ICARE 2016

Permanent URI for this collectionhttp://repository.kln.ac.lk/handle/123456789/16375


Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 33
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    The Use of Management Control Systems in Sustainability: Evidence from The Competing Institutional Logics Perspective
    (Department of Accountancy, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2016) Wijethilake, C.
    Little is known about how competing institutional logics drive different sustainability practices. Drawing on the concepts of institutional logics and management control systems, the study examines the use of formal and informal management control systems in managing sustainability practices. The study employed a case study method and data were collected through semi-structured interviews from a large-scale multinational apparel manufacturing organisation operating in Sri Lanka. Of particular interest is the role of institutional logics, the study finds that sustainability practices are shaped by competing institutional logics of organisational culture and the role of industry analysts. The study contributes to the use of formal and informal management control systems in implementing sustainability practices and the emerging literature on competing institutional logics in sustainability management.
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    Corporate Strategies, Strategic Options and Integration: Empirical Study on Emirates Airline
    (Department of Accountancy, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2016) Shanjeevan, B.; Divassini, P.
    The airline industry is considered rather unattractive, particularly due to the fact that the large threat of buyers and the rigorous competition within the industry. The purpose of the study is to pinpoint the possible corporate strategies, strategic options and integration of Airline industry. This study was conducted by examining ten Emirates Airlines carrying the most passengers on international flights plus Qatar Airways, Etihad Airways and Singapore Airlines. As the outcome of the study, it was found that Emirates locked itself into a growth strategy and struggled to expand the potential market share in order to survive in industry. Hence, Emirates was established itself over sustainable competitive advantage with the use of its Dubai mega-hub by limiting the growth potential, since it suffered from congestion and improbable attractive markets in the airline industry.
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    The Strategic Perspectives of Market for Accountants: A Case of Sri Lanka
    (Department of Accountancy, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2016) Dabare, G.C.P.
    This research study is about the strategic perspective of market for Accountants in Sri Lanka. Sri Lankan Accounting education is consist with both academic and professional education. In Academic education sector for both Government and foreign universities student registration is higher in field of Accounting. Today most of the foreign Accounting education providers are partnering and providing Accounting qualifications for Sri Lankan market. This research is focusing to identified the strategic perspective of market for Accountants. This research is addressing on areas of reason behind why students are more preferred to select Accounting subject than other management subjects in Sri Lanka, what is the reason Engineering and other students are obtaining Accounting qualification in addition to their main career qualification, Level and current demand for Accounting Professional and Academic education in Sri Lanka, Identifying the Industry players offering Accounting education for the Sri Lankan market, what is their history, Nature of the business, current demand, target customer group, current and future strategies for Sri Lankan market, Identifying the most appropriate strategy for market for Accountants in Sri Lanka.
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    The Impact of Working Capital Management on Corporate Profitability: Evidence from Listed Manufacturing Company of the Colombo Stock Exchange in Sri Lanka
    (Department of Accountancy, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2016) Elangkumaran, P.; Nimalathasan, B.
    Efficient management of working capital ensures a company has sufficient cash flow to meet its short-term debt obligations and operating expenses. The study analysis WCM and corporate profitability of listed manufacturing companies of the CSE in Sri Lanka. A sample of twenty-two listed manufacturing companies selected randomly for the purpose of this study. Data collected from annual reports of the sampled firms for the period 2009- 2015. The working capital was determined by the cash conversion cycle and the profitability was measured by return on assets. The study applied panel data models (random effects). The data were analyzed by means of descriptive statistics and GLS random regression analysis using STATA 12. The study finds that there is a significant negative impact of inventory turnover on corporate profitability while debtors turnover insignificant positive affect corporate profitability. In addition, creditors’ turnover has significant positive impact on corporate profitability. The results conclude that WCM impact of profitability of listed manufacturing companies in Sri Lanka
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    Effect of Government Debt on Gross Domestic Production: Evidence from Sri Lanka
    (Department of Accountancy, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2016) Silva, N.L.C.; Silva, N.K.L.; Perera, P.R.M.R.
    This paper investigates the relationship between government debt and gross domestic production in Sri Lanka. Objective of this study is to find the relationship between these two variables and the impact of government debt on economic growth. Data was collected through Central Bank of Sri Lanka and the data set proven to be normally distributed. Correlation and Linear Regression Model is used to ascertain relationships. Data sample represent annual time series data for the period of 15 years starting from 2000 to 2014. Results of the study is consistent with the Keynes View which proves that there is a positive impact of government debt on economic activities.
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    Contemporary Political Issues Responsible for Poor Local Governance in Nigeria
    (Department of Accountancy, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2016) Baba, I.
