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Item The Application of Non-violence Approach for Settling Prolonged Civil Wars: Case Study of Syria(2nd International Studies Students’ Research Symposium – 2018, Department of International Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2018) Dilhani, R.W.T.By nature, wars are the component instrument and it is fundamentally political. The parts involved in war should concentrate all their energy towards the final aim: victory. Recently, wars become smaller than before but even so, they seem to be more intense and vicious as always. The local actors’ revolt in civil wars to achieve their diverse goals. The Middle East wanted for once beginning the wave of rebellion against their ruling regimes. The wave is called as “Arab Spring” and it has led to demonstrate plenty of pro-democracy changes across the whole Middle East continent within a short period. For decades currently, the international actors tried to bring an end state to civil wars through negotiated settlements instead of the military approach. Find a peaceful solution to the Syrian conflict seems very difficult. The economic, political or cultural issues do not seem to be viable barriers to a winning negotiated agreement and a mediation method has already been initiated inside Syria´s case. Therefore, the objective of this is to determine why a negotiated settlement has not been found in Syrian war. And also, to identify the importance of the use of non - violence negotiation approach rather than a military approach to the Syrian Civil War. The research takes up a descriptive analysis method under the qualitative approach to that end it gathers secondary data that assess conflict situation of Syria. The research findings manifest that how some actors had influenced to the development of the conflict making use of their status on the national and international stage. And also, conflict from different perspectives have been disclosed additional reasons that contribute to the failure of the negotiation process in Syria. Therefore, there should be a proper mechanism to bring a successful non-violence approach for Syrian war. If the negotiated application can be succeeded within this civil war, its results will be answerable for other same situations in the worldItem China's String of Pearls Strategy and Sri Lankan Economy after 2009(2nd International Studies Students’ Research Symposium – 2018, Department of International Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2018) Wageesha, K.K.G.L.China and Sri Lanka have extensive historical links, initially religious and cultural, and later also economic. The strategic location of Sri Lanka, between key shipping lanes and so-called ‘String of Pearls Strategy’, have significantly enhanced the two countries’ economic relations in recent years. By examining the state of those relations in two comparative contexts: brief explanations of String of Pearls Strategy’, the Strategical importance of Sri Lanka and the effects of China’s String of Pearls Strategy. The results highlight a number of findings. First, get to know about the String of Pearls Strategy and what kind of changes China did in the Indian Ocean Region. China creates a network on the military, commercial facilities among Indian Ocean Region nations to success their economic ambitions through the Indian Ocean Region nations. Second, Sri Lanka is very significant for the Indian Ocean Region and resourcefully importance of Sri Lanka to Chinese investors and their exports. Also, Sri Lanka becomes a hub of Indian Ocean, because of maritime silk route located near Sri Lankan sea. In that case, Colombo and Trincomalee had a significant role to play in the naval routs. Third, analyze the trade, investment and tourism relations with China. After 2009, China has been the top of Foreign Direct Investments donor and lender to Sri Lanka in recent years, the Foreign Direct Investments brings on impact to the Sri Lankan Economy after 2009 and China attract more investments, grants, and loans to Sri Lanka to develop the Sri Lankan economy. As these economic help Sri Lanka trap a debt crisis. Also, within these relations what kind of threats and opportunities can be faced as a country like Sri Lanka will be discussed. In this research try to identify the contribution of String of Pearls Strategy to Sri Lanka economy after the civil war of Sri LankaItem Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children; With special reference to India(2nd International Studies Students’ Research Symposium – 2018, Department of International Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2018) Jayaratne, H.G.H.J.Trafficking of children or the sale of children is a form of human trafficking and is defined as the “recruitment, transportation, of a child for the purpose of exploitation. The terms “commercial sexual exploitation” to acknowledge that the use of children and youth for sexual acts is abuse and is inherently exploitative. In India, there is a large number of children trafficked for various reasons such as labour, begging, and sexual exploitation. People from India are being trafficked to Middle Eastern countries for domestic help, manual labour, child marriages etc. Therefore, the objective of this research is to analyse trends and patterns of