Indigenous Knowledge available in Balangoda Region: A Study based Indigenous Medicine and Traditional Kem Methods
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Department of Library and Information Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka
Traditional Knowledge is the ancient heritage own to individual nations bestowed upon their culture and practices. Traditional knowledge is also called indigenes knowledge which comprised of norms virtues, long standing belief systems, experiences way of behavior thought systems and practices which have been applied for various purposes of the traditional society.
Individual villages and regions contain their own indigenous knowledge systems and practices. The principal objective of the paper is to study the indigenous knowledge and the kem system available in Balangoda region. The other objectives are the study the use of these knowledge systems, to investigate the indigenous knowledge which has been endangered for decay and decayed, and to examine the factors affecting the decay of indigenes knowledge.
Primary data collected using participative observation and holding interview. Study revealed certain medicines and treatments and healing methods used for diseases like eye problem, serpent bite, osteology, tumors, rickets, and hydrophobia. Under “Kem” methods, “Kem” methods used for the farming and agriculture were identified.
It recovered that these important medicines, healing and treatment method and systems and the indigenous knowledge practicing to those are not recorded and not given due recognition and acceptance and they have faced in decay and ruination. Even though this indigenes knowledge has been used minimally, danger is the peoples’ growing attitudes toward the western medicinal systems. “Kem” methods were also used minimally and suggestion is made to take steps for preservation and conservation of this indigenous knowledge which has been faced a threat.
Knowledge systems, Indigenous knowledge, Traditional Knowledge, Culture heritage, Intangible culture heritage
Wijesekara, N.C.D. 2016. Indigenous Knowledge available in Balangoda Region: A Study based Indigenous Medicine and Traditional Kem Methods. 1st International Conference on Library and Information Management (ICLIM - 2016), 21st - 22nd October 2016, Department of Library and Information Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. p 135.