1st ICLIM - 2016

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    Design and development of a desired Graduate Profile (GP) for the BA (Honors) Degree program in Library and Information Science (BLISC) conducted by the Department of Library and Information Science (DELIS), University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka
    (Department of Library and Information Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2016) Weerasooriya, W.A.; Weerasinghe, M.K.; Wanigasooriya, Priyanwada; Piyarathana Thero, Lagumdeniye; Suraweera, S.A.D.H.N.; Chamara, K.A.T.
    The principal objective of this paper is to explore the design and development a Graduate Profile for the BLISC honors degree, at the DELIS, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka and to map it with the K-SAM model (Knowledge is what student can and should know, Skills is what they can and should do, Attitude is how they think and behave and should, Mindset is how they perceive and should perceive the world) developed by the University Grants Commission (UGC) Sri Lanka. Graduate Profiles are the descriptions of attributes like the knowledge, skills, attitudes and behavioral elements (characteristics, qualities, ethics and norms, way of behavior, vision, mission, mindset, world of work are also considered) which a parent university or the educational authority expects from its graduates through the contact and non-contact hours with a view to position these graduates as universal citizens recognized with competent, social, cultural, good mannered, employable and environment friendly groups fitting local, regional, national and international demands and requirements. This is a result of a qualitative study performed on the basis of action research, content, needs and SWOT analysis and observation and experience matching and also of an ongoing study covering the BLISC degree program and its undergraduates. All the local and foreign curriculum standards relevant to study were also used. The 14 attributes expected from the BLISC Graduates are the 1.Subject Knowledge Capable (K), 2.Skilled (S), 3.Behavior Changer (A), 4.Information Literate and Lifelong Learner (SAM), 5.Language and Communication Competent (SAM), 6.Researcher and Scholar (SAM) 7.Analytical and Critical Thinker (SM), 8.Agent of Attitudes (A), 9.Planner and Time Manager (SA) 10.Problem Solver (SAM), 11.Environment and Social Friendly Group (AM) 12.Courageous Leader (SA) 13.Honest and Cultural Obedient Person (AM) 14.Dedicated Serviceman (K-SAM) and the final goal expected from GP is to develop a Visionary Global Citizen. How the BLISC undergraduates realize the major domains of K-SAM developed by the UGC are marked and mapped with the 14 attributes of the proposed GPabove. The attributes are mapped and embedded in the BLISC Degree program. There are altogether 42 study units in the curriculum and out of that, 26 are theory papers, 11 independent assignment based units, three practical or laboratory based units, 01 industrial training unit and the independent dissertation, altogether 42 units positioning in total 123 credits. While total study units attempt to inculcate the Knowledge domain of the undergraduates, 22 units develop Skills and 08 address the Attitudes and 6 units focus the Mindset domain. The dissertation and the industrial training units both play a major role in K-SAM. In addition to the BLISC curriculum, the field trip, library workshop method, Library and Information Science Student Association, three students’ societies namely English, IT and Library and all other creative and social functions like Teachers Day have been planned to improve these four domain K-SAM introduced by the UGC. Everything is directed to achieve the objectives of the GP.
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    The Way of Using Social Media Networks for Current Awareness Services
    (Department of Library and Information Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2016) Sumana Thero, Bodagama; Pagngnaloka Thero, K.; Sobitha Thero, Karapikkada
    Social Media networks are very famous informativesources at present when comparing with other technologies. The purpose of this research is to examine the usage of to social media networks to promote Library and Information resources in between librarians and patrons in Sri Lankan as current awareness services. Current Awareness Services help to library for notifying library services to researches and other persons who need information. Presently, there are more social media networks in the world. Some examples are Face book, twitter, likened, Google +, you tube. Face book Social media networks are used by 1,100 100 100 peoples in the current world meanwhile the Face book is most popular network in Sri Lanka too. Therefore current awareness services which containing CAS list" Content pages services" Periodical Circulation" Paper cutting services" Accession list and the notification of fourth coming conversion and Research in progress are used by the librarians. Nevertheless public, schools, University and special librarians paylmeagerattention for these methods. The sole intention of this evaluattion is to notify the knowledge and information to promote CAS services by using social media. According to the study, although theSri Lankan libraries are connecting with social media but not more with CAS services. Some of libraries used to use social media networks under the friend groups, pages and ask a librarian. Therefore librarians have to be promoted to use this technology to notify library activities for patrons.