commercial sexual exploitation of children and there by determining the causes and effects to the children’s physical, mental health and their childhood lives. This research takes up a qualitative approach and to that it gathers the secondary data that assess the sexual exploitation of children in India. The analysis is largely based on the most hazardous, billions earning illicit business in India and its impacts to the economic growth as well. And its effects to the children and public generation. This research findings manifest that although India uphold and amend conventions or projects to combat this illicit business to some extent but it is not the end of this business to the slave masters. It also concludes that some child protection programmes with neighbouring countries became a mechanism to combat this issue. And also, this illicit business takes away the freedom and security of the children worldwide, it violates human rights of children.Item The Consequences of Brexit for the UK(2nd International Studies Students’ Research Symposium – 2018, Department of International Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2018) Dulmini, K.A.P.This research aims to analyze the consequences of Brexit for the United Kingdom. European Union is an organization made after the II world war to establishing peace among member countries. The Referendum has been held by the United Kingdom became a significant incident in world history. 28 countries were as member countries and now it became 27 after the withdrawal of the UK. This Research has followed only secondary data and consist both qualitative and quantitative data. Furthermore, this research aims to find out the positive and negative consequences of the Brexit, the people of the United Kingdom needs a change from the long period of the process of the European Union. The people had many reasons for accepting the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union. On behalf of that, the Prime Minister who was in that time called a referendum and pursuit the response of people, after that the result remained opposite the Prime Minister’s idea. As a consequence of that, the Prime Minister had to resign and obey the view of people in the United Kingdom. According to the findings, many issues have been faced by the United Kingdom after Brexit. They had a loss in the Schengen area facilities, imposed higher tariffs on imports, Brexit could also affect the economy of the United Kingdom through changes in investment, migration, and regulation. Besides that, there are some good impacts happen in the United Kingdom after the Brexit as well. The people could know their country’s internal situations, the Brexit has given the various results for the United Kingdom, the political and economic sectors have been influenced more by the Brexit and the government of United Kingdom has to empower their people than a pre-Brexit periodItem The Economic Impact of Multinational Corporations on the Developing Countries: with special reference to South Asia(2nd International Studies Students’ Research Symposium – 2018, Department of International Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2018) Wickramasinghe, W.M.M.D.Multinational Corporations (MNCs) play an important role in the contemporary global economy. Therefore, it is a major issue in the process of economic development, especially in developing countries. The term "MNC” which includes corporations operating on the international and transnational level. Historically, MNCs are closely linked with colonialism and imperialism. In addition, MNCs originate in the industrialized countries and they have become the buzzword of globalization. Hence, this research explores the impact of MNCs effects on the economic situation of developing countries. The analysis is based on the case study with the selected sample; Unilever in Sri Lanka, Coca-Cola in India, KFC in Pakistan, and Chevron (petroleum industry) in Bangladesh. This research uses secondary data in order to identify economic effects and economic development by MNCs in developing countries, especially in South Asia. Moreover, it concerns host countries policy towards MNCs. As per the findings, developing countries adopted more open policies towards MNCs during the 1980s. Therefore, MNCs enter host countries by using different strategies such as FDI. Further, they always are profit-oriented and enjoy command over enormous financial resources for investment and their entry into developing countries make a transfer of funds from developed countries to developing countries. They generate employment, increase national income, and improve the managerial standards and entrepreneurial abilities of the host countries. However, they earn higher incomes, but the consumption of improved quality goods and services to people in poorer regions. Contrariwise, MNCs activities displace local producers and spoil small domestic enterprises. Because MNCs maintain huge cost for marketing more than production. Further, they do not give chance to any other domestic company to compete with them. Because they control the global economic market. In conclusion, this study highlights more benefits and relationship between MNCs and economic growth and development of developing countries. Therefore, the economic involvement of MNCs is important to