Analytical study on the “śarīra”in Ayurveda and siksasamuccaya
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Department of Sanskrit, University of Kelaniya, Kelaniya
In Ayurveda medical science the term “śarīra” has been explained in different
context. Eg.śarīraracanā,śarīrakriyā, gharbhaśarīra,etc. Ayurveda texts define the
composition of human body as“śarīraracana” This is similar to the Term: anatomy
which western medicine uses for the same idea, namelyśarīraracanā.Anatomy is
the branch of biology concerned with the study of the structure of organisms and
their parts. It includes the appearance and position of the various parts, the
materials from which they are composed, their locations and their relationships
with other parts. According toçikñäsamuccayabody isnot a single entity but a
composite of several different parts.It is the house of thousads of impurities and
mental cocepts (saìkalpa), and urine, saliva, mucus, faecal matter, phlegm etc. are
items stored in it. Not only it doesn't have a creator but it has not been established
in fixed location either. It comes in to existence as a consequence of the sexual
union of male and female. Putrification, decay, moldering, degeneration etc. are it's
principal qualities. Ayurveda holds the view that śarīracombined with ätmä is
exhibited the features caitanya, and combination of çaréra mänasa and ätmä is
known astridaëòa orpuruña.This study attemptsto analyse the attitudes which
Ayurveda texts and çikñäsamuccaya hold towards the concepts of śarīra.
śarīra, Ayurveda, çikñäsamuccaya, sukha duùkha
Molligoda, S.P. and Jayawardana, K.B. 2016. Analytical study on the “śarīra”in Ayurveda and siksasamuccaya. International Conference on Sanskrit Studies (ICSS), 04th November 2016, Department of Sanskrit, University of Kelaniya, Kelaniya. p 69.