The Impact of Employee Relations on Employee Performance: With Reference to Timex Garments (Pvt) Ltd

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Department of Human Resource Management, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya


This particular research has been conducted to identify the impact of employee relations on employee performance. This research is conducted with special reference to Timex garments (Pvt) Ltd which is one of the leading garment sector organizations. However, a research conducted to explore the relationship between impacts of employee relations on employee performance. The research is conducted in Timex garments (Pvt) Ltd where 120 employees are taken as population. The main purpose of this research study is to identify the impact of employee relations on employee performance. The researcher started the study by going through relevant literatures by many ways. The data was collected by employees in Timex garments (Pvt) Ltd. A questionnaire which included 21 questions. These information are used to gather information from 120 employees and all of them have responded. The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 16.0 was used to analyze the data. The final results show that there is a positive relationship between employee relations and employee performance. In addition to that there is a moderate positive impact of employee relations on employee performance. For the future success of the organization, it is necessary to have good employee relations in order to maintain good employee performance.



Employee Relations, Employee Performance, Psychological Contract, Legal Contract


Dharmasena, D.K.P.S. and Dhammika, K.A.S. 2015. The Impact of Employee Relations on Employee Performance: With Reference to Timex Garments (Pvt) Ltd. Proceedings of the 2nd HRM Student Research Symposium, Department of Human Resource Management, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 26th January 2016. pp 11.



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