India’s Hegemonic Power Position in South Asia
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2nd International Studies Students’ Research Symposium – 2018, Department of International Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka
South Asia is the southern region of the Asian continent and extends from the major part of the continent to the Indian Ocean. South Asia typically consists of India, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Bangladesh, the Maldives, Nepal, and Pakistan. One important aspect of change is the emergence of India as the region’s predominant military power. India is a main country of the South Asian region and it is the world second most populous country in the world. India is the world’s most popular democracy and fastest growing major economic country which has the third largest army force. India dominates the whole area geographically. India is the only country that shares a large coastline with all other six states while none of them have common borders with each other. The purpose of the study to identify India’s hegemonic position and its influence on smaller states in the South Asian Region. India is position is significant in bringing stability to the region. The region has confronted with conflicts and political instability including wars between the region’s two nuclear-armed states. Most of time India work as big brother providing stability to the region. This study examines the reason, why India has become a hegemonic state in South Asia and how it has an impact in smaller states security in the region and reactions of smaller states in South Asia Secondary data were collected which is the appropriate topic and consider qualitative data analysis. The study shows that the position of India in the South Asian region and determines the involvement of internal matters of other countries in the region. The research concludes the India emergence as a hegemonic power in the South Asian region, it has been a threat to other South Asian countries. It is the huge problem in the region. The expansions of India’s power, perceived by neighbors as a threat. Therefore, smaller states in the region try to build up a friendly relationship with extra-regional powers. However smaller states of the South Asia region perceived India as a threat to their survival
Hegemony, South Asian Region, Emergence, Stability, Extra Regional powers
Rangika Prabhani, H.M. (2018). India’s Hegemonic Power Position in South Asia. 2nd International Studies Students’ Research Symposium – 2018, Department of International Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka.p.12