The Attitudes of Customers towards Green Investments

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Wth the arrival of societal Marketing concept to the business environruent, Green Investment has g?ine!-much importance than it had. The societal marketing concept says rhil an organization should deliver the desired satisfaction of the customer in a way thit preserves or enhctnces the consumers' and the socie_ly's well-being. Investment in green sh-ares gives relaliveh,high rates ,.freturn- qs a sort of highly socially responsible investment. In the western countries q domestic growth in green investments introductions at the beginning of the 1990's and currently the market for green investments has been expanded rapti-ly. tn ile "us,a, one out of eight tLS dllturs invested in Green shares. The Sri Lankan market ii Cieen Investments, still not have reachecl to that level of western countries,-but_sr(uatly it has been improved than earlier years. Onbt a.fstv organizations can befomtd in sri Lanka thosewho engage in tropicalforestry. This paper deals with an evalaation of afiintctds of poten-tial "urto*", clientele towards the Green Investmen-ts, specially invest on tropical forgstry. The study was based on secon4ary da1a. and p-'lyory data. Primary data were collected by conducting a representative survey of interviewing 200 respondents through.a structured questionnaire. Tie sample elements were selected using convenience sampling teclniques descriptive statistics were used to analyze gathered clata. Findings showed that only a less percentage of interviewed customeri hid Jhvorable attitudes tgwards invest in tropigal for_eltry and furiher it was revealed that the willingness to invest in forestry is afunction ofvariables of edtlcatrion level, income, environmental awireness, nature of promotions and expected proJits. Based on the results, conclusions are drawn regarding marketing strategies to improve their market in the marketer's point of view.



Green Investments, societal Marketing concepto Attitudes


Wanninayake, W.M.C.B. and Herath, H.M.R.P. 2009.The Attitudes of Customers towards Green Investments. Journal of Management, 05(01): 22-30. Faculty of Management & Commerce, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka.



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