Management of retinal diseases in Ayurveda.
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Department of Shalya Shalakya,Gampaha Wickramarachchi Ayurveda Institute,University of Kelaniya,Sri Lanka
Retina, one of the most sophisticated nervous tissues, which receives blood circulation from the
duel system central retinal artery and choriocapilleries are prone to many systemic as well as
local diseases. The diseases manifesting in the retina mainly include those of congenital,
vascular, degenerative and inammatory. Many of the systemic diseases like diabetes,
hypertension and viral diseases also lead to retinal complications. In Ayurveda, retina can be
considered as the seat of Alochaka Pitta which performs its function with the help of Pranavayu
and Tarpaka Kapha. So the harmonies of all these Tridoshas are essential to manage the retinal
pathologies. Even though these Doshas are located in retina, the main base (Vishesha Sthana of
Doshas) is not retina. In order to tackle the deep seated pathology, the Moolasthana Chikitsa of
these Doshas should be performed. In Ayurveda, in terms of the visual disturbances, eld defects
and pathophysiology, many of the retinal diseases can be included under the twelve types of
Drishtigata Rogas. As there is no common line of management for these types of diseases in
Ayurveda, an attempt has been made to explain the management of retinal diseases treated as per
Ayurvedic principles. In addition to Snehapana, Virechana, Nasya and Netra Kriyakalpas, the
treatment modalities like Ksheerabasthi, Yogabasthi, Rakthamokshana, Shirolepa and Moordha
Tailas are also essential to manage these retinal pathologies. In diseases like proliferative
diabetic retinopathy, Ksheeraseka and Ksheerabasthi are highly useful while in macular
degenerations, the role of Yogabasthi and Shirobasthi is benecial to manage the underline
Retinal diseases, Drishtigata roga, Netra Kriyakalpa
Sreekumar, K.,(2017). Management of retinal diseases in Ayurveda. Salakya Sandipani, Department of Shalya Shalakya,Gampaha Wickramarachchi Ayurveda Institute,University of Kelaniya,Sri Lanka.p 95.