ICSS 2016
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Item The Concept of health in Sanskrit medical literature and its utility to modern world(Department of Sanskrit, University of Kelaniya, Kelaniya, 2016) Silva, P.A.S.N.; Molligoda, S.P.; Jayawardhana, K.B.Ayurveda is an ancient Indian system of medicine, which stresses principally on prevention of body ailments rather than simply relieving pathological problems or symptoms. A literature survey was carried out to collect data about the concept of health emphasized in ayurvedic medical text in Sanskrit such as Caraka samhitha, Shusruta samhitha, ECT. Aiming to disseminate knowledge about ayurvedic health concept in different aspects.The main aims of Ayurveda is to protect health and prolong life and to eliminate diseases and dysfunctions of the body. The concept of health in Ayurveda is divided mainly to two components, individual health and public health. Hitha and ahitha ayu is life of person related to social health or social well being and sukha and dukha ayu is relevant to individual health. Classic ayurvedic texts in Sanskrit advocates to administer many modalities such as Dinacharya (Daily health promotional activities) and Ritucharya (Health promotional activities during specific season), Aahara (Specific dietary regimen), Pathya (Complementary to medications), Apathya (Contradictory to medications) etc. to enhance individual healthiness. The classical Sanskrit texts of Ayurveda describe many principles relevant to public health such as infectious disease, immunity, nutrition etc. According to Acharya Caraka one who is having proportionate musculature, compactness of the body, strong sensory and motor functions cannot be overcome by the onslaught of diseases, ability to stand hunger, thirst, the heat of the sun, ability to stand cold and physical exercises, ability to digest and assimilate food easily; good muscular body is a healthy person. Further he mentions that, the medicine cannot make mankind immortal but till his death a man should live a disease free life. As defined in , Shusrut Samhita a healthy person, is one whose doshas are in balance, appetite is good, all tissues of the body and all natural urges are functioning properly, and whose mind, body and spirit are cheerful. This resembles the definition for health given by WHO -Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely an absence of disease or infirmity” which depicts many dimensions of health. Thus WHO admits today what Ayurveda has said thousands of years ago. Good health can be maintained until death if one intelligently follows all the rules laid down according to the Ayurvedic science.Item Analytical study on the “śarīra”in Ayurveda and siksasamuccaya(Department of Sanskrit, University of Kelaniya, Kelaniya, 2016) Molligoda, S.P.; Jayawardana, K.B.In Ayurveda medical science the term “śarīra” has been explained in different context. Eg.śarīraracanā,śarīrakriyā, gharbhaśarīra,etc. Ayurveda texts define the composition of human body as“śarīraracana” This is similar to the Term: anatomy which western medicine uses for the same idea, namelyśarīraracanā.Anatomy is the branch of biology concerned with the study of the structure of organisms and their parts. It includes the appearance and position of the various parts, the materials from which they are composed, their locations and their relationships with other parts. According toçikñäsamuccayabody isnot a single entity but a composite of several different parts.It is the house of thousads of impurities and mental cocepts (saìkalpa), and urine, saliva, mucus, faecal matter, phlegm etc. are items stored in it. Not only it doesn't have a creator but it has not been established in fixed location either. It comes in to existence as a consequence of the sexual union of male and female. Putrification, decay, moldering, degeneration etc. are it's principal qualities. Ayurveda holds the view that śarīracombined with ätmä is exhibited the features caitanya, and combination of çaréra mänasa and ätmä is known astridaëòa orpuruña.This study attemptsto analyse the attitudes which Ayurveda texts and çikñäsamuccaya hold towards the concepts of śarīra.Item Revelation of the importance of the Sanskrit language for the field of Ayurveda using CHARAKA SAMHITHA(Department of Sanskrit, University of Kelaniya, Kelaniya, 2016) Molligoda, S.P.; Kulasinghe, W.B.W.; Jayawardhana, K.B.Sanskrit language was termed as 'Deva Vāni' (Gods' language) as it was believed to have been generated by the god Brahma who passed it to the Rishis (sages) living in celestial abodes, who then communicated the same to their earthly disciple from where it spread on earth. According to the history of āyurveda, it has also been generated to the human world by the god Brahma through his great line of disciples starting from Indra. Having equal systems of origin, both of these have being exist together, so far exposing various aspects of advantages, usages, benefits and values to the field of Ayurveda. Any form of ayurveda knowledge is direct or indirect translation from Sanskrit, which has written in concise form called sūtra or sloka mostly in poetic form. All the sources giving the knowledge of āyurveda are written in pure Sanskrit including major manuscripts (wruddatra and laghutra) to commentaries. Although they can be translated into other languages, which can run into number of pages, still they lack the perfect meaning whatever stated in mūlasūtra. So, to gain the real perception of ayurveda and to give it a total admiration, one must acquire basic knowledge of Sanskrit. Nowadays, attention to Ayurveda in modern society is increasing rapidly and students are looking forward to choose the path of ayurveda for their higher studies. But, they are not familiar with Sanskrit language and it creates a great when they explore the ocean of āyurveda in depth. Aim of this study is to reveal the importance and usefulness of Sanskrit language to āyurveda medical system. Methodology regarding this study basically discuss with the aid of one of ayurveda samhita (charaka samhita).As a conclusion we must eradicate the immoral vision towards Sanskrit language among students following āyurveda medical field and motivate them to learn sanskit by heart for the future of Ayurveda as practitioners of ayurveda medical field.Item Stress free world through Ayurveda and Yoga(Department of Sanskrit, University of Kelaniya, Kelaniya, 2016) Fernando, W.K.B.D.S.; Pathirana, R.N.D.The present global scenario is a pond of various non-communicable Diseases (NCDs), crime and violence basically due to the life style changes and mental stress. Ayurveda and Yoga, eternal sciences for healthy living deal with holistic approach of physical, psychological, social and spiritual wellbeing and highly emphasize is given to codes of conduct results in calmness of mind. The aim of this study is to gather the information on various principles in Ayurveda and Yoga in order to prevent stressful conditions among the people and critical analysis of its applicability. The data is gathered from authentic text books, journal articles and web sources.Medhya rasāyana, implementation of āchāra rasayana, Sadvritta pālana, Dharaneeya vega, Concept of Pragnaparadha, Satvika food and all the eight limbs of Ashtanga yoga; yama, niyama, asana, pranayama, pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, Samadhi are help in personal transformation and in turn development of the community. Ayurveda believes in the concept of āchara rasāyanaya or behavioral rejuvenation for stress free life and longevity. Mental calmness and improvement in memory can be brought by regular intake of medhya rasayana. Constant practice of Yoga since childhood help in reduction of aggressive behavior, improve adjustment and transform mental state positively. These ancient teachings of Ayurveda and Yoga helps to alter the manasika prakriti and pathophysiology of manas vikara and refrain the people from mental stress and ultimately it leads to get away from psychosomatic disorders and offences.This aspect of health promotion is very much important as it is economical, nonpharmacological, devoid of adverse effects and eventually blessed the human beings with health and longevity.