Chakshushya Dravya guidelines for health promotion of eyes.
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Department of Shalya Shalakya,Gampaha Wickramarachchi Ayurveda Institute,University of Kelaniya,Sri Lanka
Various Chakshushya Dravyas have been described in Ayurvedic literature both in Bruhatrayi
and Laghutrayi. Bhavprakash Nighantu is one among these Samhitas of Laghutrayi. This
Bhavprakash Nighantu mainly deals with Dravyaguna. Due to its Karmapradhanya,
Bhavprakash Nighantu was selected for this study. Two types of Chakshushya Dravyas have
been described in this Nighantu, one of which is Chakshuhitakaraka i.e. benecial for eyes, the
other one, Chakshurogahara, is used for treating eye disorders. However, the effect of
Chakshushya Dravyas on Chakshurindriyas has not been elaborated by any author. The present
study is a critical analysis on Chakshushya Dravyas and their line of action on the basis of
Rasapanchaka. In the fourth generation of antibiotics, Chakshushya dravyas contribute in the
protection of eyes and prevention of eye diseases.
Chakshushya dravya, Bhavprakash nighantu, Chakshu
Ramteke, R.B., Vaijwade, A.P. (2017). Chakshushya Dravya guidelines for health promotion of eyes. Salakya Sandipani, Department of Shalya Shalakya,Gampaha Wickramarachchi Ayurveda Institute,University of Kelaniya,Sri Lanka.p 103.