2nd Student Symposium - 2015

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Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 56
  • Item
    Factors Affecting Intention of Employees’ Retention: A Study of Sri Lanka Air Force
    (Department of Human Resource Management, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, 2015) Gunasena, W.K.L.; Mohan, D.U.
    This research article describes what factors affect the intention of employee’s retention in Sri Lanka Air Force. The research reviews relevant literature to identify elements of HR practices that influence employee retention and recognized the primary factors in achieving improvement of employee retention. The study primarily collected data through a structured questionnaire with the sole aim of establishing factors related to employee retention in the Sri Lanka Air Force. Data was collected from 60 Clerical Account employees in pay and record section at SLAF. The Component of the factor analysis of the ‘Employees’ Retention’ led to the extraction of 5 factors from organizations. The factors were: financial benefits, job satisfaction, career development, recognition and value, and relationship. The Sri Lanka Air Force values the significance of retaining employees and that, they provide the financial and non-financial incentive to its employees and there are laws, rules, regulations and policies that protects the welfare of the employees as a way to motivate and retain them. The findings of this study show that the most of the employees require financial incentives such as high salary and Incentives (Allowances) to be retained while much emphasis is on non-financial incentives like job security, Career Development, Recognition and value. From this context (Military) the government (Ministry of defense) has great challenge to create new strategies and implement fully the existing useful strategies that will improve employees’ retention. The results indicate that these factors have substantial roles to play in making employees stay while deciding upon the retention strategies in similar contexts.
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    The Relationship between Personal Factors and Employee Absenteeism in Polytex Garment (Private) Limited
    (Department of Human Resource Management, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, 2015) Athukorala, N.; Mohan, D.U.
    Employee absenteeism is a common problem in the apparel sector in Sri Lanka. Although there are many research studies done to reveal the real problem of the employee absenteeism, still the problem remains unresolved. Therefore, this study was dedicated to study the personal factors affected to the employee absenteeism in Polytex Garment (Pvt) Limited at Ekala. 105 machine operators were the sample of the study and sampling method was stratified random sampling. There were 14 questions relating to personal factors asked from the sample through the questionnaire and secondary documented data were used relating to the absenteeism. According to the research findings, there are some factors such as gender, age and marital status that do not affect employee absenteeism while other two factors—health condition and taking care of dependents were found to affect employee absenteeism. Research results can be used as a guideline for taking necessary actions in the company to manage absenteeism of their employees in some extent.
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    The Relationship between Organization Culture and the Retention of Operational Level Employees in Polytex Garments Limited
    (Department of Human Resource Management, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, 2015) Balasooriya, B.M.K.; Mohan, D.U.
    Organization culture is one of the major determinants of employee retention in all organizations. Matching organization culture with employee’s necessities is very essential for obtaining maximum contribution of employees towards organizational objectives. Therefore it is needed to identify the relationship and the impact of organization culture towards retention of employees. Hence, the main focus of this study is to identify the impact of organization culture on the retention of employees, working at Polytex Garments Ltd and understand the degree of its impact. The study was conducted among the sample of 60 operational level employees who are in Polytex Garments Ltd, Yakkala, where the response rate was 100%. Respondents were asked to indicate their preference on five point Likert scale. Data analysis was conducted by using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS 20.0) using the statistical techniques such as mean, correlation & Regression analysis. Findings of the study indicate that there is a positive relationship between organization culture and the retention of operational level employees. That means Polytex Garments Ltd can use their culture to influence the retention of its operational level employees.
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    Relationship between Educational Attainment and Career Success of Front Line Middle Management of MAS Linea Aqua
    (Department of Human Resource Management, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, 2015) Amarasinghe, K.G.; Mohan, D.U.
    Depending on the level of success an individual is seeking to achieve, the level of education may be relative, but the bottom line is that an education of some sort is often paramount to future success in both career and life. In the global aspect, Sri Lankan aspect, and organizational aspect there could be seen many mismatches between education and career. Research on the link between higher education and world of work is still under representative and the prevailing perception and views regarding this connection are controversial in various aspects, which have paved the way to carry on with this particular study. Accordingly with the intention of discovering whether there is a significant relationship between the educational attainment and the success of an individual’s career this study has been carried out in one of the top companies in the apparel industry namely, MAS Linea Aqua (Pvt) Ltd, Giridara, Kapugoda. The sample of the study is 60 (55% of the population) among the population of 110 executive and senior executive frontline employees. Questionnaires, an interview (primary) and database review (secondary) have been used as the tools to collect data. In finding the relationship a mixed approach (quantitative and qualitative) was applied. Quantitative analytical tools have been used to prove with statistical justification including descriptive statistics, frequencies for demographic analysis, and tools such as independent sample t-test and ANOVA for relationship analysis. A concept ledger and thematic analysis were used to justify the relationship through qualitative aspect with the interview data which added more value. As per the outcome of the research the conclusion is that there is no significant relationship between educational attainment and career success of frontline middle management of MAS Linea Aqua. The researchers have identified implications and recommendation which the company can adopt to utilize the resources effectively and efficiently to gain benefit for both the organization and the individual. The outcome of this study will contribute to the policy level, practitioners and for the improvement of knowledge on this aspect and for the society at large for the betterment.
