A study on influence of advertisement in consumer brand preference (special reference to soft drink market in Manmunnai north d.s division Batticaloa)
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University of Kelaniya
Measuring the influence of Advertisement in Consumer Brand Preference is very
essential for every marketer. If advertisement does not create any positive change in
consumers’ brand preference, all the resources such as money, time and efforts spent
on advertisement will go in vain. Most of the marketers use Advertisement as a tool to
attract substantially new customers and to retain the existing customers. This research
studies about the “Influence of Advertisement in Consumer Brand Preference in the
Soft Drink Market”, which is one of the most competitive markets in Batticaloa.
Every Brand in this market use Advertisement as a major weapon to overcome the
fierce Competition.
There are numerous Advertisements of different Soft drink brands exposed in
Television. But, the main thing here is, the marketer want to identify that, do all these
advertisements positively influencing the consumers’ brand preference.
In order to study the influence of Advertisement in Consumer Brand Preference, three
main variables are considered with appropriate dimensions. They are; Information,
Communication and Comprehension. The structured questionnaire was used to collect
primary data from 200 respondents. The study found that all three variables indicate
high influence of Advertisement in consumer brand preference. Even though it has
high influence in overall view, the advertiser wants to consider the indicators, which
have low and moderate influence in their future developments of the Advertisements
to maintain its position in the market in the long-run. Eventually, this study
recommends some actions for improving the influence of Advertisement in consumer
brand preference.
Vivekananthan, Vithya, 2010. A study on influence of advertisement in consumer brand preference (special reference to soft drink market in Manmunnai north d.s division Batticaloa), In: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Business and Information, University of Kelaniya.