use this information for create their strategies and find the best way to improve their carrier. And they can get a better understanding about the industry.
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    Factors Affecting Customers' Willingness to Use Quick Response Codes During the Covid-19 Pandemic (With Special Reference to Financial Institutions in Colombo District)
    (Department of Marketing Management, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya Sri Lanka, 2021) Chathuranga, H. S. B. A.; Thilina, D. K.
    In today's fast-developing technology landscape, technology firms are offering customers an ever-expanding variety of telecommunications instruments. Electronic software applications are built in several different ways to satisfy the needs of the customers. In their lives, consumers must face various alternatives to innovation. One of the recently offered services technologies is the Quick Response code payment application. QR code is one of the newest of those changes and has recently been used in many actives of human life. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to study the factors affecting customer's willingness to use QR code during the Covid-19 pandemic. The study observed perceived ease of use, perceived benefit, perceived security and perceived usefulness independent variables and willingness to use QR code as the dependent variable. The sample size specified under the convenience sampling method consisted of 366 respondents of the Colombo district. The researcher used analysis techniques of descriptive analysis, regression, and hypotheses tested where SPSS 26 is used as analytical software. The study's findings are independent variables of perceived ease of use, perceived benefit, perceived security, and perceived usefulness have a significant impact on willingness to use QR code. Furthermore, this study has provided an avenue for the Sri Lankan government, financial industry, software engineers, and service developers to improve willingness to use QR code to increase consumer's self- confidence to use QR code.
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    Impact of YouTube Influencers on Consumer Purchase Intention of Mobile Phone Brands in Sri Lanka
    (Department of Marketing Management, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya Sri Lanka, 2021) Botheju, W. T. P.; Thilina, D. K.
    Social media has fundamentally transformed the way individuals communicate, connect, and engage with one another. Influencer marketing is a relatively new form of digital marketing that has arisen in recent years. As a social media platform with the second-largest active user base, YouTube has turned into a leading marketing tool for businesses in recent years. Marketers use YouTube influencers to promote their products in exchange for the influencers sharing sponsored content with their audience. Using YouTube influencers has become a trend in the Sri Lankan context when delivering the marketing message relating to high-tech products such as mobile phones and laptops. This study is an attempt to identify the impact of various characteristics of YouTube influencers on consumer purchase intention of mobile phone brands in Sri Lanka. Source credibility and the source attractiveness model are key theoretical concepts used to conduct this study. This study was quantitative, and the researcher used the deductive research approach. The researcher used the convenience sampling method under non-probability sampling to select the sample. Three hundred fifty-six responses were collected through a structured questionnaire based on the western province, and the collected data were analyzed using SPSS 26 to test the hypothesis. The findings of the study demonstrate that purchase intention is positively influenced by trustworthiness, expertise, similarity and familiarity. Therefore, research findings will help future researchers and marketers understand how YouTube influencers impact consumers' purchase intention.
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    The Impact of Brand Equity on Consumer's Cognitive Post Purchase Dissonance: In Case of Smart Phones
    (Department of Marketing Management, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya Sri Lanka, 2021) Wijerathne, M. M. S. S.; Thilina, D. K.
    Branding has become an essential requirement for businesses due to the high competition and to make a unique presence in market. Brand equity is an area that comes under branding and it can be defined as a significant and essential concept to many companies and it's a frequently used concept by marketers in smartphone industry in Sri Lanka to reduce the brand dissonance. Therefore, the main objective of this study is to find the impact of brand equity on consumer post purchase dissonance. Primary data of the research was collected through a questionnaire. Secondary data was collected through websites, articles, and journals. The questionnaire consisted of five points Likert scale. A total of 384 respondents were selected as a sample to carry out the research. The convenience sampling method that comes under non-probability sampling was used when collecting data. To assess overall questionnaire validity, KMO value was used, and its reliability was measured through Cronbach's Alpha. Data analysis was made with the support of statistical package for social science software. Multiple regression analysis was used to determine the impacts of independent variables on the dependent variable. The analysis found all the dependent variables significantly impacted the Post Purchase Dissonance in case of smartphones in Sri Lankan context. The findings of this study suggest some recommendations and future research areas for the future researchers.
