2nd ICLIM - 2017
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Item Green Library: The Perforation of the Future .(Department of Library and Information Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya,Sri Lanka., 2017) Salunkhe, A.B.In this contemporary era, especially in the field of library and information science, the term ‘library’ has undergone a major transformation from traditional library to virtual library to Green Library. Green Library also known as a sustainable library is a library built with environmental concerns in mind. Green libraries are a part of the larger green building movement. Libraries are no longer only repositories of knowledge, but are also important information resources for raising awareness about environmental concerns. Green libraries educate the public about environmental issues through their collections, sustainable and environmentally friendly facilities, and public library programs. In this articlethe following topics will be discussed: a) the various aspects of green libraries, b) what is the need for green libraries in today's age? c) How libraries can contribute as an environmental customer, d) Green Library Movements at National and international level, d) which organizations have taken the initiatives in India and on which basis the green libraries are rated? The paper concludes that green libraries maximize the effects of natural sun light and natural air flow; green libraries are thoughtfully designed while taking into account site selection to structural design, energy use, materials used and human health effects.Librariesshould regularly update themselves on green library trends which will create the space in libraries to enhance the green practices for a sustainable green library environment.Item Analytical Study on Public Awareness and the Practice of Right to Information Act, No. 12 of 2016.(Department of Library and Information Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya,Sri Lanka., 2017) Wickramaarachchi, A.E.Right to information is a fundamental principle which evolved with the concept which denotes that the ownership of the state lies with its peoples. This concept is legally accepted among most of the democratic countries all over the world, such as our nearest neighbor, India. By admitting and facilitating thefree access to the information of which the functions of the state are accomplished using public funds, in order to effectively safeguard people’s right to information, parliament of Sri Lanka has passed “Right to information Act”, No. 12 of 2016. This act permits any citizen of Sri Lanka to request information from a public authority (A body of Government), which is required to reply expeditiously. Sri Lanka as a country of democracy, this act comes to effect to establish citizens’ active participation in governance and accountability in government to the people of the country. For the fulfilment of these purposes and to achieve the goals of democracy, it’s essential that people of Sri Lanka has the knowledge of the power which is vested in them concerning the right they enjoy under this act. Moreover, it’s essential to have a knowledge and social awareness on this matter to empower and practice that right. Discussing on this on this matter, Transparency International Sri Lanka has stated that the people of Sri Lanka remain largely uninformed of the right they enjoy and how it may be used. Therefore, making assumptions on this account, it is needed to investigate public awareness of this act and its current utilization, likewise, current phase it took subsequentto the socialization. The research aims on these primary goals. Secondarily, this research will reveal the barriers between this act and its practice. As a representative of public (population), it is intended to select a sample of 100 sample units in district basis considering on the profession there are in, to collect information on this matter. Similarly, it is expected to prepare a questionnaire for selected five government institutions, which is, used this and an interview will be conducted for getting data. Finally, steps are taken for planning to evaluate these results considering the practical application of this act depends on public awareness and participation for its enforcement.Item A Critical Analysis on the Research Perspectives Embedded in Buddhist Theory and Philosophy.(Department of Library and Information Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya,Sri Lanka., 2017) Upali Rev, Demunnewe.All atheistic religions both east and west trust upon that the god is paramount important. The God is the creator, conveyor and the destroyer of the world endorsing all that the God can do anything and everything. Buddhism going away from that direction made the world to believe based on truth by emanating a new philosophy. Almighty conceptions and beliefs propounded by the ancient Indian Brahmins and their self-interested hegemony was totally challenged and diffused by the Buddhist philosophy. The intension of this paper is to make a critical study on the research perspectives embedded in Buddhist theory and philosophy like critical thinking, analysis, evaluation, referencing, review which were later devised by the modern research methodology.The above dogmatic almighty hegemonic thoughts and way of behavior were critically disproved and rejected by the Lord Buddha by introducing