2nd ICLIM - 2017
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Item User Perception on Affect of Services in University Libraries in Sri Lanka.(Department of Library and Information Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya,Sri Lanka., 2017) Wanigasooriya, PriyanwadaAffect of service considered the human interaction of services of libraries. Since most important factors for good library services recognized as library staff members attitude and demeanor interpersonal skills interviewing and listening skill, and the effective approach, accuracy, and ability to provide the correct answer for customers. Recent studies suggested that perceptions of customer service quality depending on staff differencesand in online or offline interpersonal environment. Library employees play*a major*role in the functioning and*running of university libraries. Although they play an essential part, the key debate of the library administrators is what kind of library experience is linked to an effective library? Since there is no perfect measurement that can be used to evaluate the financial or sentimental values of library employees activities to its service quality but they influenced to the users in many ways. The majority of the findings regarding the service quality sector found that users expect politeness and help from the employees at the libraries especially those at the front desks whose main responsibility are for inquiries. The objectives of the study were to identify user perception on library staff, users’ minimumand desired expectationsfrom library staff, identify the users’ difficulties encountered from the receipt of library services and determine the necessary modifications to upgrade the service quality of the university libraries in Sri Lanka. The study employed the qualitative descriptive mixed method. Questionnaire survey and interviews has been employed.Two different types of questionnaires were used for the study: users’ questionnaires and librarians’ questionnaires. The samples of the respondents were of different ages, gender and disciplines and their frequency of library service usage varied. The peak hours of the libraries are from 10:00 a.m. till 5:00 p.m. making it perfect for the distribution of questionnaires, as most libraries are being utilized to do several activities. All data was analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) Version 22 for Windows. The study mainly employed descriptive, frequency and gap analysis methods for data analysis. Study found that although, users were not expecting library employees’ individual attention while they utilize the library for numerous purposes, users have concerned on library employees’ knowledge and dependability in handling their service problems. But this study has observed that the librarians’ helpfulness, understanding of users’ information needs, willingness of handling their service problems are area of less satisfaction in Sri Lankan university libraries. Some of the library users have complained about the libraries were loud since staff talking and telephone conversations.Concluded data from the survey further illustrated that lack of library employees of sections to better maintains, their less supportiveness and carless fashion are also area of less satisfaction of users. To overcome above identified matters developing library employee’s training/motivation programs and recruiting minimum required employees for libraries are timely needed.Item Necessity of Enhancing the Legal Protection for Software: A Sri Lankan Perspective.(Department of Library and Information Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya,Sri Lanka., 2017) Pathiraja, P.M.A.S.In the era of knowledge based economy the nation’s economic status mainly depends on the production, distribution,and use of knowledge and information.Intellectual property rights play an important role in this competitive world by protecting the one’s own ideas, designs and products being copied or utilized without the proper authorization. With the development of the technological innovations across the world,the software industry has created the starting point of heated debates over the protection of software in the current intellectual property regime.According to the expanding trends in software industry it is difficult to identify the proper legal regime for its protection.Copyright or patent protection is the most effective way to protect such softwareand some legal systems suggest sui generis system of protection on software in the current context. Software as a literary work or innovation is mainly protected under the Intellectual Property Act no. 36 of 2003 in Sri Lanka.In the domestic scenario,throughout the last few years Sri Lanka has been experiencing high rate of increasing incidents regarding the misappropriation of software and software related inventions because of its vulnerability in the marketplaces.Thereforethis paper discusses the problem of protecting the software in Sri Lanka by analyzing the debate on protecting software through copyrights and patent law and critically discuss the patentability of software under the existing Intellectual Property Law in Sri Lanka.Furthermore it examines the arguments on patenting softwareand expect to make suggestions to strengthen the existing law as an option. This is a qualitative research based on literature review and mainly carried out by the reference of primary and secondary sources such as statutes, International treaties, judicial decisions, academic writings, journal articles and e-sources. The comparative analysis of successful legal position in selected jurisdictions have been followed in reaching the conclusion.Item International Research Publications on Education in Sri Lanka: A Scientomeric Study.