South Asian countries as a developing regionItem Economic Potential of Sri Lanka as a Business Hub in the Indian Ocean Region: Study Focused on Blue Economy Concept(2nd International Studies Students’ Research Symposium – 2018, Department of International Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2018) Jayawardane, B.A.I.M.The concept of Blue economy describes the strategic and sustainable use of marine resources for development of the economy and wellbeing of humans. The concept of blue economy is a sub section of “Green economy concept". Blue economy links directly to the sustainable development of States. The term was introduced as a concept, by Gunter Pauli and the term emerged in the global scale after Rio+20 summit. The concept, mostly suits for Island States and least developed countries. This describes about a pathway to conserve the environment while boosting the economy. Diminished resources on land signifies the need of blue economy concept. The concept benefits to States by creating new employment and boosting coastal and national economies. Shipping and transport, seabed exploration, blue biotechnology, ocean renewable energy, fisheries, aquaculture, coastal tourism are the included priority areas of blue economy. Major economies of the world like China, European Union, United States, and Great Britain have adopted blue economy to their national strategy and gained higher GDP growth. Particularly, Sri Lanka as an Island State and being located in a significant geostrategic location has gifted with the ability to perform as a business hub in the region. The main aim of this study is to identify the potentials of blue economy and to discover, does Sri Lanka has utilized the available blue economy potentials in a sustainable manner. The study will takes up Qualitative approach and descriptive analysis. Primary data was collected by conducting interviews, distributing questionnaires and observation. Journals, books and other sorts of printed media provided secondary data to the study. The study uncovers the poor consideration of ocean health and marine resources and defects of policies which are connected to blue sector. Therefore, Sri Lanka need to enhance the blue economy industries by taking special consideration to ocean health and also Sri Lanka should be more interactive in the region to promote blue economy and to become a business hub in the Indian Ocean region by adopting policies which benefits to national interest of Sri LankaItem Economic Revival of Germany: A New Economic Hegemon in the European Union (Post World War II)(2nd International Studies Students’ Research Symposium – 2018, Department of International Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2018) Kulathunga, K.D.After the Second World War, countries of the European Union had collapse and their economies have severely damaged. Because of this, they had to face an economic recession. To face this great depression different countries adopted different economic models and political economic policies. But Germany is the only country which was recovered stronger and quicker, when compared to other countries. This economic recovery known as “Wirtschaftswunder”. According to the political economic performances of the Germany, without a doubt, it has achieved a remarkable millstone in development process. Therefore, the problem of this study is, how Germany was able to achieve economic stability and economic growth, compared with other European countries. Based on the research problem, objectives of the research are to identify the German hegemonic role in the European Union and to explore the development policies which have been implemented to enhance Germany’s economic growth and stability in past Second World War scenario. To conduct this research, qualitative and quantitative methods have been used. Due to the difficulty of gathering primary data, because this research is based on another country, secondary data have been used. IMF economic statistics data used to analyze and examine the rapid economic growth of Germany compared to other states in the European Union. This study used the descriptive analytical tools and techniques to analyze the data. From this study we can learn how Germany recovered from these major crises by adopting and implying economic theories and in the future, we can apply these theoretical findings of the research to contribute to the economically struggling nations to strengthen their economyItem The Failure of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty(2nd International Studies Students’ Research Symposium – 2018, Department of International Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2018) Fernando, W.H.R.The Nuclear Non- Proliferation Treaty came into effect in 1970 and it is considered as the successor of many non-proliferation treaties implemented since 1945. Although the Non-Proliferation Treaty has been able to prevent nuclear proliferation to some extent, it has failed to achieve complete non-proliferation. This research will explore the reasons lying behind the failure of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. The study is based on secondary data which was gathered from journal articles, books, newspaper articles, annual reports, and reviews of United Nations reports and resolutions, as well as