ICBI 2019

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Search Results

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    The Impact of Motivational Factors on Organizational Commitment of Managerial Workers: With Special Reference to Private and Public Sector Employees of Dock, Harbor and Port Transport
    (International Conference on Business and Information (ICBI – 2019), [Doctoral Colloquium], Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2019) Kumar, P.D.A.S.
    The purpose of the study is to examine the relative importance of motivational factors on the degree of organizational commitment in the Dock harbor and port executive staff and to examine the relationship between various motivational factors and various commitment types. The research conducted by using one hundred and ninety managerial level employees of Port Authority, Dock yard and South Asia Gateway Terminal Sri Lanka. The questioner was developed based on a standard questionnaire and the questions have been designed as Likert scales ranging from strongly agree to strongly disagree. The primary research findings of the study reveal that motivation and commitment of public and private sector executives are different. Thus, the study recommends to research on a new set of motivational factors that assist to build employee commitment towards the company depending on the different worker levels. Finally, the study recommendations to renew the existing patterns of motivational factors, and the organizations should focus on the employee motivation and commitment based on sectors and employee categories.
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    Measuring the Project Success vs. Project Management Success: A Literature Review
    (International Conference on Business and Information (ICBI – 2019), [Doctoral Colloquium], Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2019) Malawige, N.N.
    Project management is an essential operations tool for modern organizations to manage scare resources efficiently and effectively in a competitive business environment. Success of projects in this challenging and competitive business environment is vital for organizations. Project managers should be informed and educated on how to achieve and measure success through different concepts and dimensions. Project success and project management success are two main success concepts which should be identified and studied. Over the time these concepts have evolved with different dimensions from challenging and dynamic business environments and project management literature further include efficiency and effectiveness measures too in to these concepts. This paper focuses on identifying the similarities and differences between project success and project management success and their measurements through critically reviewing project management literature.
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    Financial Stress of Small and Medium Scale Entrepreneurs: A Review
    (International Conference on Business and Information (ICBI – 2019), [Doctoral Colloquium], Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2019) Jayasekara, B.E.A.; Fernando, P.N.D.; Ranjani, R.P.C.
    Financial stress became contemporary issue in the globe, directly and indirectly affects the individual’s behavior and disorders their physical and mental health. The main objective of this study is to critically evaluate the literature on financial stress and to build a financial stress mitigating framework. The study identified different aspects and different measures of financial stress, level of financial stress of small and medium entrepreneurs, consequences of financial stress and methods of mitigating financial stress. The study finds out that the financial stress caused for depression, anxiety, poor academic performance, unscheduled absences from work and also negatively effect on health, self-esteem, marriage satisfaction, parenting role and family functioning. The financial stressed individuals have a tendency to write cheques with insufficient funds in the bank, regret marketing purchases, make minimum payments, more like to pay interest, less likely to save regularly. To overcome the financial stress, necessary to develop problem solving and financial management skills, develop effective handling of economic hardship, introduce more flexible repayment plans for the loans; improve positive financial behaviors and budgets. The financial stress is less with those who are employed, older, having a lower debt load percentage, and perceives better health and a better family relationship.
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    Measuring Value Creation: Financial Value Drivers vs. Non-Financial Value Drivers
    (International Conference on Business and Information (ICBI – 2019), [Doctoral Colloquium], Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2019) Wanigasekara, W.A.D.K.J.; Weligamage, S.S.; Karunarathne, W.V.A.D.
    Value creation of a business organization may perhaps be recognized as the strategic purpose of doing the business in the contemporary business domain. Identifying and quantifying what value is created and how much value is created become the foremost tasks in the value creation process of the business organizations. When identifying and quantifying value created by a business organization, the measurement tools of value creation play a pivotal role in the mechanism of measuring value creation of the business organization. The value creation literature provided number of evidences on the measurement tools of value creation or in other words, value drivers to identify and quantify the value creation of a business. Either financial and non-financial measurements or value drivers have been identified in that scenario by the scholars in the value creation arena. However, none of them has explored the possibility of merging both financial and non-financial value drivers in identifying and quantifying the value created by a business. Therefore, there is a problem to address that, whether both financial and non-financial value drivers of value creation can be linked together to identify and quantify the value creation of a business. Hence, the purpose of this study is to explore the possibility of merging financial and non-financial value drivers to identify and quantify the value creation of a business organization. To achieve the purpose, 83 number of research articles from 1998 to 2018, which mentioned the ‘value creation’ as a keyword in the article title, have been reviewed and different financial and non-financial value drivers have been identified. It has been suggested that, a model for identifying and quantifying the value creation by linking some financial and non-financial value drivers together.
