Digital libraries can be introduced as a gateway to easily access information needed in the quest for knowledge. Everyone can access digital library using computer networks. Since the turn of the twenty‐first century, there has been a phenomenal increase in the number of digital libraries and repositories the world over. This library concept is famous in the world therefore every University and education institution should have a digital library and many intuitions maintain them. However, students face many challenges when finding information in the covid 19 situation. This paper provides an overview of awareness of the student’s usage of their digital e-repository and services conducted by the library of University of Kelaniya. The main objectives of the study were to identify usage of e-repository, to examine services, to offer under digital repository and to study problems in using digital repository. The sample of the study was 108 students of the Department of Library and Information Science, University of Kelaniya (DLIS). A case study research approach was used for this study purpose. Primary data was collected by administering an online questionnaire circulated among the DLIS students. The study found that Research has revealed that the readers' understanding of the use of the digital repository of the University of Kelaniya is minimal, the tendency towards the traditional library rather than the use of a digital repository, it has been identified that there are connectivity issues as well as device issues that arise when using digital repository and that the for a significant amount of time each day. However, that retrieving from a digital from a digital repository is easy for rrader and provides a successful service and many readers found that they had problems accessing the digital repository of the University of Kelaniya.