Literature survey on the effect of “Gopalu Guliya”

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Young Ayurveda Researchers' and Innovators' Symposium (YARIS – 2019), Institutional Research Committee, Gampaha Wickramarachchi Ayurveda Institute, University of Kelaniya, Yakkala, Sri Lanka


Traditional medical system uses mainly plants and herbal preparations in the treatment of diseases. According to the traditional medicine Guli, Kalka, Kashaya, Thaila, Basna are used in treatment protocol of diseases. Among them Gopalu guliya is mainly used among Ayurveda and traditional medical practitioners in Southern Province for various diseases. This study was based on a survey where twenty (20) Ayurveda physicians in the Southern province were selected according to the usage of Gopalu guliya. A detailed research proforma was prepared incorporating all the points from Ayurveda and Deshiya Cikitsa to study their clinical experience. According to results different formulas of Gopalu Guliya was found. It was difficult to find the pharmacological action of Gopalu guliya, because there was no evidence of the pharmacological properties of Konthalan. Gopalu guliya is mainly used in Galle district in Southern province. It can be used in all the diseases with various Anupanas. It is used with various Anupanas for the same diseases. The dosages are different with the disease condition and the age group. All the physicians mentioned that Gopalu Guliya can be used for any disease. Gopalu Guliya is an effective medicine that can be used in all the diseases with various anupanas



Gopalu Guliya, Konthalan, Deshiya Cikitsa


Geethapriya, R.H.S.M. Rathnagoda, K.J. Nalinda, D.P.L.A.D. Mathiwannan, P. Rangana, N. and Warushavithana, L. (2019). Literature survey on the effect of “Gopalu Guliya”, Young Ayurveda Researchers' and Innovators' Symposium (YARIS – 2019), Institutional Research Committee, Gampaha Wickramarachchi Ayurveda Institute, University of Kelaniya, Yakkala, Sri Lanka. P.50




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