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    A Study on Attitudes of University Lectures and Students about the Use of Digital Libraries for Searching Academic Information.
    (Department of Library and Information Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2016) Somananda Thero, B.
    Modern world is highly information dependent and the teaching faculty and undergraduates use digital libraries and institutional repositories in their teaching and learning process in order to obtain the information they needed. The main purpose of this research is to figureoutthe situations and the attitudes that university lecturers and undergraduates feel when gathering information by using digital libraries. This research based on the survey method and for the survey all the lecturers and undergraduates of university of Kelaniya has been considered as the research population and a sample was selected among lecturers of Faculty of Social Sciences & Humanity and the undergraduates of the bachelor of (BA) special degree programs of the same faculty. Primary data were collected through distributing questionnaire to the lecturers, using random sampling method. Secondary data were collected through the printed sources which was considered relevant to the research. In the study of academic information, it was revealed that the most of the lecturers and undergraduates of the two faculty were not using digital libraries, Lack of understanding about this concept of the main reason for this situation. Responses indicate more priority to searching academic information in using digital libraries. It was also revealed that they use those information for their research activities. Also Digital libraryusers were happy in that as it contains qualitative information sources and neutral attitude to the quantity of subject. Related information sources. Language barrier faced by the Undergraduate and Lack of facilities, were some of the problem identified. Some of the solutions proposed based on findings are conducting awareness seminars and workshops to share knowledge about digital libraries and its contents, workshops to publicize it by the professional staff in the library field to solve many of the problems successfully which were identified through the study.
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    The Attitudes towards Reading and the Reading Habits of the Students of Nāgānanda International Institute for Buddhist Studies
    (Department of Library and Information Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2016) Rewatha Thero, P.
    Reading is a conscious activity which is aimed at understanding the author’s idea. Therefore it can also be explained as a mental action. Reading habit can be beneficial to a person in the aspects of gaining knowledge and social activities. This research study is based on the attitudes towards reading and the reading habits of the students of Nāgānanda International Institute for Buddhist Studies. A sample group of 78 students was used for the study. The preliminary data collection was conducted through a questionnaire. Background details, reading materials, time spent for reading daily, hobbies and the use of media like phones and internet were studied in this research. In order to understand the attitudes towards reading, fifteen statements were given to the students. For which they should agree or disagree. As per the preliminary study, the most popular reading source is the religious books. They spent an average of one to two hours a day for reading and are mostly interested in reading in their leisure. A similar number of students have a likeness towards the use of internet. Even though the majority has an interest in reading and acquiring knowledge, one of the major difficulties faced when reading is the drowsiness and the weariness. But they are still interested in keeping a private collection of books. Many students interested to read books as a conventional source however due their meager acquaintance of modern e-resources, acute trust on conventional source like books prompted reading rather using modern e-resources. Therefore, they have to be trained and more awareness programs on the use of e-resources.
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    Scientific Study about Collection of Manuscripts Book by W.S. M. Ranasingha of Doctor in Athebediwewa
    (Department of Library and Information Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2016) Piyarathana Thero, L.
    This study main purpose is scientific study about Manuscripts book in Sri Lanka. But we are failed cover to the all Sri Lanka Manuscripts book collection. Hence we are selecting this study sample to collection of Manuscripts book by Doctor W. S. M. Ranasingha. To main reason selecting this sample we can be generalization traditional medical method and medical Manuscripts book collection. Each varies subjects Manuscripts book has This Manuscripts book collection. There is science, arts, magic and giotteschi in some books are this collection. There magic books are lot of see this book collection. Number of 135 to see this collection. This 135 Manuscripts books are study in this research. Specially we are attention subject of this Manuscripts books. We are needed this Manuscripts book collection scientific description, categorization, order to alphabetical to record this Manuscripts book collection. Hence we are creating bibliography this collection.
