Quality of Work Life on Employees Job Involvement and Affective Commitment
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Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya
Human beings are highly associated with emotion and intelligence. Therefore, the requirement to fulfill human need hierarchy is a rather important aspect especially on satisfaction and motivation. Ironically, by providing QWL, organizations are keen on tapping employees’ job involvement and commitment.
This research studies the Quality of Work Life on Employees Job Involvement and Affective Commitment of private bank employees in the Batticaloa District. The data for this study was collected from 200 employees selected from private banks in Batticaloa District. Three variables are considered to this study, namely, Quality of Work Life on Employees Job Involvement and Affective Commitment.
The researcher used the questionnaire to collect the primary data. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyses the data, Mean and standard deviation was used in the descriptive statistics to find out the influence of each factor in the dependent variable. And the correlation and regression was done to find out the relationship between independent and dependent variable. The researchers used SPSS 19.0 to analyze the data.
In general, researcher found that all the factors are in moderate level. And the Quality of Work Life, Job Involvement and Affective Commitment have the significant impact between each other. The research findings presented have demonstrated that satisfactory Qualities of Work Life enhance Job Involvement which relates to Affective Commitment. Therefore, organizations should strive to provide good Quality of Work Life to obtain the best results from their employees.
Quality of Work Life, Employees Job Involvement, Affective Commitment, Public Sector Employees
Victor, L.D. 2015. Quality of Work Life on Employees Job Involvement and Affective Commitment. 6th International Conference on Business & Information ICBI – 2015, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. pp 230-241.