Human Resource Management

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    Fostering work engagement: The effects of reverse mentoring and knowledge sharing
    (Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 2024) Harshani, M. D. R.; Jayawardana, A. K. L.; Atapattu, A. W. M. M.
    Work engagement is crucial for organisational success, yet many organisations struggle with low engagement rates. Previous research hints at a potential link between reverse mentoring and work engagement, prompting a deeper investigation into this relationship. Drawing from the Job Demands-Resources (JD-R) framework and Social Exchange Theory (SET), this study examines the impact of reverse mentoring on work engagement, with knowledge sharing as a mediating factor and self-efficacy and perceived organisational support as moderators. Through a survey of 340 middle managers across 10 multinational corporations in Sri Lanka, the study reveals significant effects between reverse mentoring and work engagement, with knowledge sharing playing a crucial mediating role. Additionally, the study demonstrates the moderating influences of self-efficacy and perceived organisational support on work engagement and knowledge sharing, thus contributing novel insights to the existing literature in the shade of JD-R and SET perspectives.
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    Telecommuting on Women’s Work-Family Balance through Work-Family Conflicts
    (2023) Rebecca, E.; Jayawardana, A.K.L.
    This study draws on the work-family border theory to examine the impact of telecommuting on work-family balance through work-family conflicts and managing psychological borders. Since telecommuters lack physical boundaries and work within psychologically created borders, it is more challenging for women telecommuters to balance work and family responsibilities while working from home as telecommuters. Although available literature has illuminated this concern, there is a dearth of literature on managing psychological borders. Addressing this gap, this study explores the impact of telecommuting on work-family balance (WFB) through the bi-directional nature of the mediating effect of work- family conflict and the moderating impact of mindfulness, which will be empirically tested. The research adopted a cross-sectional survey strategy to conduct quantitative research on women telecommuters in the information technology industry in Sri Lanka. Interestingly, the findings of this study reveal that telecommuting has an impact on WFB, and that the trait of mindfulness was found to impact women telecommuters’ WFB significantly. The study contributes to the existing literature by incorporating mindfulness as a moderator and highlights the importance of developing the trait of mindfulness, since it is not innate in most people.
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    Factors affecting the performance of operational level employees in vogue tex (pvt) ltd
    (Global academic research institute, Colombo Sri Lanka, 2023) Rebecca, E.; Gunasekara, V.M.
    In contemporary business environment, apparel industry has been identified as a one of the most challenging and competitive industries among the other sort of industries. For endurance, apparel industry needs to have a mean of achieving competitive advantage. Basically this competitive advantage has been achieved by the apparel industry via human resources. Human resource has been identified as the only living resource among the other resources which has the capability to think, innovate and create etc. Consequently, human resource is viewed as a basic factor which pushes an organization towards the goal achievement. Hence, organizations are very sensitive on performance of the employee and on the factors that affect the performance of employees. This study was undertaken to identify the significance of the factors that affect performance of the operational level employees’ in Vogue Tex (Pvt) Ltd. This study was a cross sectional study with the sample of 96 operational level employees of Vogue Tex (Pvt) Ltd. In order to select the sample, convenience sampling method was applied. Data were collected through standard questionnaire and to analyses the data, descriptive statistics, Simple ranking method and Factor analysis were performed using IBM SPSS 20. Based on the empirical findings, researchers have tested eight factors namely, Working Environment, Organizational Culture, Personal Factors and Problems, Compensation & Reward System, Job content, Leadership, Team Cohesiveness and Training. All of these eight factors have been affected significantly in determining performance of the operational level employees. However, based on the findings, researchers have found that Training and Organizational Culture are the major and the most prominent determinants of the performance of the operational level employees. Hence, it has been concluded that Organizational culture and the Training are the most important factors when articulating the performance level of the operational level employees in the Vogue Tex (Pvt) Ltd.
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    Determinants of Student Satisfaction in Online Tutorials: A Study of an Online Education Academy
    (University of Ruhuna Sri Lanka, 2023) Nandasena, N.P.H.; Rebecca, E.
    Distance learning is gaining popularity as a competitive alternative to traditional classroom instruction. Educational institutions that offer formal classroom education also incorporate distance learning courses due to the benefits it provides, such as low cost, wider access, and shared resources. To investigate student satisfaction in e-learning, this study focused on final-year students of ABC Online Academy in Colombo, Sri Lanka. Data were collected through self-administered questionnaires to assess students’ satisfaction. The study adopted a cross-sectional approach, utilizing a single source of data. A random sampling method was employed, resulting in 145 valid questionnaires from the students of the online education academy. Hypotheses were tested using the Pearson correlation coefficient and regression analysis. The study findings indicated that students' satisfaction is determined by course structure, the flexibility of online tutorials, the quality of online tutorials, and technology quality. The implications of these results for theory and practice were also discussed. Consequently, the study suggests that management should prioritize attention to course structure, the flexibility of online tutorials, the quality of online tutorials, and technology quality, as these factors are linked to increased student satisfaction. So, this research contributes to the existing literature on student satisfaction and e-learning context by examining the determinants of student satisfaction in online tutorials.
