On the systematic of anomalous absorption of partial waves by nuclear optical potential
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Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Kelaniya
An interesting phenomenon relating to the nuclear optical potential was discovered
(Kawai M & Iseri Y,(1985)) [1] which is called the anomalous absorption of partial
waves by the nuclear optical potential. They found, by extensive computer calculations,
that, for a special combinations of the total angular momentum (j) ,angular
momentum(/) ,energy (E) and the target nuclei(A), the elastic S-matrix elements
corresponding to nucleon elastic scattering become zero. This phenomenon is universal
for light ion elastic scattering on composite nuclei. [2]. It is very interesting that this
phenomenon occurs for the realistic nuclear optical potential and it exhibits striking
systematic in various parameter planes. For example, all nuclei which absorb a partial
waves of a definite node lie along a straight in the plane (Re, A 3 ) as shown in the figure
, where Re is the closest approach and A is mass number of the target nucleus.
Theoretical description of this systematic has been actually very difficult, though
attempts have been made by the Kyushu group in Japan. In this contribution, we explain
mathematically the most striking systematic of this phenomenon.
Explanation of the systematic
Partial wave· u 1 ( k, r) of angular momentum I and incident wave number k satisfies the
Schrodinger equation
d21 + [ k2 _ l (l : l ) _ 21 {V(r)+iW(r)}] u,(k,r)= 0
dr r 1i
, where V (r) is the total real part and W (r) is the total imaginary part of the optical
potential. Starting from this equation , one obtains
lu1(k,r)I2=2 XI du, 12 -g(ru1(r2Jdr (2) dr dr 0
where g(r)= [k2-�� V(r)-l(l
r:1)J. If u1(k, r) is the anomalously absorbed partial
wave, the corresponding S-matrix element is zero and hence in the asymptotic region
I u1(k,r) I is almost constant. Therefore
[1;1' -g(ru1(k,rt ] o (3)
for large r. Now, from (1) and (3), it is not difficult to obtain[3] the equation
_1 !!I 12 -- g'( r) wh (r) 'Jw ( )J 12d (4) 2 u1 - ( ) + 2 h r,., u, r lu,l dr 2g r g(r u,l 0
Proceedings of the Annual Research Symposium 2008- Faculty of Graduate Studies University of Kelaniya
which is valid for large r , and has been numerically tested in case of an anomalously
absorbed partial waves , where Wh(r) =- 2 W(r) . If W(r) decays much more rapidly n
than V(r) in case of a partial wave under consideration lu,l2 =- g'(
and by
lu,l dr 2g r
integrating this equation with respect to r, we obtain
I iu1 (k, r)i2 (g(r) 2 = C (5)
,where C is a constant, and the equation (5) is valid for large values of r. In case of
anomalous absorption of the partial wave, I u 1 ( k, r ) I is constant in the asymptotic region
and therefore g(r) is also constant. We have found that for all partial waves
corresponding to a straight line of definite node, g(r) is constant at the respective
[l(l + 1)]2 closest approach. For example, at Re = k , g(r) is constant for all partial
waves lying on a straight line in case of anomalous absorption of neutron partial waves
by the nuclear optical potential. Therefore, neglecting the spin-orbit potential , we get
-I I 21tV0[1+exp[([l(/+l)F -1.17A3)]/arr1 =C0
n2 k
where V0 is depth of the real potential and A is the target mass and the optical potential
parameter ar = 0.75 and C0 is a constant. Therefore, in case of neutron, we get the
linear relation
[I (I+ 1)]2
= 1.11 A + C1
k . (6)
where C1 is again a constant. This relation has found to be well satisfied in the cases we
have tested numerically. The equation (6) well accounts for the anomalous absorption of
neutron partial waves by the Nuclear Optical Potential as shown in the figure below.
: [:::::r�;;�����i����:::]::::::::::::::::::::::::] :::::::::--:::::::::::::
1 I I I I I I 7 L----------J------------L---------__ J _ ----------L----------- : ----- ------L----------- ::N :: 6 : ----------: ------------: -----------: _ ___________ :L _ -------i: --------..:---: -----------
;::::" 5 ,1- ------ l l l : : ! - ---,------------r---- -------, ---- ------r--- --------,------------r----------- + : : : I : : : ::-::::: 4 :I- -----------;I ------ I I I I I ------:----- ---"t-------- ----:------------ 1------------:------------
1....1 I I I I I I I
3 lI- ----------1I ------------I -----------1I ------------rI -----------1I ------------rI ----------- 2 ::- ----------1: ------------: -----------1: ------------: -----------1: ------------: -----------
I I I I I I I ,a , 2 3 4 5 6 All3
Gradient of straight line predicted by ( 6) is 1.1 7 and the actual value is 1.1828 . Very
small discrepancy is due to the negligence of the spin-orbit potential.
Amarasinghe, D., Munasinghe, J.M. and Piyadasa, R.A.D., 2008. On the systematic of anomalous absorption of partial waves by nuclear optical potential, Proceedings of the Annual Research Symposium 2008, Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Kelaniya, pp 166-167.