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    The Supplier - Buyer Relationship (SBR): A Literature Review
    (, International Conference on Business and Information (ICBI – 2019), [Doctoral Colloquium], Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2019) Wijeyaratne, R.T.
    With global competition intensifying, firms are increasingly recognizing that internal efficiency improvements are insufficient, and that larger gains can be achieved by enhancing the performance of the entire supply chain. This realization, together with the potential of leveraging supplier capabilities, has resulted in a trend where customers increasingly are entering into closer collaborations with suppliers. Previous research on the antecedents of successful Supplier-Buyer Relationships (SBR’s) has primarily adopted a buyer’s perspective, while limited research has taken a supplier’s perspective. To breach a possible gap in literature, this study adopts a dyadic perspective in the review, where both the viewpoint of the buyer and the supplier is considered in the review. Hence, the aim of this paper is to identify the factors that characterize mutually beneficial supplier -buyer relationships, as well as to investigate whether the factors are interdependent, and whether a particular factor triggers a closer collaboration. In order to carry out the study published journal articles and case studies has been reviewed. The findings are that factors within the dimensions of economic performance,interaction, and emotion and feeling, are important characteristics of successful supplier- buyer relationships. Moreover, researcher finds that the factors are highly interdependent, and that it is interaction, mainly in the form of increased communication, that triggers the establishment of a closer collaboration. For managers, the implications of these findings are that collaborative relationships are resource intensive, and thus firms must carefully select with which suppliers such relationships are most beneficial.
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    Buying Motives of Alternative Fuel Vehicles in Sri Lanka and their Impact on the Purchasing Intention
    (International Conference on Business and Information (ICBI – 2019), [Doctoral Colloquium], Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2019) Morapitiya, P.R.
    In recent decades, it is identified that the emissions of fossil based fuel driven vehicles as one of the main curse for air pollution which leads to global warming. As a result of that, concerns over the environmental impacts of vehicular pollution of the transport system have led to the governments of all developed and developing countries to focus on establishing practical mechanisms to reduce fossil fuel based fuel emissions than ever before. Accordingly, they establishes tools to convert conventional fossil based fuel emissions in to greenhouse gas emissions. The prime objective of this research is to assess consumer buying motives of alternative fuel vehicles (AFVs) and their impact on purchasing intentions in Sri Lanka. This study is underpinned by theories of hedonic motives, utilitarian motives, value, planned behavior and diffusion of innovations. Based on the literature review, no straight theories to link consumer buying motives to purchasing intention. Therefore, the study will attempt to formulate a relationship of consumer buying motives to the purchasing intention to AFVs’ with CPV as mediating and Innovations as moderating variables. Findings of this study would be useful for academics and researchers and also for vehicle importers/dealers, consumers, governments, environmentalists, manufactures / collaborators to improve their areas of interests. The ontology of the research is objectivism while the epistemology being the positivism. According to nature of study, deductive research is employed with a quantitative research. Multistage mixed mode is used to collect data from three provinces in Sri Lanka. 422 general public who intend to purchase AFVs will contact for data gathering through a structured questionnaire.
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    Players’ Performance of a Team Game: A Conceptual Review with Special Reference to Sri Lanka Cricket
    (International Conference on Business and Information (ICBI – 2019), [Doctoral Colloquium], Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2019) Maldeniya, D.; Weerasiri, R.A.S.
    Performance is the main objective of a person, team or organization on its respective area. Work place is the platform which created employees to perform. Team is the platform where the players can perform. It is indicated that there is a downfall of the performance of the Sri Lankan national Cricket team in international tournaments and tours. Sri Lankan team represented 116 international matches, including test, ODI, T20, from 1st January 20017 to 30th June 2019 and won only 34 matches in all three format of game. It is 29% of winning. The main purpose of the study is to identify the key factors that influence the players’ performance of a team game with special reference to Sri Lankan Cricket. Primary data were collected from the statistical review of Sri Lanka Cricket, Newspapers, Magazines, websites and research articles. The secondary data were collected through the in-depth interviews with former and current Sri Lankan national players, Cricket Administrators, Coachers, Journalist and spectators. Identified key factors were discussed with the experts of the game at the indepth interviews. According to the study it is identified that, self-regulation, knowledge of the team strategy and tactics, and expectancy of improving as the key factors that influence the players’ performance of a team game. Additionally, monitory and non-monitory incentives also affect the performance. However, there is no effect from the playing condition on the performance of the quality players.