other reading materials related to the subject area. This study is primarily a qualitative analysis of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty; quantitative methods are also used in the following manner: a qualitative approach is used to analyze the motivations and causes for states to acquire or purchase nuclear weaponology- while quantitative methods will be used to explore how nuclear proliferation has occurred to date. The study specifically illustrates that Cold War geopolitics between the United States and former Soviet Union is rooted in nuclear proliferation. The study also outlines that as long as there is a struggle for power between the United States and Russia, complete non-proliferation is not realistic to achieve. Apart from those reasons, the lack of universality, the possibility of withdrawal, inadequate verification, and the lack of enforcement have also identified as reasons limiting the effectiveness of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation TreatyItem Foreign Aid and Economic Growth in South Asia(2nd International Studies Students’ Research Symposium – 2018, Department of International Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2018) Yapa, A.R.R.The main objective of this paper is to investigate the impact of foreign aid on Economic growth in South Asia. Still there is an inconclusive debate in determining the exact relationship between foreign aid and economic growth. Foreign aid basically consist with two types namely grants and loans. High debt burden and political influences make foreign aid less effective. To opposite that opinion, some empirical findings prove that foreign aid is important to increase the economic growth, assistance for human health, immediate humanitarian assistance in disasters and long-term development programs in developing countries. So still there is no robustness regarding the impact of foreign aid. This paper aims to find out the impact of foreign aid on economic growth and give some recommendation for a better economic status. Panel data of four South Asian countries are used for this analysis from 1990-2017.This study basically focuses on the impact of concessional loan and official development assistance on the economies of four (04) South Asian countries. They are India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. Ordinary Least Squares model is used to test the model. According to the findings of the model, it has been proven that foreign aid doesn’t make a significant impact on economic growth in South Asia from 1990-2017.So it is better not to depend on foreign aid. Because if a country has to pay higher proportion of aid repayments from its GDP, it is difficult to allocate resources on development purposes. Therefore, the developing countries should develop appropriate policies to depress debt burden. Government should effectively manage budget to avoid unnecessary current expenditure. Tax base should regulate to enhance the government revenue rather than depend on other nations. It is important to empower the transparency and accountability of governing bodiesItem The Impact of the Kashmir Conflict on Indo-Pakistan Relations and Security Implications of South Asia(2nd International Studies Students’ Research Symposium – 2018, Department of International Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2018) Munasinghe, P.A.A.D.This dissertation offers an evidence of latest bilateral relations of India and Pakistan in the context of the Kashmir conflict. Looking at the historical background of the conflict, it explains how the Kashmir conflict has become a thorn in the bilateral relations of India and Pakistan. Through an examination of the Indian-Pakistan peace process, this recommend why the Kashmir conflict still defies a solution and analyse the self-help measures undertaken by both countries and assess the prospect for a future war in the region. By examining the regime sorts, institutional mistrust, and also the economic co-operation and competition of each countries, explore the character of the bilateral relationship and its impact on the South Asian region and specifically assess the doable negotiated resolution to the Kashmir conflict. Finally argue that as long as both India and Pakistan hold close their historically entrenched positions, there is hardly any probability for permanent peace in Kashmir, thereby complicating their strategic stance in the region. Then draw upon the theories of Neo-Realism and Neo-Liberalism to clarify outcomes towards peace initiatives between India and Pakistan, and also the implications for South Asia. Then select three specific ideas advanced by neo-realists and neoliberal theorists to explore and justify the three principles of this study: the Balance of Power, Security and Economic Co-operation. Institutional mistrust, totally different regime types, competition in non-traditional areas, continuing insurgency, has delayed a peaceful resolution of the Kashmir conflict. After the Mumbai attack, India has diverted additional more national resources into fighting terrorism. Continuing border clashes, the nuclear arms race, and terrorism have heightened the tension on the subcontinent, despite the talk of resuming the dialogue in 2011. It additional affects the efforts of rising economic and trade relations