independent thinking and expressed self-thinking over self-interested belief. The Buddha showed that even achievement of enlightment is based on research perspectives like discourse, self-thought, evaluation, critical analysis, discussion, survey, review and so on. The Sangharava Sutra in Majjima Nikaya clearly connotes this. By the birth and Bosath period, un to enlightenment and later periods the Buddha has followed these perspectives and Sutra pronouncement like “King Sachcha Gaveshi” validates this fact. “Sarvannga” was presaged to him because the Buddha himself realized all by following the Dharma. This factor and attaining nibbana both are self-observing phenomena, which could be seen in modern research methodology. Ariya pariyeshana sutra of Majjima Nikaya very clearly denotes this fact. Observation, investigation, conclusion, arriving at inferences are some other points signified by the Buddhist philosophy, which stand for modern research methodology. These conceptions have been in Buddhism and source like Chullahasthipadopama sutra proves it. Kalama sutra emphasizes free and un-bias thoughts, open thinking and someone can critically review, point out facts even when the Buddhism is observed in occultist standpoints. Questioning, querying, inquiring, and holding critic standpoints are preached in Buddhist theory. Even some one attains a truth or come to very genuine standpoint he or she cannot practice it in his or her own and to activate it he or she should follow and observe three authoritative elements like Attadhipatheyya, Dhammadipatheyya and Lokadipatheyya. These all facts strongly authorize that all research perspectives discussed in this paper have been verified by Buddhist philosophy 2500 years before. There are lot of confusions and intricacies in modern research methodology which Buddhist philosophy is free from that. All these facts direct that literature review is an essential phenomenon in research or having conclusions, inferences and genuine solutions for research problems. Buddhism also verifies that critical pre-evaluation, pre-research, investigation are essential in approaching to the truth.Item A Study Effectiveness of E-Services Provided by the University Library in Sri Lanka: With Special Reference to University of Kelaniya, University of Moratuwa and Open University of Sri Lanka.(Department of Library and Information Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya,Sri Lanka., 2017) Somarathna, K.H.H.M.Library is a main information unit of providing, processing, store, retrieval and communication of recorded data to the users. According to that main objective of the library is executing of information needs of the students and university teachers. Library and information services in the universities have been changed rapidly due to the advancement of internet and web technology. Because of that, web sites of library facilitate to provide information to the students through new technology. E- Services are providing services through E-network such as Internet. At present University, libraries in Sri Lanka conduct several kind of E-Services. Hence, it is important to study the usage of E-Services. The main objective of this research to study the effectiveness of E-Services. The population of this study is University students. Among the population, 300 students were selected as a random sample representing from all the faculties of University of Kelaniya, University of Moratuwa and Open University of Sri Lanka. Further, it is decided to select 100 students from each university. Collection of primary data will be made through questionnaires. It will use MS excel software to analyze the data. This study will provide opportunity to students to access the E-Services through new technology for their research and studies.Item A Study about E- Government Services and Its Usage Provide by Sri Lanka Government to Citizens Specifically on Three Services.(Department of Library and Information Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya,Sri Lanka., 2017) Shyamali, P.T.C.E government refers to the use of Information and communication technology give to provide citizens with more convenient access to the government’s services and information. As the usage of Information technology is growing fast, Sri Lankan government is making many efforts to provide services to its citizens through e government. In 2007, Sri Lanka government was adopted e government policy and then launched e government project with support of Sri Lanka Information Communication Technology Agency (ICTA). There are many e government services which delivered by Sri Lankan e government to its citizens. Among these e government services selected three e services which most important to citizens in their day today life. Those are online exam result services, online vehicle license service and online train schedule service to this research. Sri Lankan government is spending lot of money one government project. The purpose of the research is study about the usage of e government service in rural areas. The method of this research is interviews and questionnaire. The data collection-using questionnaire from 300 people who lived in Benthota Divisional Secretariat Division. How the communities use e government services is surveyed. Their awareness, attitudes also studied. It is also expected to study the facilities and provisions of e government services available in those intuitions attached to Benthota Divisional Secretariat Division.Item Colombo Museum Library Palm Leaf Manuscripts Collection: A Glance from Intangible Cultural Heritage and Library and Information Management Perspectives.