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    Effect of Social Support on Job Satisfaction in a Reputed Telecommunication Company
    (Chartered Institute of Personnel Management Sri Lanka, 2023) Nanayakkara, Ann; Rebecca, E.
    Social support has been recognized as an essential tool that can support workers in keeping their efforts goal-directed and improving their quality of life. Research on social support and job satisfaction has yielded mixed results. This research aims to determine how social support affects job satisfaction at a Sri Lankan telecommunications company. This study also addresses knowledge and empirical gaps by examining the relationship between Social Support and Job Satisfaction. Even though the link between social support and job satisfaction has been proven in western literature by mental health organizations, there is relatively little research that has examined this relationship in the Sri Lankan context, particularly in the telecommunications sector. The current study investigated how those factors related to one another and how they affected workers. This deductive method was applied using an online survey research method and a quantitative research methodology. The population of the study was all levels of employees at a reputed Telecommunication Company, and the sample size was 175 observations, with primary data employed as a data source. SPSS - version 23.0 was used to analyze the data, and correlation and regression were employed. According to the study's findings, since social support is an essential buffering mechanism that helps enhance job satisfaction, employers and employees must be proactive in building a robust social network to help them achieve job satisfaction.
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    Organizational Justice and Innovative Work Behavior: Effect of Knowledge Sharing
    (Chartered Institute of Personnel Management Sri Lanka, 2023) Nathasha, W. S. A. U.; Rebecca, E.
    The current imperative is to encourage employees to behave innovatively at work. Prior research has documented the influence of organizational justice on innovative work practices. However, the majority of this research comes from the context of information technology. Moreover, the underlying mechanism linking these variables, namely, the role of knowledge sharing, is sparse. This paper aims to examine the mediating role of knowledge sharing in the relationship between organizational justice and innovative work behavior and to address the problem of a lack of innovation among executive employees of the selected Sri Lankan construction company. The study was conducted by using a simple random sample from a construction company, and the time horizon was cross-sectional. Individual-level was the unit of analysis. Employees who were at the executive level were included as respondents in this survey. After reliability and validity were confirmed, the study's measurements were of a high caliber. The executives of a construction company are surveyed using a questionnaire survey method. A total of 118 valid questionnaires are collected. The hypotheses were examined using Pearson's correlation coefficient and linear regression analysis According to the study, organizational justice significantly influences how creatively employees behave at work. Additionally, it has been discovered that knowledge-sharing mediates the relationship. This paper is only intended for the executive employees of a particular Sri Lankan construction firm. Future researchers will be able to acquire data from various sources, mixing experimental settings with real-world circumstances, strengthening the scientific quality of research methodologies and raising the credibility of research findings. This study emphasizes knowledge-sharing as an underlying mechanism to demystify the relationship between organizational justice and innovative work behavior. An improvement is made to the theoretical framework that now describes the results of organizational justice.
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    Impact of Work-Family Enrichment and Work-Family Conflict on Turnover Intention: Employees in a State Bank in Sabaragamuwa Province, Sri Lanka
    (Chartered Institute of Personnel Management Sri Lanka, 2023) Nandasena, N. P. H.; Rebecca, E.
    Many obligations at work and at home result in both negative (work-family conflict) and positive (work-family enrichment) spillover, which influence the effectiveness of people in both their lives at work and home. This has led to expanding research into the relationship between work and family. The outcomes of the two components of work-family relationships, work-family enrichment and work-family conflict, vary. This study examined the combined impact of work-family conflict and enrichment on intention to leave among state bank employees in Sri Lanka's Sabaragamuwa Province. Using self-administered surveys, the enrichment and conflict of work-family relationships were measured. The research used a single data source and a cross-sectional design. The data from 250 valid surveys were collected using a simple random sample technique. The hypotheses were examined using Pearson's correlation coefficient and multiple regression analysis. The findings from the research indicate that a simultaneous experience of less work-family conflict and more enriching experiences at work will provide tremendous benefits and long-term benefits to organizations. The implications of these results for theory and practice are also discussed. As a result, it is proposed that management should pay special attention to enhancing work-family enrichment since this appears to be linked to decreased turnover intention. By examining the connection between work-family enrichment and results that are relevant to the workplace, this study adds to the body of work-family literature.
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    Organizational Justice and Innovative Work Behaviour: Effect of Knowledge Sharing
    (Department of Human Resource Management, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya Sri Lanka, 2022) Nathasha, W. S. A. U.; Rebecca, E.