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    Relationship between Occupational Health & Safety Practices and Operational Level Employees’ Performance: A Case of Kelani Cables PLC
    (Department of Human Resource Management, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, 2015) Pathirathne, W.P.S.R.; Wanigaseraka, W.M.S.K.
    This research was designed to analyze the relationship between the occupational health and safety practices and the operational level employee performance of Kelani Cables PLC. In observation of the present situation researcher identified that this organization is keeping a sound health and safety practices and employees are compliance to the rules and regulations. Therefore this research was developed to analyze the relationship between the occupational health and safety practices and the operational level employee performance. Safety training, safety information and inspection with accident investigation are taken as independent variable. The main objective of the study is to investigate the relationship between occupational health and safety practice and operational level employees’ performance. Based on the empirical findings from the previous literature the concepts are proven. As this research is a quantitative approach based research the population and sample were selected from the relevant organization and data was collected by distributing questionnaire. The sample, development of the questionnaire using five point Likert scale method, conceptualization and the operationalization of variables are shown therein. Researcher concluded through the study and analysis that there is a positive relationship between the occupational health and safety practices and operational level employees’ performance in Kelani Cables PLC. Finally researcher discussed the findings with previous literature, provided recommendations and areas for further researches.
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    The Impact of Employee Job Stress on Job Satisfaction of Non- Executive Employees at MAS Holding
    (Department of Human Resource Management, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, 2015) Tennakoon, T.M.K.I.; Sangarandeniya, Y.M.S.W.V.
    Job stress is considered as a condition which arises when realizes the pressure on them or requirements of situations are wider than they can handle, and if these requirements are huge and continue for a long period of time. The study intended to identify the impact of job stress on job satisfaction of the studied sample. Satisfaction can be defined as the positive emotional reactions and attitude an individual has towards his job. A random sample of sixty non-executives are given a questionnaire to ascertain the impact of job stress on their job satisfaction. The Sample was selected from a garment manufacturing factory belonging to Mas Holdings (Casual Line). Job stress of these employees was measured on six dimensions such as heavy workload, role ambiguity, time pressure, shift work, supervisory style and social support. The job satisfaction was measured on five dimensions such as work itself, pay, promotion, supervision, co-workers, working condition. Questionnaire was analyzed using SPSS (Statistic Package for the Social Science) method. According to the correlation analysis, correlation coefficient between independent variable and dependent variable is - 0.396 (p = 0.002) and it was revealed that there is a negative relationship between employee job stress and satisfaction. According to the regression analysis, there is a 13.9% impact of job stress on job satisfaction and it indicates that there is a significant negative impact of employee job stress on job satisfaction.
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    Impact of Work-family Conflict and Perceived Supervisory Support on Job Satisfaction: A Study in a Leading Public Bank in Sri Lanka
    (Department of Human Resource Management, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, 2015) Perera, O.S.M.J.; Wijewantha, P.
    This study addressed the problem, ‘why executive level employees at the selected Public bank in Sri Lanka are not satisfied with their jobs?’ In order to explain the research problem this research used Perceived Supervisory Support (PSS) and Work Family Conflict (WFC) as independent variables. When concerning about the past few years, the concepts of work-family conflict, perceived supervisory support and job satisfaction have taken considerable attention among researchers. Accordingly based on literature, it is examined, what is the impact of work-family conflict and perceived supervisory support on job satisfaction. As such two hypotheses are tested in this study. This quantitative study follows the deductive approach. Here, the researcher used a survey method where a self-administered anonymous questionnaire developed using standard measures available for both independent and dependent variables was used. It was in English language. The measure for job satisfaction was adopted from the validated Minnesota Job Satisfaction Questionnaire developed by Weiss, Dawis, England and Lofquist, (1967). The measure used for Work-family Conflict was developed by Netemeyer et al., (1996), and the measure used for perceived supervisory support was developed by Kottke et al., (1988). There were four items in this uni-dimensional measure for perceived supervisory support. Work-family conflict measure had five items covering three dimensions as general demand, time based, and strain based. Job satisfaction measure had 20 items with three dimensions as intrinsic satisfaction, extrinsic satisfaction, and general satisfaction. The population of the study was 445 of executive level employees in the selected public bank and from this population a sample of 76 was selected using the convenience sampling technique. Finally the researcher found through the results that there is negative impact of work-family conflict on job satisfaction while perceived supervisory support has a positive impact on job satisfaction.