(Department of Library and Information Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka., 2017) Senarathna, K.I.D.; Heshini, K.G.J.; Weerasooriya, W.R.W.M.C.S.K.; Senani, R.A.Palm leaf manuscripts are very rare and treasure library material, which contain vivid knowledge, art and culture in the Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) particularly in Sri Lanka. This paper focuses the Colombo Museum library Palm Leaf Manuscripts Collection (PLMC). The principal purpose of the study is to examine the Palm leaf manuscript collection in Intangible Cultural Heritage and Library and Information Management Perspectives. The other objectives are to explore how the collection is organized, to examine how they preserve, conserve their collection and to identify the way they provide user services using this important collection. Method of the study is an explorative survey of the Palm leaf collection and the data collected through site visit, discussion followed by the observation both participatory and non-participatory. It was realized that very significant and diversified imbedded knowledge contained in the PLMC. The knowledge variations are particularly the religion and the art, craft, tradition, culture, science, medicine, agriculture, myths and mythologies. The collection is related to indigenous knowledge too. The collection is arranged separately and when analyzing in ICH perspective it can conclude that, there are entities that were found to be related ICH domain. When peruse the collection in Library and Information Science perspective, it was revealed that preservation and conservation is a prime requirement and therefore digitization has to be done with a help of an organization like National Science Foundation. Some entities are available in printed book forms too. User serves provided on request basis and they are able to use at the Museum library premises. The vision of the library “ As an illustrious nation, the preservation of the cultural and natural heritage Inherited from the past, and its presentation in a more fruitful fashion for future Generations in a manner that successfully addresses the challenges of globalization” and therefore the policy makers, planners and the top management including the Ministry concerned should realize the importance of this collection and take immediate steps for policy decisions for preservation and conservation of the collection. The time has come to stress and pay much attention to the area of ICH and how libraries could be used in managing these important collections for the use of future generations.Item The Comparative study on the Children Library Service in Public Libraries in Sri Lanka:Libraries Selected from Gampaha District.(Department of Library and Information Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya,Sri Lanka., 2017) Sanjeewani, M.D.S.M.; Sandamali, A.W.M.When Creating Citizens to the Society with Intellectuals and with more disciplined, the Public Library would contribute much for this task. The main duty that contributes by a library are collecting Knowledge, Organizing, depositing and giving facilities to the reader to obtain the necessary knowledge for usage. The public library is the only institution, which gives services without any charge from the public, and it does not consider the intellects, ignorant, race, creed, religion and the age. The public library supplies service on behalf of the children and adults. The aim of this study is to focus the activities of the children libraries attached to public libraries in the municipals, urban councils and Divisional Secretaries in the Gampaha district. The issues faced with the public libraries when giving efficient and more fruitful service to the children is the research problem. According to the problems identified, there a search has been done by this study to identify at what is level of the continuance and the activities of the service of the children library services attached to public libraries. In order to collect data, questionnaires, interviews, discussions, investigations etc. have been used. When identifying the issues and problems those affected to the development of the children’s library service in the Gampaha district, many reasons have been forwarded to follow the procedure to improving the conditions of the children affiliated library service in the Gampaha district. Main problem was the non-receipt of the infrastructure facilities as needed. It was also further disclosed that the infrastructure facilities that is given to the public libraries must be improved. It was revealed by this study that at what level is the service of the children libraries in the Gampaha district are. Accordingly the termination is noted with how the problems affected for the children libraries and the suitable ideas and proposals to solve those problems.Item A Study on the Career and Professional Educational Prospects for the Post-Advanced Level Examination Leavers.