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    Mixed Method Approach to Environment, Social and Governance Disclosure and Firm Performance
    (, International Conference on Business and Information (ICBI – 2019), [Doctoral Colloquium], Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2019) Nanayakkara, M.S.
    Corporate transparency are expected by their stakeholders to be informative through both financial and non-financial information (Atan, Razali, Said, & Zainun, 2016). It has become a fundamental value and a signifier in today’s business environment. It is important to incorporate Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) elements in the business to ensure long-term sustainability. Despite the large amount of previous studies, a consensus about the effect of ESG disclosure on firm performance is not agreed upon. Conducted in two phases, this thesis first explores the current status of ESG disclosure practices of the Sri Lankan listed firms by using ESG index. Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Sustainability Reporting Guidelines (G3) are used as the basis of formulating ESG index. The study focuses on the ESG disclosures made in the annual reports by a sample of 125 companies listed in Colombo Stock Exchange (CSE) during the period from 2013 to 2018. Secondly, this study empirically examines the impact of ESG disclosure on firm performance. Firm performance is measured by means of Return on Assets (ROA), Return on Equity (ROE) and Tobin’s Q indicating operational, financial and market performance. Panel data regression technique is used to examine the impact of ESG on firm performance. Based on the results of the first phase, the second phase examines the factors that explains the extent and engagement of ESG disclosure a sample of 20 companies, including the companies which have higher ESG score and lower ESG score. Data is collected using questionnaire to identify the drivers and reasons for the differences in ESG disclosure level. Thematic analysis is used to analyses the data collected in the second phase. This study provides a methodological contribution to the literature by constructing a stakeholder driven disclosure index. Further, this study contributes to the literature by expanding the scope of existing literature on ESG disclosure in a developing country. The findings of the study help for companies to implement and disclose their ESG activities in order to improve the value of the firm. As well, this study provides insight on the importance of ESG initiatives which are useful for developing and improving ESG policies in Sri Lanka to comply with global environmental standards and guidelines.
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    The Impact of IFRS 9 on SME Credit Facilitation of Banking Sector in Sri Lanka
    (International Conference on Business and Information (ICBI – 2019), [Doctoral Colloquium], Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2019) Mahendrarajah, L.; Ariyarathna, J.M.D.; Abeywardhana, D.K.Y.
    The purpose of study is to explore the impact from the latest impairment model developed under the new financial reporting standard and to develop a researchable model to study the impacts of same on the performance of the Sri Lankan Banking Sector (SLBS) under SME credit facilitation. The research focuses on secondary data collected from sources such as annual reports of Central Bank of Sri Lanka (CBSL), Banks’ annual reports, financial sector stability report of CBSL, etc. The research conducts in a deductive approach in which arguments and explanations are mainly associated by theoretical contents which are supported by empirical evidences. Asset quality of the banking sector especially in the domain of SME has deteriorated drastically in the recent past with increasing Non-performing Loans (NPLs) and provisioning. Also, researcher reveals that the performance of the banking sector in Sri Lanka deteriorated during this study period. Apart from the above the impairment provisioning methods and revenue recognition as per new reporting standard has further deteriorated the profitability of the banking sector of the country. This area is relatively new since the implementation of IFRS 9 was initiated only in January 2018. However, the issue is widely debated among the financial sector of Sri Lanka due to dramatic changes it made on the financial reporting standards of Sri Lankan banking and finance sector.
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    The Importance of Occupational Health and Safety in Sri Lanka: A Review
    (International Conference on Business and Information (ICBI – 2019), [Doctoral Colloquium], Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2019) Fernando, K.J.
    To survive in the complex market environment today, business organizations should utilize their human resources in an efficient and effective manner. For that, management of occupational health and safety is very important. Human resource is a source of gaining competitive advantage over its competitors and therefore it is very important for any organization to manage its human resource in a productive way. Over the last few decades, management of occupational health and safety has become as a very important aspect of Human Resource Management. According to the statistics of International Labor Organization (ILO), millions of employees around the world suffer injuries, subject to various diseases and even to death due to exposure to health and safety hazards at the work places. ILO, in partnership with many organizations has been working in its member countries including Sri Lanka to raise the awareness of how to prevent from occupational accidents and diseases and to promote safety culture within the workforce. Also, Ministry of Labor and Trade Union Relations of Sri Lanka is working with relevant stake holders to formulate new laws and regulations to ensure the further protection of the workforce of Sri Lanka from occupational health and safety hazards. National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health was established in 2005 under the Ministry of Labor and Labor Relations, with a view to strengthen the occupational health and safety practices in Sri Lanka.