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    Factors Affecting on Customer Purchase Decision of Automobiles in Sri Lanka
    (Department of Marketing Management, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya Sri Lanka, 2021) Samarasinghe, B. K. H. D.; Thilina, D. K.
    In modern era, many people use automobiles to fulfill their transportation need. Also some are considering automobiles as a sign of a luxurious life. So, many people purchase automobiles not only to fulfill their transportation need but also they use automobiles to show their income level, social class, prestige etc. So, there is various kind of factors affect when making a purchasing decision related to Automobiles. The major purpose of this study was to find out the factors affecting for purchasing decision related to automobiles. The study observed brand image, price, and quality as independent variables and customer purchasing decision as dependent variable. This is quantitative research, and the primary data are collected through structured questionnaire. The sample size is 384 which specified under convenient sampling method and consisted of 106 respondents who tend to purchase automobiles and already use automobiles in Sri Lanka. The researcher used descriptive statistical tools concerning the measures of frequencies, measures of central tendency and measures of dispersion. Also utilize inferential statistics tools such as Pearson’s Correlation and multiple regression analysis to test the hypotheses. In here SPSS 26 software used as analytical software. According to the study’s findings are independent variables of brand image, quality, and price having a significant and positive impact with the customer purchasing decision of automobiles in Sri Lanka. Furthermore, this study’s findings are more useful for the automotive companies of Sri Lanka to identify the factors to be considered when offering new products for the Sri Lankan market and also useful for potential buyers and for researchers.
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    Social Media Marketing: A New Era in the Field of Marketing, Good News or Bad N
    (Department of Marketing Management, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya Sri Lanka, 2021) Katarmal, N. H.
    Social media has consistently been the wellspring of amusement for individuals throughout the globe. On the off chance that you think social media marketing is developed during the pandemic, it's a serious mix-up. Social media marketing has been in existence for serious many years, pandemic assisted with putting some light on it and presently it is one of the most well-known and advantageous fields in the realm of marketing. It benefits firms to showcase their product on the worldwide level with the least financial plan and a lot more advantages like convenience, easy to learn, greater stage, versatility, and so on are commendable. Presently a recently added team member job has appeared which is digital marketing and firms are raring for individuals with social media knowledge. Also, universities have added a new course in their syllabus for people thriving for the role of a digital marketer. Uplifting news right? No, it isn't really for the well-being of the country. Since we say social media marketing coats cutting marketing costs for the firm yet then again it decreases the significance of other traditional marketing ways like Billboards, television ads, prints, and so forth as one way has supplanted any remaining methods of marketing which in short lessens work on large scale resulting a colossal fall in this specific industry. No doubt it's still surprising that a source of entertainment can turn into a source of income. In short the abstract is attempting to unfurl that a little change in the industry ought not influence the whole different industries economy.
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    The Impact of User Generated Content on Online Purchase Intention of Retail Fashion Industry in Sri Lanka
    (Department of Marketing Management, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya Sri Lanka, 2021) Sameera, T. M. V.; Gunawardane, Nisal
    People often looking for real-life inspiration for purchasing new products and the Covid 19 paved the way for using online platform for retail fashion brands in order to reach to its target group. Literature revealed that, the retail fashion industry is one of the best fits for use user-generated content in promoting products for its target customers, yet its inconclusiveness towards purchase intention of retail fashion brands needs further investigation. Thus, purpose of this study is to identify the impact of user-generated content on the online purchase intention of the retail fashion industry in Sri Lanka. The study conducted using a quantitative research design by collecting data from 207 respondents in western province of Sri Lanka using convenience sampling method on Facebook and Instagram. The result of the study discussed the main four-element affect the online purchase intention of retail fashion, but one element is not strongly affecting which was namely perceived usefulness. This element has a weak relationship with the online purchase intention of retail fashion brands. Additional variables that can be identified namely perceived credibility, perceived risk, and information quality have a positive significant impact on online purchase intention. Finally, the result indicated a positive and significant relationship between user-generated content and online purchase intention. These results of the survey would be benefited to marketers and online business operators to develop marketing strategies who are interested in the fashion retail industry.