Revelation of the importance of the Sanskrit language for the field of Ayurveda using CHARAKA SAMHITHA
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Department of Sanskrit, University of Kelaniya, Kelaniya
Sanskrit language was termed as 'Deva Vāni' (Gods' language) as it was believed to
have been generated by the god Brahma who passed it to the Rishis (sages) living
in celestial abodes, who then communicated the same to their earthly disciple from
where it spread on earth. According to the history of āyurveda, it has also been
generated to the human world by the god Brahma through his great line of
disciples starting from Indra. Having equal systems of origin, both of these have
being exist together, so far exposing various aspects of advantages, usages,
benefits and values to the field of Ayurveda. Any form of ayurveda knowledge is
direct or indirect translation from Sanskrit, which has written in concise form
called sūtra or sloka mostly in poetic form. All the sources giving the knowledge
of āyurveda are written in pure Sanskrit including major manuscripts (wruddatra
and laghutra) to commentaries. Although they can be translated into other
languages, which can run into number of pages, still they lack the perfect meaning
whatever stated in mūlasūtra. So, to gain the real perception of ayurveda and to
give it a total admiration, one must acquire basic knowledge of Sanskrit.
Nowadays, attention to Ayurveda in modern society is increasing rapidly and
students are looking forward to choose the path of ayurveda for their higher
studies. But, they are not familiar with Sanskrit language and it creates a great
when they explore the ocean of āyurveda in depth. Aim of this study is to reveal
the importance and usefulness of Sanskrit language to āyurveda medical system.
Methodology regarding this study basically discuss with the aid of one of
ayurveda samhita (charaka samhita).As a conclusion we must eradicate the
immoral vision towards Sanskrit language among students following āyurveda
medical field and motivate them to learn sanskit by heart for the future of
Ayurveda as practitioners of ayurveda medical field.
Ayurveda, Charaka, samhita, Sanskrit languag
Molligoda, S.P., Kulasinghe, W.B.W. and Jayawardhana, K.B. 2016. Revelation of the importance of the Sanskrit language for the field of Ayurveda using CHARAKA SAMHITHA. International Conference on Sanskrit Studies (ICSS), 04th November 2016, Department of Sanskrit, University of Kelaniya, Kelaniya. p 54.