(Department of Library and Information Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya,Sri Lanka., 2017) Navaneethakrishnan, S.; Raja, S.; Kupeshan, R.Quantitative studies of scholarly communication activities tend to have a better understanding of phenomena of construction, dissemination and use of scientific and technical knowledge. Nowadays scientometrics is considered as a standard tool of science policy and research management. It is also realized that this is the opportune time for the library professionals to study the current trend of Sri Lankan education system in the view international scholars to identify the role of the libraries in fulfilling the obligations specified in these research studies. This study was carried out with the intention to analyze the international research publications on education in Sri Lanka. The process of selection of publications was utilizing scientometric approach of research publications indexed by the web of science (WoS) database. Quantitative research methodological approach was taken, based on scientometric analysis. Results of this study shows a total of 201 publications were released by the Global scientists in education during 2010-2016 which received 4873 citations. The mean number of publications per year was 16.57%. It states that globally 9.45percents of items were from lone authors, pursued by 16.42% authors by double authors etc. 0.91 percent of collaborative author’s articles released throughout the study periods. The value of a mean RGR of publications which declined from 3.32 in 2010 to 0.32 in 2016, simultaneously the values of doubling time (Dt) of publications expanded from 0.21 in 2010 to 3.04 in 2016. The high frequency keywords were “Sri lanka” 109 (54.2%, TCLS 14, TGCS 332). The foremost cited quotation is Katulanda P, 2008, diabetic med, V25, P1062, DOI 10.1111/j.1464-5491.2008.02523.x. The suggestion of this research is to setup an enabling environment for more studies across the nations on Sri Lankan education and international researchers need to be encouraged on this.Item Multi-Criteria Evaluation System for University Library’s Performance in Sri Lanka.(Department of Library and Information Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya,Sri Lanka., 2017) Illangarathne, S.K.The continuous improvement is the key to long-term sustainable development for service orientation institutions. The recent studies on performance evaluation of service providing institutions have established several constructs, and the concept of “Performance Indexing” (PI) has emerged. This study concentrated on the system development of Multi-Criteria Evaluation for university libraries performance in Sri Lanka using the Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (FAHP). Though, assessing the overall performance of library instead of organizational effectiveness theory is very new and significant. There is a lack of library effectiveness evaluation theories and practices have been developed. Nevertheless, none of them attempted to evaluate the library performance instead of academic library context. Therefore, the aim of this study was to develop a Multi-Criteria Evaluation (MCE) model for PI particular reference to the university libraries of Sri Lanka. The ultimate goal of this model was to enhance the level of service efficiency and customer satisfaction throughout the improvement of inter-competitiveness among those libraries. To achieve the objectives and ultimate goals of the study, a structured questionnaire was developed to identify the users’ perceptions about current library services while examining the library expertise opinion about the importance of chosen model variables. The research questions were based on quantitative & qualitative constructs which adapted from organizational effectiveness theory such as; library efficiency, core people process, environment, users’ satisfaction, adaptability, and capacity. The Fuzzy extended Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP) was used to process the model. The model was tested with appropiate sample (Sample size = 269) of library users which consisted with faculty members and postgradents. The reliability of the questionnaire scale was suitable for further analysis and its (Cronbach’s Alpha = 0.842),and the exploratory factor analysis has confirmed the validity of data. The data was highly correlated with selected factors. 24 items were selected for the further model test. The experts’ opinion survey revealed that Library Efficiency and Library Users’ Satisfaction are more influenced variables to library effectiveness while Library Capacity, Library Adaptability, and Library Environment are less influenced. The result suggests that library leaders should conduct continuous assessments about their services and should customize perceived quality according to the users’ perceptions. The major innovation of the study was to develop a new conceptual model to identify the key influential factors of performance. Another key innovation of the study was to construct a performance evaluation index using the fuzzy AHP evaluation indexing methods. The third innovation of the study was to use the Internet basis resources sharing methods via social media at the Sri Lankan University Libraries to meet their new era challenges.Item Enhancing the Service Level of Library Staff: A Study of University of Moratuwa Library, Sri Lanka.(Department of Library and Information Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya,Sri Lanka., 2017) Gunawardhana, D.N.T.; Weerasooriya, W. A.; Kodikara, R.C.Service quality of library staff is one of the performance indicators of a library. The assessment of service quality provides an important feedback for libraries to assess and improve its services to its users. Enhancing the information resources and facilities are not enough to hold the users in the library with the rapid improvement of the technology. ‘Improving the Service Level of Library Staff’ has become a marketing tool in above situation. The objective of the research was to find out the ways to improve the Service Level of Library staff of University of Moratuwa Library. Students of the university were the population of this research and random sampling technique was used to select the sample. Survey was conducted to collect data from students and both quantitative and qualitative methods were used for data analysis. According to results of the survey, students were very satisfied with the service provided by library staff.However they have requested to resolve the background issues and build a conclusive learning environment. Increasing the library opening hours was a very important requirement for the users. Participants have suggested following when using library services; conducting training programs and workshops for library staff, having a session for staff in every month to introduce new concepts in the information field, improving the language ability of Tamil; writing, reading and speaking etc. Developing a ‘Performance Appreciation System’ to measure the service performance of library staffwould be helpful to motivate them to reach organizational goals.Item Information Needs of Medical Officers Attached to Rural Hospitals (D H Type - C) in Sri Lanka.