    The current imperative is to encourage employees to behave innovatively at work. Prior research has documented the influence of organizational justice on innovative work practices. However, most of this research comes from the context of information technology. Moreover, the underlying mechanism linking these variables, namely, the role of knowledge sharing, is sparse. This paper aims to examine the mediating role of knowledge sharing in the relationship between organizational justice and innovative work behaviour and to address the problem of a lack of innovation among executive employees of the selected Sri Lankan construction company. The executives of a construction company are surveyed using a questionnaire survey method. A total of 118 valid questionnaires are collected. According to the study, organisational justice significantly impacts how creatively employees behave at work. Additionally, it has been discovered that knowledge-sharing mediates relationships. This paper is only intended for the executive employees of a particular Sri Lankan construction firm. Future researchers will be able to acquire data from various sources, mixing experimental settings with real-world circumstances, strengthening the scientific quality of research methodologies and raising the credibility of research findings. The results show that organizational justice impacts knowledge-sharing and innovative work practices. Additionally, it was revealed that the above relationship is partially mediated by knowledge sharing, which affects employees' innovative work behaviours. This study emphasizes knowledge-sharing as an underlying mechanism to demystify the relationship between organizational justice and innovative work behaviour. An improvement is made to the theoretical framework that now describes the results of organizational justice. Keywords: Innovative work behaviour, Innovation, Knowledge sharing, Organizational justice, Organizational performance.
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    Application of Successful EU Funds Absorption Models to Sustainable Regional Development
    (Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya Sri Lanka, 2023) Šostar, Marko; Ristanovi´, Vladimir; de Alwis, Chamaru
    The research paper comprehensively and consistently addresses all relevant theoretical areas related to the topic and includes an extensive empirical analysis of the absorption of EU funds and their impact on the sustainable development of Croatia, Slovenia, Hungary, and Poland. The analysis aims to investigate the efficiency of the absorption of funds from the EU, the impact of these funds on regional development of countries, and the reasons for such impacts. The “Regional Development Model Based on EU Funds” was tested with the aim of applying the model to the Republic of Croatia, countries in the region, and other European countries, to achieve a higher level of absorption of financial resources from the available EU funds. Data for the empirical analysis were collected using a highly structured survey questionnaire completed by a sample of 244 respondents involved in the preparation and implementation of EU-funded projects. The contribution of economic science in theoretical terms arises from the development of scientific knowledge and ideas about the importance of increasing the number of development projects that will increase the absorption of funds from the European Union, thereby increasing economic activities in Croatia and the region. The expected contribution of economic science in the applied sense is based on the formulation of the “Regional Development Model Based on EU Funds”, which is based on the application of knowledge, good practices, and stakeholder experiences, considering relevant indicators from available sources. The greatest contribution is demonstrated through testing the “Regional Development Model Based on EU Funds”, which is applicable to the Republic of Croatia, countries in the region, and other European countries over a longer period. Finally, research into the impact of EU funds on the regional development of recipient countries is considerably less represented and very modest, and is only in the “upswing” of systematic scientific research. The research aims to fill the gaps in research and to encourage the thinking of key stakeholders responsible for regional development, who should eventually realize the importance of defining a regional policy aimed at EU funds as a key to regional development and reducing regional disparities within countries.
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    Breaking the Silence: Exploring the Prevalence and Effects of SH in Sri Lanka’s Workplaces
    (Vallis Aurea, 2023) Dewdunee, M.A.N.; De Alwis, A. C
    Abstract:Purpose - Sexual Harassment (SH) in the workplace is a signifi cant problem for Sri Lankan women, leading to various challenges. Despite ongoing efforts to address the issue, SH remains pervasive, negatively impacting on many women. A recent study aimed to explore how SH in the workplace affects the personal lives of female employees.Design/methodology/approach - This research follows a quantitative method that seeks to study the impact of SH in the workplace on women’s personal life. Convenience sampling was used to select 351 female employees from different workplaces, who then completed standardized instruments. Correlation and regression analysis were performed to examine the association between variables and the impact of SH on the participants. The study revealed that SH in the workplace has adverse effects on the personal lives of female employees. SH was associated with a range of psychological, physical, work-related, and interpersonal problems, including depression, anxiety, and fear, physical symptoms such as sleep disturbance, low energy, and chronic pain. Additionally, job satisfaction, productivity, motivation, and relationships with colleagues, supervisors, and clients were negatively impacted. Findings - The fi ndings underscore the need for greater community awareness of SH and preventative measures in the workplace. Organizations must take action to avoid SH by developing comprehensive policies and procedures, providing training to employees and management on identifying and addressing SH, and establishing reporting channels that allow for timely and appropriate responses to reports of SH. Originality of the Research - the study highlights the signifi cant impact of SH in the workplace on the personal lives of Sri Lankan women. To eliminate this pervasive issue from Sri Lankan workplaces, collective action is required. Organizations must take a proactive approach to address this issue to ensure the safety and well-being of all employees. The study provides valuable insights into the consequences of SH on employees and emphasizes the need for continued efforts to create a safe and inclusive work environment for women.