Efficacy of Kashaya Rasa and Tikta Rasa in Danta Dhavana.
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Department of Shalya Shalakya,Gampaha Wickramarachchi Ayurveda Institute,University of Kelaniya,Sri Lanka
Ayurveda science emphasizes equally on preventive and curative aspects of health. Teeth are
most important organs of mechanical digestion in body. Unless the teeth pulverize the food,
enzymes cannot chemically digest it. Ayurveda recommends chewing sticks in the morning to
prevent from the oral diseases. Ayurveda insists on herbal brushes. These herbal sticks should
either be “Kashaya” (Astrigent), Katu (acrid), or Tikta (bitter) in taste. These herbal sticks
facilitate salivary secretion and possibly help in plaque control while some stems have an
antibacterial action. Pathology commonly seen in teeth is Dantamalinta (dentalplaque),
Dantamala (debris), Mukhdaurgandhya, Dantasharkara (dental calculs). These all are due to
Kapha and Pitta Doshavridhi in mouth. Khadira is the best in Kashaya Rasa while Nimba is the
best in Tikta Rasa. Rubbing of Khadira and Nimba Churna helps in removing food debris stuck
in the teeth. Khadira has Katu Vipaka, Laghu, Ruksha, Pittaghna and Kaphaghna properties.
Nimba has Katu Vipaka, Laghu and Kaph Pitta Shamaka properties. The trials were conducted
on two groups of people for 30 days. The active extract of Khadira having astringent property
and Kusthghna Prabhava helps in freshening up of the breath and protects teeth from other
infections. Statistical analysis of Khadira Churna shows approximately 70% satisfactory results
in Dantamala and Dantamalinta whereas extract of Nimba has antibacterial, antimicrobial and
vermicidal action which leads to Doshbalakshaya and Vyadhibalkshaya. Satatical analysis of
Nimba Churna shows approximately 72% results in Asyavairasya, Mukhadaurgandha. Hence
Khadira and Nimba having Kashaya and Tikta Rasa are optimum in Danta Dhawana to have
healthy teeth and protect the oral cavity from diseases.
Danta Dhavana, Kashaya Rasa, Tikta Rasa
Bhusari, V.B. (2017). Efficacy of Kashaya Rasa and Tikta Rasa in Danta Dhavana. Salakya Sandipani, Department of Shalya Shalakya,Gampaha Wickramarachchi Ayurveda Institute,University of Kelaniya,Sri Lanka.p 74.