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Item Evaluation of the deodorant action of Nagakesara(Young Ayurveda Researchers' and Innovators' Symposium (YARIS – 2019), Institutional Research Committee, Gampaha Wickramarachchi Ayurveda Institute, University of Kelaniya, Yakkala, Sri Lanka, 2019) Hazari, F.S.; Jayasinghe, J.M.P.R.K.Sweating is a natural process that our body goes through each and every day. The purpose of sweating is to cool the body down and remove toxins. But heavy sweating causes problems or distress. It is caused by spicy foods, hard works, caffeine, mental issues and hereditary. Because of the above etiological factors, the body temperature rises and the sympathetic nerve stimulates the sweat glands to produce excessive secretion which leads to clinical manifestations like disruption of normal activities, wet palms, hands, arm pits, frequent sweating, noticeable sweating that soaks that we clothing, skin problems, stained cloths and body odor. A clinical study was designed to evaluate the deodorant action of Nagakeshara (mesuaferrea). The study was carried out on 60 patients of both sexes between 16 - 40 years with complaints of frequent sweating, noticeable sweating that soaks to the cloths, odor formation and color change in axillary region. Two groups were selected and the test group was used to test the deodorant action of the Nagakeshara and ghee (Lepa A). Control group was used to test the action of the ghee (Lepa B). The study was carried out for 21 days. According to the results in present study, it could be concluded that short term administration of the drug has shown significant effect decreasing the severity of the disease.Item A comparative study of Ayurveda and traditional treatment (Vedda community) modalities of snake bite in Sri Lanka(Young Ayurveda Researchers' and Innovators' Symposium (YARIS – 2019), Institutional Research Committee, Gampaha Wickramarachchi Ayurveda Institute, University of Kelaniya, Yakkala, Sri Lanka, 2019) Kumari, M.G.W.R.; Jayasinghe, J.M.P.R.K.Sri Lanka has one of the world’s highest death rates from snake bites. The current recommendation is to give anti-venom treatment only if the victim shows signs of envenoming and snake is highly venomous. Vedda people are the geography aborigines in Sri Lanka. They have their own treatment methods especially in snake bites. This study was conducted to identify the association between widely used common regimens among Vedda community and Ayurveda text to aid snake bite. The objectives were to compare Ayurveda and traditional treatment of snake bite in Sri Lanka, to identify the drugs used in the management of snake bites among indigenous people in Sri Lanka and to identify an immediate treatment for snake bite. Data were collected by a questionnaire, interview with the Vedda community and literary review. Veddas were selected from Dambana, Sri Lanka. Literary review was done by using only treatments which are mentioned in Carakasamhitha, Susruthasamhitha and Ashtangahridaya samhitha. According to the results obtained, there was evidence to confirm that the majority of medicinal plants mentioned in great treatise were used by Veddas. In addition to that some endemic plants are used by them for treatment of snake bite. Their main treatment is chewing bark of Gmelina asiatica (Demata). They used most common utterance for treatment of patient soon after a snake bite, whereas Ayurveda texts mentioned the same. Prepared drugs such as medicated oil, anti-poisonous stones are used by Vedda community. They do not have a long term management system due to their powerful emergency methodsItem Comparative study of the effect and efficacy of Sesame oil and Ghee on the blood lipid level(Young Ayurveda Researchers' and Innovators' Symposium (YARIS – 2019), Institutional Research Committee, Gampaha Wickramarachchi Ayurveda Institute, University of Kelaniya, Yakkala, Sri Lanka, 2019) Amarasinghe, K.A.I.; Dissanayake, K.G.C.In Ayurveda treatments there is a purification method name as purgation mainly aimed at reducing Pitta Dosha in which Dosha is expelled out through the anal passage. Before the purgation therapy Snehapana is done. Generally sesame oil and ghee oil are used in Snehapana. When applying oil internally, blood lipid level can be changed. Various researches have been already carried out on blood lipid level, yet there is a lacuna in the management of blood lipid level. Therefore, this study was undertaken to examine and