between both countries that would have led to more co-operative postures between both countries and for South Asia. An equal importance is the continuous rivalry with a much smaller power, Pakistan, and over Afghanistan is a bane to peace initiativeItem Impact of the US Interventionism in Afghanistan and Syria(2nd International Studies Students’ Research Symposium – 2018, Department of International Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2018) Madubashini, W.Interventionism policy can be identified as a strategic foreign policy doctrine. In some cases, it appears as the way of the development process as well as it may appear as the way to interfere in the internal affairs of another state. Commonly it may use economic sanctions, military intrusion and the strategical tools. Hence, it may affect to make a state stable or unstable. In this study it will be examined the impact of the United States interventionism in Afghanistan and Syria, identifying does the United State interventionism always lead the states to the fragility”. To collect data this paper will utilize two methods, secondary data will be collected from journals, periodicals and scholarly articles. This study will use content analysis and qualitative analysis. This research only considers about the US interventionist policy in Afghanistan and Syria. Especially with reference to the fragility of the states. This research concludes that the foreign policy of the United States always does not create instability or fragility of the state. But through the interventionist policy of the United States, Afghanistan and Syria had become the fragile states according to the Fragile States Index 2018Item Implication of Soft Power of Non-State Actors in Sri Lanka: Special Reference to IMF and World Bank(2nd International Studies Students’ Research Symposium – 2018, Department of International Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2018) Gunasekara, A.M.C.P.Power can be divided into two groups namely soft power and hard power. Hard power relies on military intervention and sanctions, but soft power is based on attraction. Globalization however has made states dependent on each other for their economic activities. Therefore, hard power does not apply as in the past. Soft power is however expanded through the world because of globalization. In this research the aim is to discuss about the role of specific non-state actors in Sri Lanka. International Monetary Fund and the World Bank were an offspring of the UN conference in Bretton Woods in 1944. At first these organizations were created to support the reconstruction of European countries from the Second World War But later they were started to focus on the development of third world countries. Sri Lanka has to depend on non-state actors like IMF and the World Bank due to the large amount of foreign debt and balance of payment problems. But the issue is Sri Lanka follows its own agenda which is contrary to IMF and the World Bank. Therefore, these lending bodies use their soft power on Sri Lanka. The main objectives of this research are to identify the usage and implication of soft power of IMF and the World Bank on Sri Lanka, to describe the concept of soft power and the agendas of Bretton Woods’s institutions, to determine the relations among IMF, World Bank and Sri Lanka, to identify the impacts of these institutions on Sri Lanka. This research is a qualitative one and both primary and secondary data will be collected. As primary sources, interviews and questionnaires will be useful. Journal articles, books, official annual reports of IMF, World Bank and government will be referred as secondary data. Neo liberalism and soft power can be applied for qualitative analysis. Sri Lanka has to follow structural reforms, neo liberal policies and has to achieve strict targets which are given by these organizations. As a result of increasing taxes which are in accordance with the conditions laid by the lending authority, low income earners suffer. Therefore, the recommendations which are suggested at the end of this study, would be useful to overcome the domination of these non-state actorsItem India’s Hegemonic Power Position in South Asia(2nd International Studies Students’ Research Symposium – 2018, Department of International Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2018) Rangika Prabhani, H.M.South Asia is the southern region of the Asian continent and extends from the major part of the continent to the Indian Ocean. South Asia typically consists of India, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Bangladesh, the Maldives, Nepal, and Pakistan. One important aspect of change is the emergence of India as the region’s predominant military power. India is a main country of the South Asian region and it is the world second most populous country in the world. India is the world’s most popular democracy and fastest growing major economic country which has the third largest army force. India dominates the whole area geographically. India is the only country that shares a large coastline with all other six states while none of them have common borders with each other. The purpose of the study to identify India’s hegemonic position and its influence on smaller states in the South Asian Region. India is position is significant in bringing