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Type of Account Consumer Maintains with their Banks and Service Quality.

Show simple item record Herath, H.M.R.P. 2016-03-03T04:47:02Z 2016-03-03T04:47:02Z 2011
dc.identifier.citation Herath, H.M.R.P. 2011. Type of Account Consumer Maintains with their Banks and Service Quality. CGC- Management Review, A Bi-annual Refereed International Journal, 01(01): 43-56. en_US
dc.description.abstract In Sri Lanka, financial system of the country mainly dEends on banking system' because banking sector rEresints a share of 70.8i, ( Central BankRryort,2006) of totalfinancial system of the eclnoffiy. Deregutation of the banking sector and entrance of foreign banks to sri Lankan market intensifies the competitiin. Thueford;,,banks need thems.elues to diffe.rentiate ftom other institutes thror,tgh improuing the qualig of the rririrr. Therefore, it is worthwhile to study the significance of the type of the account that the consumer maintains with the bank and the seraice quality in the retail contmercialbankingindustry of sriLanka. Asampre of 1s0 consumerswas selected throughstratified random sampting techniq,e. The scope of the stucry was retail consumers of priaate and public conmtercial banks situ,ated in the Gampaha" district, zoho haaebeen dealingwith thoseparticularbanks .for tnre than two yefirs. The retnit consumers who maintain saaings nccounts, fixed deposit accounts nntr atrrent accoitnts were considered proportionntery in drawing the sample elements- A structured questionnaire deueloped hnsedon SERVO LLAL model of seraice quality was used to collect data' The gathered dttt* were nnalyzed rtsing ANouA and finclings showecl that there is not any impact made by tlte type of the account that the consumer maintain with the bank on eaaluation of seraice quality proaidedby thebanks.
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.title Type of Account Consumer Maintains with their Banks and Service Quality. en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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