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    Relationship between Size of the Organization and Human Resource Management Practices: A Case of Sri Lanka Companies
    (Department of Human Resource Management, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, 2015) Madusanka, K.D.; Weerakkody, W.A.S.
    This particular research has been conducted to identify the relationship between size and the organization and human resource management practices. This research area has been covered in international context. But considering more than one human resource practices not has been covered. This research is conducted with special reference to private limited companies incorporated under no 07 of 2007 Companies Act. The sample consists of 30 companies. The main purpose of this research is to identify the relationship between size of the organization and human resource management practices. The researcher started the study by going through relevant literatures by many ways. The data was collected by companies operating in Sri Lanka. A questionnaire was included 30 questions. First five questions indicate background information of the company. Other 25 questions indicate human resource management practices. The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20.0 was used to analyze the data. Descriptive statistical analysis, Independent sample T Test, means value, aided in the analysis of the data. The findings revealed that there is no relationship between size of the organization and human resource management practices. Implication of the findings is that irrespective of the size of the organization it is possible to established good practices of Human Resource Management which is contribute to provide the organization with a more appropriate and contended employee force that gives the maximum contribution its success.
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    The Effect of Psychological Contract on Employee Retention
    (Department of Human Resource Management, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, 2015) Weralupitiya, A.C.; Jayarathna, S.M.D.Y.
    Employee retention has been a major concern for organizations in this competitive job market because there are employment opportunities for talented professionals, the greater the demand for their services. In order to retain the best talents with the organization, strategies are aimed at satisfying employee’s needs. The problem remains how great the effect of each strategy on employee’s retention. The primary aim of this study is to assess the effect of psychological contract on employee retention in Ansell Lanka (Pvt) Ltd, Biyagama. Hence the objective of this research was to identify the effect of psychological contract on employee retention. The Independent Variable was psychological contract under the seven dimensions, namely stimulating job, work atmosphere, autonomy, salary, task description, intra organizational mobility, work life balance and job security and the Dependent Variable was employee retention. The reliability of the instruments was tested against the data. This study was engaged in hypothesis testing and it was co relational. Data was collected from each individual at Ansell lanka, Biyagama. The analysis was based on the information collected using a self-administered questionnaire. Data used for analysis were totally based on primary data which was collected using a questionnaire developed by the researcher. According to the results, there is an impact of psychological contract on employee retention and there is a relationship between psychological contract and employee retention which is significant. The solution to retention problems at the Ansell Lanka, Biyagama is to put more emphasis on work atmosphere and autonomy because according to the findings these dimensions were more correlated with the employee retention than other dimensions
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    Reflection of University Extracurricular Activities of a Candidate in Employee Selection: A Descriptive Study of HR Related Jobs
    (Department of Human Resource Management, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, 2015) Siriwardhana, P.N.K.; Weerasinghe, T.D.
    The main purpose of this study was to identify whether there is a significant value given to the graduates who have engaged in university extracurricular activities in the selection process for HR related job. Further, the current study was designed to identify the industry perception about graduates those who have engaged in extracurricular activities, and who did not. A self-developed questionnaire was used to collect the primary data. The respondents were the officers who are directly engaging in the selection process selected from 40 private sector organizations in Sri Lanka. Descriptive statistics, paired sample t-test and one-way ANOVA were used to analyze the data and make conclusions. The findings revealed that the private sector organizations significantly believe that graduates who have engaged in university extracurricular activities might have developed more skills, good personal qualities and other relevant employability behaviors than graduates who have not engaged in extracurricular activities. Thought the belief was further that it is identified that engaging in extracurricular activities is not a significant reason to get selected for a HR related job in the industry. It was found that the perception regarding undergraduates who have not engaged in extracurricular activities is not varying from industry to industry. But, the findings revealed that the perception, and the given due recognition for undergraduates who have engaged in extracurricular activities is industry specific.