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    Electronic Resources and its Impact on Students at Tamil Nadu Colleges: A study
    (Department of Library and Information Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2016) Yasmin.M.
    This paper analysis the status of e resources and its impact on students at Tamil Nadu engineering college, arts and science college and research institution. The study also analyzes the services, uses and satisfaction. The data were collected from 25 students out of the total population of 300 from the surveyed institutions in the study area. The present research aims at collecting primary data from the respondents of the surveyed institutes. Among the different data collection methods, questionnaire method was chosen and structured as a tool. The inputs collected from the respondents were analyzed and the tool questionnaire was modified accordingly to make the investigation closer in the study area. The researcher has distributed the questionnaire to the students. In addition, the researcher also has collected the data from the annual reports, institutional publication and websites of the surveyed institutes. The use of library e-resources among the students in the study area is found to be at optimum level. There is a need for the libraries in the study area to intensify the awareness and use of E- access scholarly resources and the web technologies information for teaching and learning process. The library and information environments in the study area is found to be with minimum infrastructural requirements and application of ICT including automation but e-resources access in colleges need to be improved and also there is a divide between the colleges in terms of acquiring resources and facilities in the study area. Many of the college libraries have not E resources facility even though the subscription cost is almost negligible. Majority of the research students are found to be good.
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    Awareness and Use of Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC)/Web OPAC by University Students of University of Kelaniya
    (Department of Library and Information Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2016) Wimalawansha, B.G.U.N.; Jayawardana, M.C.N.; Sewwandi, H.K.I.
    The Introduction of Information and Communication Technology in the field of Libraries and Information Centers has impacted on library services and library techniques such as retrieval and dissemination of information resources. It has also changed the ways of providing library services to user community. OPAC is one of the technologies which easy provide access to bibliographical information such as name of author, title, publisher, date of the publication. Although OPAC is identified as a easy and effective way to search information in the library, many users have not got relevant knowledge and skills to use OPAC. This study fulfill this gap. Main objective of this study is to identify what are the problems faced by University students when they use OPAC/Web OPAC. Moreover, this study also aim to understand knowledge and skills that required to use OPAC effectively. This study used a survey method as a research method. The population of this study consists of University students in Sri Lanka. The sample of this study represents students in the University of Kelaniya. This study used a quantitative data collection techniques. Questionnaires were distributed among the selected students in the University and 90% were responded. Descriptive statistics method (SPSS software) was used for data analysis of this study. This study found that number (69.1%) of students used OPAC as a search tool for retrieving documents. Although they knew OPAC as a computer catalogue, they do not have wide awareness about OPAC. Many students do not use all features provided by OPAC such as advance search, reserve books, search from ISBN number. Also they do not know how to search bibliographical records. Even though, the University library has provided OPAC facilities, there were some limitations i.e. not allow to copy, print and edit bibliographical data, absences of regular updating on OPAC system, unable to search terms using Sinhala and Tamil languages and longer time for connecting to OPAC. Due to these limitations students were not satisfied with OPAC services provided by the University library. Findings of this study highly useful for University library staff to provide effective OPAC facilities and thereby improve academics knowledge and skills to use OPAC effectively. For example library staff can organize qualitative instructional programs, can provide practical training on advanced searching methods and promote OPAC among University students.
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    Role of Librarian in Managing School Libraries: A Study Based on Selected National School Libraries in Gampaha District
    (Department of Library and Information Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2016) Wijesiri, E.A.D.B.