compare sesame oil and ghee oil on the blood lipid level in the body after the purgation therapy. Hence in the present clinical study, 16 patients were selected and divided into 2 groups. The sesame oil was given to group A and ghee oil was given to group B. All the patients were investigated for total cholesterol level, HDL, Triglyceride, LDL, VLDL and total cholesterol / HDL ratio before and after treatment. According to data, when sesame oil was applied, patient’s total cholesterol, HDL, LDL mean value decreased but ghee oil applied patient’s mean values increased after the treatment. But triglyceride mean value increased after the treatment of both oils. But there was not a significant treatment effect. When considering the overall results of this study, according to the mean value sesame oil can be applied to increased blood lipid level patients but ghee cannot be usedItem Literature review on effect of selected traditional external applications used in fractures and dislocations(Young Ayurveda Researchers' and Innovators' Symposium (YARIS – 2019), Institutional Research Committee, Gampaha Wickramarachchi Ayurveda Institute, University of Kelaniya, Yakkala, Sri Lanka, 2019) Gunathilake, T.K.N.C.Traditional medicine describes medical knowledge system which is developed over countries within various societies. It always incorporates with plants, animals and minerals, based on medicines; spiritual therapies, manual techniques, and exercises. The Sri Lankan Ayurveda tradition is a mixture of the Sinhala traditional medicine; four systems of traditional medicine have been adopted in Sri Lanka: Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani and Deshiya Chikitsa. Traditional Medical Practitioners use not only oils but also many other medicines in Kadum-Bindum (Fractures and Dislocations)to reduce bruises, to speed up healing fractures and cracked bones, to loosen stiffened parts and to correct dislocations. ‘Bhagna’ in Ayurveda means breach/break in movements/continuity of bone. Excessive swelling, inability to bear shaking, movement and touch, crepitus on pressure, looseness of the part, appearance of various types of pain and no relief in any position, tenderness, increase of discomfort day after day are the symptoms of Bhagna. A bone fracture is a medical condition where the continuity of the bone is broken. The objective of this study was to identify the mode of actions of prepared special external drugs for fractures and dislocations according to texts. Ingredients of Kadum bindum oil, Mallum and Nawa patta paththu were studied from various sources of Ayurveda and allopathic medicine. The purpose of incorporation of the subject of Deshiya Cikitsa is to protect, preserve, nature, by developing and propagating that indigenous medicine in Sri Lanka. Accordingly it aimed to provide maximum benefit by identifying most valuable treatment methods.Item Ethno-botanical survey on “Wellangiriya”(Young Ayurveda Researchers' and Innovators' Symposium (YARIS – 2019), Institutional Research Committee, Gampaha Wickramarachchi Ayurveda Institute, University of Kelaniya, Yakkala, Sri Lanka, 2019) Geethapriya, R.H.S.M.; Wanigasekara, M.M.G.N.C.; Mudiyanse, P.M.T.D.; Gujeenton, R.; Suranga, P.; Rangana, N.Many people in developing countries still rely on traditional healing practices and medicinal plant for their health care need. In Sri Lanka, medical practitioners use Wellangiriya plants for their treatments. Wellangiriya plant is used in medicinal preparations in Ayurveda and Deshiya Cikitsa such as Winaraja Kayama, Sathwawadi oil, Sarwawishadi oil etc. But there are some varieties of Wellangiriya. Therefore, ethno-botanical survey of ‘’Wellangiriya’’ is essential for the society. A questionnaire was prepared to be distributed among Ayurveda medical practitioners of the Western Province, Southern Province & Sabaragamuwa Province for collecting details such as, Capparis zeylanica, Capparis mooni and Pereskia aculeata used for Wellangiriya by the medical Practitioners. According to the results they use 2 plant species for Wellangiriya in Capparacae family. Pereskia aculeata is an introduced plant for Sri Lanka. Mainly 3 varieties of plants are used for Wellangiriya. They are Capparis mooni, Capparis zeylanica and Pereskia aculeata. It varies from the areas. Most commonly used variety for the medicinal preparations and treatments is Capparis zeylanicaItem Literature survey on the effect of “Gopalu Guliya”(Young Ayurveda Researchers' and