Exploring an HR Ecosystem: A Glimpse through Ten Gs
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Department of Human Resource Management, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka
This concept paper is an attempt to present an HR ecosystem through a
multi-layer framework involving ground, group, general and global levels.
An ecosystem is briefly presented as a community of living organisms,
drawing from its biological origins. It highlights a Seven G framework of
HRM in the institutional context and moves beyond to industry and
international perspectives in capturing three more Gs. Thus, the resulting
ten Gs can be stated as Goal, Get, Give, Grow, Glue, Glow, Guard,
Grapple, Grip and Gratify. Each of the above G is briefly discussed with
associated challenges in the Sri Lankan context with possible
recommendations for improvements. With a simplified approach, significant
strategic imperatives are envisaged in order to reap the benefits of a vibrant
HR ecosystem.
HR Ecosystem, 10 G framework, HR Management
Dharmasiri, A.S. 2015. Exploring an HR Ecosystem: A Glimpse through Ten Gs. Kelaniya Journal of Human Resource Management, Department of Human Resource Management, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. 10(1&2): 09-19.