    This research examined contemporary political issues responsible for poor local governance in Nigeria. It assessed how these issues alternative solution to these issues can be achieved. The quantitative research methodology was adopted in conducting the research. Lack of autonomy which local government councils in Nigeria are suffering from is discovered as one of the contemporary political issues responsible for poor local governance in the country. Independent local government system as this research recommended is one of the possible alternatives to addressing the problem of poor local governance in Nigeria.
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    The Impact of Ownership Structure and Ownership Concentration on Financial Performance of Companies Listed on Colombo Stock Exchange
    (Department of Accountancy, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2016) Rathnayake, A.R.M.B.I.; Weerathunga, P.R.
    This study investigates the impact of Ownership Structure and Ownership Concentration on financial performance of Public Companies listed on Colombo Stock Exchange. For this purpose, a sample of 46 top capitalized companies as on 30th August 2016 were selected. Accounting based performance measures of Return on Assets and Return on Equity are used as proxies for financial performance. Ordinary Least Square (OLS) linear Regression model is employed to identify the association between dependent and independent variables. The results of the study reveals that Institutional Ownership, Individual Ownership and Foreign Ownership have not significant impact on financial performance. However, the Ownership Concentration ratios have significant impact on financial performance. All the Ownership Concentration ratios used in this study showed significant impact on the Return on Assets and Return on Equity except the percentage of shares held by first two largest shareholders. This study implies that the majority of the share ownership is held by first five largest shareholders. Therefore, the most of the Sri Lankan companies’ ownership are highly concentrated and it influences to the financial performance.
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    Accounting System on Polish Local Government in the Context of New Public Management
    (Department of Accountancy, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2016) Kowalczyk, M.
    Accounting of the local government units in Poland has evolved within the last several years mainly and undoubtedly due to introduction of the New Public Management assumptions. The new concept of management implemented in the sector of public finances has significantly influenced on the accounting of local government. The purpose of the herein study is to demonstrate changes to the accounting of local government in Poland, which were caused by introduction of the New Public Management assumptions. On the basis of the research author will try to determine whether the changes introduced to the accounting of local government are beneficial and how they influence on the efficiency of operations. The object of the herein study is the accounting of public finances sector at the local level and the local government constitutes its subject. The article shall be elaborated with the use of literature research to demonstrate the evolution of accounting of local government in Poland within the last several years. The article will constitute of three parts. The first one presents the principles of operations of the local government in Poland. The second part concentrates on the core of New Public Management and its main assumptions. The further part constitutes critical analysis of assumptions of the new management concept on the basis of the literature in subject. The third part describes another changes to the accounting of local government in Poland which are being introduced.
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    Impact of Corporate Governance Practice on Firm Financial Performance in Listed Manufacturing Firms in Sri Lanka
    (Department of Accountancy, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2016) Dharmarathna, G.V.D.S.
    The research will focus on the Impact of Corporate Governance practice on Firm financial performance in listed manufacturing firms in Sri Lanka. The study is base on the research question “Do corporate governance practice contribute to firm’s performance significantly in listed manufacturing firms in Sri Lanka”. The main objective of the study is to investigate the impact of corporate governance practices on firm’s performance. Thirty one listed manufacturing firms in Colombo Stock Exchange were selected as sample size for the periods of 2008-2012. Correlation and coefficient is measured the strength and direction of the relationship between two variables. Finding revealed that there is no any relationship between the firm performance among board size and CEO Duality practices. Further findings disclosed that there is a positive relationship between executive compensation disclosure transparency and firm’s performance. Based on analyzed data the study found that there is no any relationship between corporate governance and firm’s performance. This study is recommended that the corporate governance practices should be reviewed in reliable way in Sri Lankan context.
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    Identify the Market Efficiency of Assets Write down Announcement - A Study on Loss Earned Listed Manufacturing Companies in CSE
    (Department of Accountancy, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2016) Sooriyakumaran, L.
    This research paper examines the market efficiency of loss earned listed manufacturing companies to assets write down announcement and test whether there was semi-strong form of market efficiency available in Colombo Stock Exchange (CSE) under the circumstances. This study attempts to answer the research question of are the loss making companies’ impairment of non- current assets announcements impact to share market? This issue is examined using an overall sample of 62 events relating to 22 listed manufacturing companies covering the period from January 2007 to December 2014. From the events, 12 events were considered to analyse the loss earned 10 listed manufacturing companies market efficiency. The standard Event Study Methodology (ESM) is adopted in order to carry out the study. This study finds that assets write down announcement impact on share prices of loss earned listed manufacturing companies at the level of 01% on the event date. It reveals that CSE has supported to the semi strong form market efficiency which is run on publicly available information on CSE.