Clinical efficacy of Pathyakshadhathree Kashaya and Triphala Ghritha in themanagement of Ananthavata with special reference to tension type headache.
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Department of Shalya Shalakya,Gampaha Wickramarachchi Ayurveda Institute,University of Kelaniya,Sri Lanka
According to Acharya Charaka's Trimarmiya adhyaya, Shiras is one major marma which seats for Pranavata, Alochaka pitta and Tarpaka kapha. Imbalance of doshadhatu and mala related to the Sirasa and Manya pradesha will cause Shiro Rogas such as Ananthavata. Ananthavata is abenign and recurrent syndrome of headache, neck pain, eye pain and other neurological dysfunction. In terms of the etio-pathogenesis of the ailment, it co-relates with Tension Type Headache. The present study shows clinical efficacy of Pathyakshadhathree kashaya (PDK) and Triphala Ghrita (TG) in the management of Ananthavata. Three separate groups with randomly selected samples (n=10) were studied for 21 days. Group A was prescribed with freshly prepared PDK 120 ml twice a day. Group B was prescribed with TG 30 ml twice a day. Group C was prescribed with freshly prepared PDK 120 ml and TG 30 ml twice a day. The assessment criteria were based on the symptomatic features with their frequencies and assessments were done before and after the treatments respectively. Clinical assessment of A showed signicant result in headache, neck pain, lessened the frequency of headaches and sleeping disturbances, at p<0.001.Group B showed signicant results in eye ache with 60% relief, at p<0.001 and signicant result in neck pain and irritability with relief of 60% and 59.56%. Also sleeping disturbances were lessened by 80%. Group C showed signicant results as compared to both the groups. Frequency and duration of headaches reduced by 80%, at p<0.001. Tridoshashamaka, Snayudrudakara,Shulahara, Mrudu Virechaka and Rasayana properties of TG and PDK may be effective on Srotas which relate to the Manokarma, Chakshuyindriya and Manya Pradesha. Especially Vata pacifying property of TG may show a signicant result in prognosis. All groups showed prognosis in Ananthavata but overall effect of combination of both the medicine in Group Cshowed highly signicant results when compared.
Ananthavata, Pathyakshadhathree Kashaya, Triphala Ghritha
Liyanage, R.P., Karunarathne, H.K.B.M.S. and Hettige, S.S. (2017). Clinical efficacy of Pathyakshadhathree Kashaya and Triphala Ghritha in themanagement of Ananthavata with special reference to tension type headache. Salakya Sandipani, Department of Shalya Shalakya,Gampaha Wickramarachchi Ayurveda Institute,University of Kelaniya,Sri Lanka.p 83.