The Impact of Celebrity Endorsement on Consumer Purchasing Intention .

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Department of Marketing Management, University of Kelaniya


In present business and marketing context the celebrity endorsement in building brands has become a major strategy. However the impact of this celebrity endorsement needs to analyze more as it impacts on the customers in different ways. Therefore the problem of this study has centered to “celebrity endorsement and consumer purchasing intension in Sri Lanka”. Even though there are many researches conducted with regards to the celebrity advertising and celebrity endorsement. There are no sufficient empirical evidences in Sri Lanka with regards to celebrity endorsement and its impact on consumer purchasing intention. The researcher has used the quantitative method and utilized the simple random sampling to select the respondents. Thus data were collected using 200 respondents from Kiribathgoda, Kelaniya and Gampaha area. The findings show positive relationship with celebrity endorsement and consumer purchasing intention. But it is a week positive relationship. However match up congruence of celebrity endorsement has strong positive relationship on consumer purchasing intention. Based on the findings the researcher has also provided recommendations in order to develop good brands based on the celebrity endorsement which can ultimately increase the purchasing intention.



Celebrity Endorsement, purchasing intention


Senarathne, B.G.S. and Bandara, B.S.S.U.2016.The Impact of Celebrity Endorsement on Consumer Purchasing Intention .1st Student Research Conference on Marketing (SRCM), Department of Marketing Management, University of Kelaniya, Kelaniya. p 43.




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