OCB: The Role of Employee Engagement and Perceived Organizational Support
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Department of Human Resource Management, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya
Organizations have long been interested in the role of management on how employees think and feel about their jobs, as well as what employees are willing to dedicate to the organization. Therefore, this study sets out to examine the impact of employee engagement on organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). Even though the impact of many other variables on OCB has been researched, the impact of employee engagement on organizational citizenship behavior was not much visible in terms of the Sri Lankan context. Hence the main purpose of the research was to identify the impact of employee engagement on OCB by exploring the mediation effect of perceived organizational support. This study was conducted in the apparel sector organization in Sri Lanka, Esquel Sri Lanka Ltd, - Ekala. The current study is a cross-sectional study comprising a sample of 108 staff and executive level employees. The data were gathered using simple random sampling technique through a standard questionnaire that distributed as a paper-pencil survey. Collected data were analyzed using SPSS 23 Version software package. Findings revealed that employee engagement has a significant positive impact on organizational citizenship behavior. Further, it was revealed that perceived organizational support has a significant positive impact on OCB. But this study statistically emphasized that perceived organizational support did not act as a moderator for the relationship between employee engagement and OCB. Therefore, it can be suggested that to take steps to boost up employee engagement would enhance better organizational citizenship behavior among employees.
Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Employee Engagement, Perceived Organizational Support
Munasingha, R.N.P., Nishanthi, H.M. (2019). OCB: The Role of Employee Engagement and Perceived Organizational Support. In: 6th HRM Student Research Symposium 2019. Department of Human Resource Management, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, p.47.