stability to the region. The region has confronted with conflicts and political instability including wars between the region’s two nuclear-armed states. Most of time India work as big brother providing stability to the region. This study examines the reason, why India has become a hegemonic state in South Asia and how it has an impact in smaller states security in the region and reactions of smaller states in South Asia Secondary data were collected which is the appropriate topic and consider qualitative data analysis. The study shows that the position of India in the South Asian region and determines the involvement of internal matters of other countries in the region. The research concludes the India emergence as a hegemonic power in the South Asian region, it has been a threat to other South Asian countries. It is the huge problem in the region. The expansions of India’s power, perceived by neighbors as a threat. Therefore, smaller states in the region try to build up a friendly relationship with extra-regional powers. However smaller states of the South Asia region perceived India as a threat to their survivalItem Interconnected Linkage between Migration and Rural Poverty(2nd International Studies Students’ Research Symposium – 2018, Department of International Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2018) Dilhani, G.K.N.Migration and poverty have become critical development issues in the contemporary world. For many poor people around the world migration is a way of life. But globalization has radically modified the scale of migration. Now people are more aware of opportunities beyond. Poverty is a main problem and irrefragable question in contemporary world. That is the major burning problem in Sri Lanka and entire world. Poverty forced to migration as a way of livelihood. Migration is the movement of people from one place to another. Migration can both cause and be caused by poverty. Poverty can be decrease as well as stimulate by migration. Similarly, migration can increase or decrease inequality. Rural poverty is the main layer of the poverty. Migration becomes widespread with remittances, skills gained, and opening up of new opportunities begins to benefit poorer households. Migration can give influential benefit for poor people in the rural area. Then their increase incomes, leads to new skills, improve social status and improve quality of life. Therefore, migration directly or indirectly reduces poverty especially in rural area. Most of the rural areas are suffering from poverty. Step by step Sri Lanka followed migration process as a way of occupation. Then this was a phenomenon of rural development also economic development. There is an interconnected linkage. To reduce poverty, they embrace migration as a main solution in rural area. This research will be focused on the effect of rural poverty on migration. The main objectives of this study are to identify various information of poverty in Sri Lanka and to examine the impact of migration on reducing poverty in Sri Lanka and finally to suggest solutions reduce the poverty with migration in Sri Lanka. For this research purposed both primary and secondary data. Primary data will be collected from selected Grama Niladhari division through interviewing. Data analyzed using descriptive statistics method. After the 30 years’ war we are finding a sustainable economic situation to this country. Hence it is very hard process to apply with rural poverty. Poverty becomes a complex societal issue around the worldItem International Humanitarian Law in Civil Wars: A Case Study on Sri Lanka(2nd International Studies Students’ Research Symposium – 2018, Department of International Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2018) Gabadage, D.S.S.The ideology of “war” is a realm that we experience since the very beginning of our civilization. It has developed for years by taking into account the needs, interests, developments and changing behaviours of people. However, the war is widely construed as intrinsically evil. And in contrast, war is an inevitable scenario of the international system. But with the changing interests of humans and states, the nature of wars differs from international armed conflicts to non-international armed conflicts. Therefore in order to regulate the occurrence and certain conducts during a war, the international community has established a system of legal regulations called international humanitarian law covering major areas of war from the beginning until the end. This study is based on how the international humanitarian law is applicable in the context of the civil war in Sri Lankan. This aims to give a descriptive and broad conception of international humanitarian law, its branches and its applicability in internal armed conflicts. Primarily in the context of civil wars. And also, this study discusses the major allegations of war crimes regarding the civil war in Sri Lanka and evaluates the applicability of the above humanitarian regulations giving special reference to conventions adopted by Sri Lanka. This qualitative study is primarily based on information collected from reports, journal articles, news items and other collections of surveys done by international organizations, non-governmental organizations and other State bodies. Thus, this study intends to