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Showing results 21 to 40 of 44 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018Gillespie syndrome in a South Asian child: a case report with confirmation of a heterozygous mutation of the ITPR1 gene and review of the clinical and molecular featuresde Silva, D.; Williamson, K.A.; Dayasiri, K.C.; Suraweera, N.; Quinters, V.; Abeysekara, H.; Wanigasinghe, J.; de Silva, D.; de Silva, H.
2009Hartsfield holoprosencephaly-ectrodactyly syndrome in five male patients: further delineation and reviewVilain, C.; Mortier, G.; Van, G. V.; Dubourg, C.; Heinrichs, C.; de Silva, D.; Verloes, C. B.
2021Heart rate variability among gas station attendants exposed to benzene, toluene, and xylenes (BTX) in Sri LankaWarnakulasuriya, T.; Medagoda, K.; Kottahachchi, D.; Luke, D.; Wadasinghe, D.; de Silva, D.; Ariyawansha, J.; Rathnayaka, P.; Dissanayaka, T.; Fernando, S.; Devanarayana, N.M.; Scheepers, P.T.J.
2023Human resources for health in Sri Lanka over the post-independence period: key issuesde Silva, D.; Chandratilake, M.; de Silva, N.
2021Identification of staphylococci contaminating clinical white coats of 4th year medical studentsDaraniyagala, H.U.; Dahanayake, O.S.; Dasanayake, A.P.; Dayarathna, M.P.; Dayarathna, S.N.; Dayasiri, K.G.; de Silva, D.N.; de Silva, S.A.; de Silva, N.U.; de Silva, D.; de Zoysa, D.S .; Vidanapathirana, G.; Dissanayake, R.U.; Ekanayake, A.; Liyanapathirana, V.
2003The impact of repeated malaria attacks on the school performance of childrenFernando, S.D.; Gunawardena, D.M.; Bandara, M.R.; de Silva, D.; Carter, R.; Mendis, K.N.; Wickremasinghe, A.R.
2015Implementing Newborn Hearing Screening at the University Pediatric Unit of the North Colombo Teaching Hospital, RagamaChandrasekara, J.M.A.U.; Jayasena, B.N.; Illeperuma, D.; de Silva, D.; Chathurika, E.
2021Intrusion of heavy metals/metalloids into rice (Oryza sativa L.) in relation to their status in two different agricultural management systems in Sri Lanka.Navarathna, C.; Pathiratne, S.; de Silva, D.; Rinklebe, J.; Mohan, D.; Mlsna, T.
2016Livelihood Deprived? A critical Analysis of Livelihood in Acquisition of Private Lands in South Asiade Silva, D.
2020Lung function of fuel handlers exposed to volatile organic compoundsWadasinghe, D.; Warnakulasuriya, T.; Medagoda, K.; Kottahachchi, D.; Luke, D.; Ariyawansa, J.; Rathnayake, P.; Dissanayake, T.; de Silva, D.; Amarasiri, L.; Devanarayana, N.M.; Scheepers, P.
2001Meckel Gruber syndrome: a single gene cause of recurrent neural tube defectsde Silva, D.; Suriyawansa, D.; Mangalika, M.; Samarasinghe, D.
2015Molecular diagnosis of velo-cardio-facial syndrome among sri lankan patients with congenital cardiac defectsTevarajan, I.; Ranaweera, D. M.; Perera, S.; Samarasinghe, D.; Morawakkorala, R.; Silva, R. L.; de Silva, D.; Chandrasekharan, N.V.
2014Molecular diagnosis of Velocardiofacial Syndrome in a cohort of Sri Lankan patientsThevarajan, I.; Ranaweera, D.M.; de Silva, D.; Prabodha, L.B.L.; Gunasekera, R.; Dias, D.K.; Nanayakkara, B.G.; Basnayake, S.; Jayathilake, M.; Chandrasekharan, N.V.
2012Molecular diagnosis of Williams Buren syndrome in a cohort of Sri Lankan patientsRanaweera, D.M.; de Silva, D.; Samarasinghe, D.; Perera, S.; Rajapaksha, N.; Chandrasekharan, N.V.
2013Mutations in ANTXR1 cause GAPO syndromeStránecký, V.; Hoischen, A.; Hartmannová, H.; Zaki, M.S.; Chaudhary, A.; Zudaire, E.; Nosková, L.; Barešová, V.; Přistoupilová, A.; Hodaňová, K.; Sovová, J.; Hůlková, H.; Piherová, L.; Hehir-Kwa, J.Y.; de Silva, D.; Senanayake, M.P.; Farrag, S.; Zeman, J.; Martásek, P.; Baxová, A.; Afifi, H.H.; St Croix, B.; Brunner, H.G.; Temtamy, S.; Kmoch, S.
2016Mutations in CDC45, encoding an essential component of the Pre-initiation complex, cause Meier-Gorlin syndrome and craniosynostosisFenwick, A.L.; Kliszczak, M.; Cooper, F.; Murray, J.; Sanchez-Pulido, L.; Twigg, S.R.; Goriely, A.; McGowan, S.J.; Miller, K.A.; Taylor, I.B.; Logan, C.; Bozdogan, S.; Danda, S.; Dixon, J.; Elsayed, S.M.; Elsobky, E.; Gardham, A.; Hoffer, M.J.; Koopmans, M.; McDonald-McGinn, D.M.; Santen, G.W.; Savarirayan, R.; de Silva, D.; Vanakker, O.; Wall, S.A.; Wilson, L.C.; Yuregir, O.O.; Zackai, E.H.; Ponting, C.P.; Jackson, A.P.; Wilkie, A.; Niedzwiedz, W.; Bicknell, L.S.
2021Nail-patella syndrome: Clinical importance of diagnosisKaleel, F.; Gunasekera, R.; de Silva, D.
2018Noncoding copy-number variations are associated with congenital limb malformationFlöttmann, R.; Kragesteen, B.K.; Geuer, S.; Socha, M.; Allou, L.; Sowińska-Seidler, A.; Bosquillon de Jarcy, L.; Wagner, J.; Jamsheer, A.; Oehl-Jaschkowitz, B.; Wittler, L.; de Silva, D.; Kurth, I.; Maya, I.; Santos-Simarro, F.; Hülsemann, W.; Klopocki, E.; Mountford, R.; Fryer, A.; Borck, G.; Horn, D.; Lapunzina, P.; Wilson, M.; Mascrez, B.; Duboule, D.; Mundlos, S.; Spielmann, M.
2006A Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, clinical trial of the impact of malaria prevention on the educational attainment of school childrenFernando, D.; de Silva, D.; Carter, R.; Mendis, K. N.; Wickremasinghe, R.
2023RB1 screening of retinoblastoma patients in Sri Lanka using targeted next generation sequencing (NGS) and gene ratio analysis copy enumeration PCR (GRACE-PCR)Kugalingam, N.; de Silva, D.; Abeysekera, H.; Nanayakkara, S.; Tirimanne, S.; Ranaweera, D.; Suravajhala, P.; Chandrasekharan, V.