(Department of Library and Information Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya,Sri Lanka., 2017) Sandamali, L.G.K.; Sandamali, G.R.N.Professional and career education is a vital concept in modern world. There is a rapid changing in professional and career advancement sector because of development of mass communication and technological field. Traditional trades and jobs are sinking and modern jobs are blooming at present with the help of development of technology. There are no enough suitable persons for those modern job vacancies. Advanced Level Exam leavers who are the majority facing this pitiful situation. Therefore, the government has decided to make an amendment in whole education system to avoid this situation. It has planned to change the system according to the changes of 21st century. In this study, it was considered about, what are the needs and wants of job seekers? What are the barriers in professional world? For examine a matter it used primary and secondary data. 200 students of several schools in Matara district were questioned as primary data and magazines, books, reports and internet used as secondary data. Data examined by using logistic regression models and cross tabs, descriptive statistics methods. Most school leavers expecting white color jobs, particularly the government jobs. Most students have not enough English knowledge, poor family backgrounds, less of guidance and economical unbalances are other reasons. To avoid this situation, it is proposed some suggestions. Professional and career education should be introduced in to the Advanced Level syllabus and English should introduced as subject, which develop students soft-skills. Making it a compulsory subject.Item A study of the Literacy Rate of Rural Secondary School Children (Rambewa Educational Division in the Anuradhapura District).(Department of Library and Information Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya,Sri Lanka., 2017) Ranasinghe, U.R.N.S.; Lakmali, D.M.I.Rural development and urban development plays a crucial role in the development of a country knowledge for the children in a Country. The School is the place that provides knowledge for the children in a country. The primary objective of the school is to make a knowledgeable society to the country. The information literacy can be given as one important concept for this. Accordingly, skill on information literacy for exploring information for student’s academic purposes and other purpose is timely needed. Therefore, the level of information literacy on rural school are less than urban schools in present context. The purpose of this study is to explore the literacy skills of the secondary school children and to identify the reasons for their lack of knowledge in information literacy. The sample was obtained from a random sample from 10 secondary schools in grade 10 to grade 11 in the Rambewa educational division in the Anuradhapura district. The random sampling method was used. A questionnaire was designed and collected the data using this tool. The study demonstrated that children’s literacy rate in rural areas are comparatively low in terms of literacy rate in schoolchildren of urban areas. The main reason for this was the scarcity of resources. Such as lack of library facilities and lack of knowledge on information, literacy of both teachers and students also found through the study.Item The Extension Services Operating In Public Libraries of Sri Lanka: In Colombo District.(Department of Library and Information Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya,Sri Lanka., 2017) Madhumali, I.B.P.; Dharmathilaka, W.W.G.; Kumari, M.V.U.; Ransara, P.W.A.D.S.The principal purpose of this paper is to explore the situation of the extension services provided by the public libraries in Sri Lanka. In this context, the extension services operating in public libraries of Sri Lanka were studied through five libraries selected among public libraries in Colombo district. During this study, active operation and qualitative status of extension services of different public libraries were taken into o consideration and presented about new tendencies, contribution of physical and human resources for development, service to the society, challenges and means of overcoming them of extension services. In this study, the research method was the survey method. Questionnaires, interviews and observation methods were used for the survey. Principally, information was gathered from librarians through questionnaires. In general, extension service are operated in a fair stage in public libraries. Seminars, lectures, discussion forums, users educating programs, users societies, movies, mobile library service and other extension services are offered by the public libraries. User education is in a good condition, however, user participation and use of novel technology are in a medium state. protection of culture of general public in this area is contributed by public libraries and they related extension services are being developed a proper methodology to access extension services in needed to be organized. It is required to take necessary steps to fulfill lapse of financial, physical and human resources which are essential for providing extension services, the need of efficient and trained library staff with latest knowledge could be achieved through preparing policies and planes for extension services. Use of new latest technologies, providing assistances and guidance to public libraries by national libraries, and provision of state assistances to the public libraries are essential for this mean.