bridge the gap between theoretical and practical aspects of international humanitarian law focusing on the civil war issues in Sri LankaItem The Involvement of Domestic Lobbying Groups and the Congress behind the US Withdrawal from the Paris Agreement(2nd International Studies Students’ Research Symposium – 2018, Department of International Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2018) Ekanayake, E.M.S.D.Climate change is a dubious matter of concern worldwide. There had been drafted vast numbers of climate change agreements since 1990 in climate governance fora, yet these agreements were unsuccessful in trapping the global warming and other associated environmental effects. Paris Agreement on Climate change is the biggest agreement on climate governance that has been drafted so far given its universal membership. Though the United States of America under Obama’s leadership ratified the treaty, the incumbent president Donald Trump in June, 2017 announced that the USA wishes to withdraw from the agreement. The reasons for this withdrawal do not stem solely from the administrative decisions of Congress, but there are internal influences signaling America’s leadership not to sign any global climate treaty that urges America to pay compensations to the rest of the world for its historic emissions. This phenomenon covers the central problem addressed in this research so as to determine the domestic influences behind the US withdrawal from the Paris agreement. Going in line with this research problem the influence of the domestic lobbying groups and the Congress behind this decision are scrutinized. The objectives of this research are to analyze the influences of lobbying groups and the Congress behind this withdrawal. This research uses qualitative secondary data and the content analysis is used as the methodology. The research findings signify that the same coal and oil industries which urged the federal government not to sign the historic climate treaties had been influencing president Trump to withdraw from this agreement. This historic pattern which had been practicing since 1990s, by and large, correlates with the party from which each president has come into power – almost every Republican Party president was adhering to these calls of domestic influential groups in its foreign climate policies while Democrats were rather adhering to the calls from the global community. In concluding remarks, this research predicts that the above same pattern would be carried out in American political system as long as the bicameral procedure is applied in federal decision makingItem The movement of Equality: the Gay Rights Movement as a social movement in the United States(2nd International Studies Students’ Research Symposium – 2018, Department of International Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2018) Kulasekara, N.Lesbian, gay bisexual and transgendered (LGBT) individuals as a demographic group remained largely silent and unseen in American culture until after the Second World War. Prior to the World Wars, many gay and lesbian Americans hid their sexual orientation out of fear and shame. Gay men who lived in urban centres often formed close social networks with other gay men yet remained a part of a hidden subculture. Society as a whole grew less tolerant of homosexuality in the 1950s and 1960s. The LGBT community has gained much wider acceptance in American culture since the 1970s, but the struggle continues. Today, LGBT Americans are waging political battles in many areas, addressing same-sex marriage or civil unions, equal employment practices, and the right to live without fear of harassment or violence. However, Discrimination against LGBT individuals started to grow in the mid1950s: LGBT men and women were fired from their jobs or dismissed from the military because of their sexual orientation.The gay rights movement has been termed the predominant civil rights movement of the twenty-first century. The research takes up aqualitative approach and to that end it gathers secondary data that assess the LGBT climate and their civil rights movement in the United States. The analysis is largely based on Equality concept and social movement theory. A crucial question examine here is; how far the gay rights movement has been successful as a social movement in USA. The findings reveal that LGBT Americans still face discrimination in many aspects of their lives. Such as at school, at work, when they try to buy a home, or when they apply for a loan. USA is at the top of the world’s equality but it does not have the same equality as they show.Item Nation Branding and its Impact on Enhancing National Image: Special Reference to Australia(2nd International Studies Students’ Research Symposium – 2018, Department of International Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2018) Sachikala, I.P.Y.N.Today the world can be seen as a huge potential market as a result of globalization. In this context nation branding concept and its practice is a comprehensive and exciting text. This is a field of theory and practice which aims to build, manage and measure the reputation of nations. Nation brand is the total sum of all perceptions of a nation which may contain some of the following elements; people, place, culture, language, history, food, fashion, global