(Department of Library and Information Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya,Sri Lanka., 2017) Dilhani, M.P.P.; Senevirathe, W.; Abeysena, C.Information is an important commodity for medical officers to upgrade their knowledge and in many countries efforts to improve health care in rural areas are hampered by lack of competent medical professional who are provided with access to adequate and appropriate information resources. The present study attempts to identify the information needs, perceived barriers and challenges of medical officers attached to “D H Type -C” (rural) hospitals in Sri Lanka. Objectives of the study is to explore the need of medical information and to identify the barriers if any, encountered by MOs attached to rural (D H Type- C) hospitals in Sri Lanka in obtaining medical information. This study carried out as a descriptive study and research approach is inductive. There are 252 medical officers who attached to the Divisional Type C were hospitals selected for the study. A questionnaire and interviews were used as data collection instruments. Data were analyzed using Microsoft Excel 2016 and SPSS (version 22) software packages. When analyzing the areas of information patient records and disease information ranked as very high and drugs and diagnosis information ranked as high. the information need regarding Diet and Nutrition, medical statistics, Medico legal 15% very high ,23% high and 55% indicate as to some extent. This study revealed formal and informal ways of sourcing for information by the respondents. 140 (58.3%) of the respondents relied on Textbooks, Journals, Colleagues, specialists and consultants in hospitals, 160 (56.7%) made use of conference and research papers, newsletters and technical reports were relied on by 90 (37.5%) respondents, while (17.9%) 43 respondents are not satisfied with Drug companies presentations. The barriers that were identified and analyzed into four main themes: personal barriers 33%, paper related barriers 23%, electronic based barriers 33% and channel related barriers 11%. According to the study it is quite obvious that the information resources and services provided for the use of respondents in the studied medical libraries were inadequate, this could be due to the neglect of health information and services by the authorities.Item Highly Cited Papers from India and Sri Lanka: An Altmetric Perspective.(Department of Library and Information Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya,Sri Lanka., 2017) Balasubramani, R.; Abu, K.S.t Altmetrics are metrics and qualitative data that are corresponding to conventional, citation-based metrics (Altmetric.com, 2015) .It contains the citations received in wikipedia, bookmarks in mendely, citeulike and other reference management systems and also tracks the sharing of scholarly publications through social media channels such as twitter. This study aims to analyze the complete altmetric activities such as mendely readership, twitter attention etcof the top ten highly cited papers in India and Sri Lanka. Web of science will act as the source for collecting highly cited papers from India and Sri Lanka, The papers with the highest citations along with digital object identifier DOI number from both the countries as on date will be considered for the study. To analyze the altmetric details of the highly cited papers in both the countries, altmerticbookmarklet (a free tool) will be used to collect the altmetric details of these scholarly articles. The findings of the study will highlight the altmetric status of the top ten highly cited articles in India and Sri Lanka, further altmetrics allows tracking the visibility and impact of these articles through social media platforms and reference managersItem Impact of Working Culture of Job Satisfaction: A Study Based on Public Librarians in Colombo, Sri Lanka.(2017) Attanayake, G.;Job satisfaction has become an important topic of discussion around the world for many years. The factors that contribute to job satisfaction have varied greatly among researchers. The Job satisfaction of library professionals is a key factor for delivery of quality service and it ensures the user satisfaction. In the modern era, public libraries as knowledge centers are facing several challenges due to the rapid changes of the society. In order to face for these challenges, satisfaction of its employees is foremost. The main purpose of this paper is to present the result of the impact of working environment on public librarians' job satisfaction. The present study typically considered facets were physical working condition, human relationships, professional development, and personalneeds. The study employed a quantitative methodology. Data was collected through a self-administered survey questionnaire. The target population consists of public librarians in Colombo, Sri Lanka. Simple random sampling is used for collecting data from 25 librarians. The result indicated that a positive relationship between working environment and public librarians’ job satisfaction in Colombo District in Sri Lanka. Originality-There has been no study done on public librarians’ job satisfaction in Sri Lanka.