Innovators' Symposium (YARIS – 2019), Institutional Research Committee, Gampaha Wickramarachchi Ayurveda Institute, University of Kelaniya, Yakkala, Sri Lanka, 2019) Geethapriya, R.H.S.M.; Rathnagoda, K.J.; Nalinda, D.P.L.A.D.; Mathiwannan, P.; Rangana, N.; Warushavithana, L.Traditional medical system uses mainly plants and herbal preparations in the treatment of diseases. According to the traditional medicine Guli, Kalka, Kashaya, Thaila, Basna are used in treatment protocol of diseases. Among them Gopalu guliya is mainly used among Ayurveda and traditional medical practitioners in Southern Province for various diseases. This study was based on a survey where twenty (20) Ayurveda physicians in the Southern province were selected according to the usage of Gopalu guliya. A detailed research proforma was prepared incorporating all the points from Ayurveda and Deshiya Cikitsa to study their clinical experience. According to results different formulas of Gopalu Guliya was found. It was difficult to find the pharmacological action of Gopalu guliya, because there was no evidence of the pharmacological properties of Konthalan. Gopalu guliya is mainly used in Galle district in Southern province. It can be used in all the diseases with various Anupanas. It is used with various Anupanas for the same diseases. The dosages are different with the disease condition and the age group. All the physicians mentioned that Gopalu Guliya can be used for any disease. Gopalu Guliya is an effective medicine that can be used in all the diseases with various anupanasItem Management of Acne vulgaris (Mukha dushika) with Ayurveda treatment modality: A case study(Young Ayurveda Researchers' and Innovators' Symposium (YARIS – 2019), Institutional Research Committee, Gampaha Wickramarachchi Ayurveda Institute, University of Kelaniya, Yakkala, Sri Lanka, 2019) Wasana, P.D.L.; Dharmavijaya, P.K.H.Acne is a common skin disease especially in adolescents and young adults. Significant psychosocial effects such as depression and poor personality development have been linked with acne. Various causative factors as well as physical and psychological factors have been contributed towards acne. Various treatment methods of acne including surgery, laser treatments, antibiotics and topical applications and cosmetics products with chemicals are associated with many side effects. In Ayurveda, acne resembles as Mukha dusika and also has broad management procedure including external and internal treatment with congenial diet and lifestyle (Pathyapathya). A 27 years old female patient presented in OPD at Gampaha Wickramarachchi Ayurveda Teaching Hospital, Yakkala with the complaint of pimples on bilateral face associated with pain for 3years. The patient was prescribed poly herbal formulated decoction including Shreshta Nimba, Gayathri Thriphala, Ushiran Chandanan, Shatawari Gopakanya for each in 14 days and Khaishor Guggulu, Thriphala vati in required dose for each in 30 days respectively as internal administration. As an external application, purification of face with juice of Nimba leaves and wet turmeric and application of the paste of Dashangalepa powder mixed with king coconut water, rose water were done respectively each in 14 days. In addition, Pathyapathya was prescribed. After two months of treatment period, pimples were reduced from severe to mild stage. It was observed 100% relief of reduction of pain. According to above data, it was found that there was a significant difference between before and after treatments. Based on the above finding, it can be concluded that the treatment protocol is effective for Acne Vulgaris (Mukha dushika).Item A survey study of common menstrual disorders among adolescent girls(Young Ayurveda Researchers' and Innovators' Symposium (YARIS – 2019), Institutional Research Committee, Gampaha Wickramarachchi Ayurveda Institute, University of Kelaniya, Yakkala, Sri Lanka, 2019) Wijayasundara, W.M.M.A.; Pushpakumari, W.L.A.R.Menstrual problems are the major gynaecological problems which occur frequently in majority of women. Menstrual problems affect the physiology, psychology and well-being of a woman. Root of every gynaecological disease arises from menstrual disorders. The main objective of this study was to identify menstrual patterns and health knowledge regarding menstruation among adolescent students in Gampaha district. This was a descriptive study conducted from May to July 2017 on a population-based sample of Gampaha district adolescent girls aged 14 - 19 years attending secondary school. 