brands etc. Nation branding appears to be practiced by many countries including the United States, Canada, France, United Kingdom, and Taiwan. Many nations try to make brands in order to build relationships between different actors that are not restricted to nations. It extends to public and private sector in a nation and help with nationalism. The objective of this study is to clarify the nation branding concept especially in six dimensions and examine how it helps to increase national image special reference to Australia. This study about the measure the index and nationalism. The research takes up a qualitative approach and to that end it gathers secondary data. The analysis is largely based on the theoretical analysis of Simon Anholt theory of the application of marketing strategies to individual countries. Countries have always been brand based on their unique identities. The research finding that manifest that a positive country brand provides a crucial advantage by helping to restore lapsed international credibility. As also branding may also increase international political influence and facilitate stronger international partnershipsItem New Trends of US-Sri Lanka Diplomatic Relations(2nd International Studies Students’ Research Symposium – 2018, Department of International Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2018) Malsha, N.K.The 70th anniversary of US-Sri Lankan diplomatic relations was celebrated in 2018. The diplomatic relations between the US and Sri Lanka are mainly based on mutual interests, a shared commitment to the ideals of democratic governance, progress and development. The US has prioritized sovereignty, moderate nonaligned foreign policy, and support for Sri Lankan unity, territorial integrity, democracy and socio-economic development through their foreign policy towards Sri Lanka. The US can be distinguished as the largest trading partner of Sri Lanka. In this study new trends of US-Sri Lanka diplomatic relations were examined with a perspective of Sri Lankan citizen. The US is the super power in this international system. Therefore, Sri Lanka much more needs mechanisms, strong and strategic foreign policies when engage with the US. Dynamic nature and fluctuations are reflected in the United States- Sri Lanka diplomatic relations from 2005 to 2018. These dynamics have negatively consequence on US-Sri Lanka diplomatic relations. Therefore, the factors which constrained diplomatic relations can reflect in bi lateral diplomatic relations due to considerable reasons during the time period of 2005-2018. The main objective of this research study is to evaluate the reasons for these dynamics of diplomatic relations between the US and Sri Lanka. This article is based on qualitative secondary data obtained from online articles and other sources such as E-books, E-reports, some journals published by various institutions related to US-Sri Lankan relations. The study scope is to identify the economic and political relations between both actors from 2005 to 2018. The research findings manifest that US- Sri Lankan relations are largely based on development assistant and human rights. It also concludes that both countries can uplift their relations through mutual understandingItem One Belt One Road Initiative(2nd International Studies Students’ Research Symposium – 2018, Department of International Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2018) Subasinghe, S.M.A.N.Y.China is an emerging super power and it’s expected to be emerging as super power by 2050. To fulfill their ambition, it is very important to enhance their power and economic advancement. Therefore, they established a new strategy named ‘One Belt One Road’. It is introduced by President Xi Jinping in 2013. OBOR is China’s broadly sketch vision of how it plans to develop and cooperate between different countries in Asia, Europe and Africa. It has two main routes. They are the land based economic belt and the twenty first century maritime silk route. According to many scholars Belt Road Initiative is a new type of marshal plan. It is an influential strategy in the contemporary world and through this strategy they wish to enhance their economy, as well as the world peace. It is based on a Win-win situation. Therefore, every participant states may get same benefits. The main purpose of this study is to explore implication of One Belt One Road and describes the economic, political, social and environmental aspects. SWOT analysis has been used to examine the strength, weaknesses, opportunities, threats and challenges to China and it emphasize the impacts of OBOR to the USA. The research take up a qualitative approach and to that end up it gathered secondary data particularly through conference proceedings, various documents of government, books, journal articles, magazine articles, and various websites of internet. OBOR is an ongoing strategy. It engages with more than sixty states and it is an influential factor to the world. According to China this strategy based on win-win situation. But there can identify some hiding expectation. Through this amazing strategy China is going to be the challenger of the existing super power. This study is significant in way of foreign relations and the power status of China in future
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