Diversity of Worker Ant Communities (Order: Hymenoptera; Family: Formicidae) in Non-Agricultural Lands in Ratnapura District
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University of Kelaniya
An ant survey (Jan., 2004 · Dec., 2005) conducted in the forests and some selected
agricultural lands in Ratnapura district for the preparation of an inventory and to locate
the habitats of the endemic ant, Aneuretus simoni Emery, was extended to nonagricultural
lands in the district, from January to June in 2006. Worker ants were sampled
along three transects laid in such a land in Kuruwita (January), Dumbaramanana
(February), Godakawela (March), Ambilipitiya (April), Balangoda (June) and Nivithigala
(June). Along each 100 m transect, twenty five honey baits were kept at four metre
intervals and collected after an hour into bottles filled with 85% ethanol. In addition, ants
sampled by soil sifting (20) and hand collection (1 0) at 4 m intervals were also preserved
in 85% ethanol. Ants were sorted, identified to the possible taxonomic levels and
enumerated in the laboratory. Air (23°- 35° C) and soil temperatures (22° - 33 °C), soil
moisture content (17% - J7%) and soil organic matter (2% - 9%) of each site were also
Although members of six subfamilies, Amblyoponinae, Cerapachyinae, Dolichoderinae,
Formicinae, Myrmicinae and Ponerinae and, fifty six species and morphospecies of ants
were recorded, Aneuretus simoni (Subfamily: Aneuretinae) was never observed during
this study. Significantly different Species Richness values (chi square test; p< 0.05) were
recorded for the lands in Kuruwita (18), Dumbaramanana (19), Godakawela (28),
Ambilipitiya (17), Balangoda (29) and Nivithigala (26). Technomyrmex albipes (36.8%)
dominated the Kuruwita ant community while Pachycondyla sp. 2, Monomorium sp." 2
and Paratrechina longicornis were observed in considerable (>5%) proportions. Pheidole
sp. 2 was dominant in Dumbaramanana whereas Tapinoma melanocephalum (24.8%),
Technomyrmex bicolor (12.6%), Myrmicaria brunnea (10.4%) and Technomyrmex
albipes (5.9%) were also observed in considerable proportions. Tapinoma
melanocephalum was the dominant species recorded from Godakawela (28.9%) and
Nivithigala (27%) study sites. In addition, Pheidole sp. 2 (10.9%) and Pheidole sp. 3
(10.9%) in Godakawela and Camponotus sp. 2 (11.4%) & Paratrechina longicornis
(9.3%) in Nivithigala were observed in considerable proportions. The dominant ant
species observed in Ambilipitiya and Balangoda were Anoplolepis gracilipes (72.9%)
and Pheidole sp. 2 (36.9%), respectively. Considerable proportions of Tetramorium
bicarinatum (9%) in Ambilipitiya and Pheidole sp. 4 (12.9%) in Balangoda were also
observed. Anoplolepis gracilipes and Meranoplus bicolor were the species common to
six disturbed regions and this observation indicated that these species may have a value
as biological indicators of disturbance. The ponerines, Anochetus spp., Cryptopone spp.,
Diacamma ceylonense, D. indicum, Hypoponera spp., Leptogenys spp., Odontomachus
simillimus, Pachycondyla spp. and Platythyrea sp., when present, were always observed
in very low proportions. Although the reasons for the presence of different ant
communities in the six lands were not investigated in detail it is apparent that each ant
community observed in each land could be a reflection of the environmental quality of
each land. Members of Subfamily Aenictinae, which were recorded from forests in
Ratnapura were not observed in these lands.
Dias, R.K.S. and Perera, K.A.M., 2007. Diversity of Worker Ant Communities (Order: Hymenoptera; Family: Formicidae) in Non-Agricultural Lands in Ratnapura District, Proceedings of the Annual Research Symposium 2007, Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Kelaniya, pp 111.