    As a heart of school, the school library has very acute significant role to play. The principal objective of this paper is to study the managerial role of the school librarian. The other objectives are to identify the management functions, to examine how librarian fulfil these managerial functions, to explore the leadership characteristics, to investigate support given by the principal and staff, to examine the weakness in managing school librarian and to identify the problems faced by the professional or the Teacher librarian. Method of study was the survey and 10 national school libraries in Gampaha district used as a sample. Primary data collected using questionnaires, interview and participatory observation. Problems identified were the scarcity of library materials, the staff shortage who are trained and acquainted with these library materials. Most of school students were unaware what are good library material, how use them. The school library staff had a poor understanding on technical services. It is essential to train librarians and library staff in school library management by offering training opportunities sending them for workshops, conference and training programs. It is better to offer them both theoretical all practical aspects of school library management. More attention has to be given when allocating school library funds and much care has to be given in obtaining school library materials.
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    Indigenous Knowledge available in Balangoda Region: A Study based Indigenous Medicine and Traditional Kem Methods
    (Department of Library and Information Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2016) Wijesekara, N.C.D.
    Traditional Knowledge is the ancient heritage own to individual nations bestowed upon their culture and practices. Traditional knowledge is also called indigenes knowledge which comprised of norms virtues, long standing belief systems, experiences way of behavior thought systems and practices which have been applied for various purposes of the traditional society. Individual villages and regions contain their own indigenous knowledge systems and practices. The principal objective of the paper is to study the indigenous knowledge and the kem system available in Balangoda region. The other objectives are the study the use of these knowledge systems, to investigate the indigenous knowledge which has been endangered for decay and decayed, and to examine the factors affecting the decay of indigenes knowledge. Primary data collected using participative observation and holding interview. Study revealed certain medicines and treatments and healing methods used for diseases like eye problem, serpent bite, osteology, tumors, rickets, and hydrophobia. Under “Kem” methods, “Kem” methods used for the farming and agriculture were identified. It recovered that these important medicines, healing and treatment method and systems and the indigenous knowledge practicing to those are not recorded and not given due recognition and acceptance and they have faced in decay and ruination. Even though this indigenes knowledge has been used minimally, danger is the peoples’ growing attitudes toward the western medicinal systems. “Kem” methods were also used minimally and suggestion is made to take steps for preservation and conservation of this indigenous knowledge which has been faced a threat.
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    An Example for the Importance of the ancient Manuscripts for Solving Crucial Problems appeared in Buddhist Literature
    (Department of Library and Information Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2016) Wijayawimala Thero, Sooriyawewa
    The Manuscripts can evidently be identified as a significant effort to preserve the particular philosophical and ancestral information in the elementary period of human civilization. In the Buddhist context, manuscripts are identified as historical heritage of Buddhism which continued in recitation by the Buddhist disciples. Here, it concerns on a problematic point appeared in the Pāli Text Society (PTS) Tripitaka and the way that problem was come right with the help of Preserved Buddhist manuscripts. According to the second edition of Pāli Text Society Tripitaka book of numerical discourses or AnguttaraNikāya, the ChatukkaNipāta is consisted a discourse by name of DutiyaggaSutta. Mrs. Rhys Davids was the president of the PTS at the time of second edition. According to her comment on the second edition of ChatukkhaNipāta in AnguttaraNikāya,which has been amended a word was appeared as ‘Bhavañga’ in the first edition of PTS ChatukkaNipātaPathamañgasutta and the ‘Bhavagga’ has replaced instead of ‘Bhavañga’ based on the commentary reading ofDutiyañgasutta. However, the first edition of PTS ChathukkaNipāta has been amended with the help of a number of Manuscripts which have originally been written in Sinhalese and Burmese characters. Therefore, the first edition of PTS ChatukkaNipāta in AnguttaraNikāyais consisted the term ‘Bhavañga’ in DutiyaggaSutta which was edited by Rev. Richard Morris. In such a context, the problem cannot simply be skipped. Therefore, this research is an attempt to point out an example to solve problems with the help of manuscripts. On the other hand, it will be given rise to understand the paramount importance of the manuscripts to settle down crucial problems appeared in the Buddhist Literature.