300 adolescent girls and 3 girls’ schools were purposely selected. The data collection was done by using self-administered, semi-structured questionnaire. 15 questions were included. It consisted of socio demographic features, close ended and open ended questions. Data was analysed using descriptive statistical method called SPSS Software. Frequently reported age group was 17 years (49.7%). Most common menstrual disorder was dysmenorrhoea condition (63.42%). Next one was menorrhagia condition (23.5%). Primary amenorrhea condition has shown fairy little percentage (0.3%). Most prominent associated symptom during menstruation was body ache (72.6%) and it has arisen with the onset of menstruationItem Evaluation of effects of herbal formula mentioned in “Aushada Samgraha” in the management of Suryavartha(Young Ayurveda Researchers' and Innovators' Symposium (YARIS – 2019), Institutional Research Committee, Gampaha Wickramarachchi Ayurveda Institute, University of Kelaniya, Yakkala, Sri Lanka, 2019) De Silva, W.C.S.Suryavartha is the commonest clinical condition which is directly related with the position of the sun in the sky. The symptomatology of Suryavartha reveals its close resemblance with that of frontal sinusitis. This study aimed at finding the efficacy of a herbal formula oil including Dashamoola, thila thaila and Cow’s milk. Assessment of the effect of treatment was done on the basis of relief of those subjective and objective parameters of Suryavartha under a grading system. Twenty four patients had engaged in this study and eight patients were instructed to use herbal formula oil and another eight patients were given internal medicine and the others were given both research oil and internal medicine. Observations were recorded after one month. According to SPSS data analyzed P value in the comparison between before and after treatment of Group A, B and C, for all parameters P values were less than 0.05 of Group A and B. But in group C, P value is less than 0.05 only for headache and nasal discharge before and after treatments. According to the clinical study in all groups there is an improvement of reducing the symptoms after 4 weeks of treatment period. But there is a marked improvement of reducing symptoms in the group which was given both research oil and internal medicine. The improvement of reducing symptoms in the group which was given research oil is better than the group which was given only internal medicine. It can be concluded that herbal formula is more effective with the internal medicine in the management of Suryavartha.Item Evaluation of the effects of herbal formula mentioned in “Rajaushadhanidhiya” in the management of cracked feet(Young Ayurveda Researchers' and Innovators' Symposium (YARIS – 2019), Institutional Research Committee, Gampaha Wickramarachchi Ayurveda Institute, University of Kelaniya, Yakkala, Sri Lanka, 2019) Ekneligoda, R.V.Cracked feet are characterized by yellowing of skin on the heel, hard skin growth, cracked and peeling skin and sometimes causing deep fissures that can be painful or bleed. Cracked feet can be correlated with “Padadari”. This study aimed at finding the efficacy of herbal formula mentioned in “Rajaushadhnidhiya” for cracked feet. So far no known scientific study has been conducted to evaluate the effect of herbal oil which is made by using Cocos nucifera and Euphorbia antiquorum in treatment of cracked feet. In clinical study thirty patients were selected and randomly divided into two groups. The research group was treated by applying herbal oil over the cracked area of heel after washing with hot water in the morning and evening for 14 consecutive days. The control group was given no any application. The responses to the treatments were evaluated by using a specially prepared grading scale for the clinical features. The results showed significant reduction in number of cracks, depth of cracks, roughness, dryness, pain and itching of the feet in the research group. The research group showed p = 0.001 for number of cracks in the feet, p = 0.004 for the depth of cracks in feet, p = 0.000 for the roughness of the feet, p = 0.000 for the dryness of the feet, p = 0.001 for the pain in the feet and p = 0.334 for the itching of the feet. None of the patients experienced the aggravation of symptoms or any hypersensitivity reactions. So it can be concluded that the herbal oil is effective in managing cracked feet.