The Impact of Sex Appeal Advertising on Organizational Sales
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University of Kelaniya
Among the various advertising appeals such as appeals of hum or, fear and sex; sex appeal
is somewhat argumentative amongst the general public. The main argument that they put
forward is whether the appropriate organizations can have an impact of using sex appeal on
their advertisements. Therefore, it is highly appropriate to look at this issue empirically and
find out whether there is an impact of sex appeal advertising on sales. T his paper, therefore
attempts to identify the degree of impact of sex appeal advertising on sales. At the same
time, researchers tried to find out the relationship between the demographic characteristics
of the people and their attitudes towards sex appeal advertisements.
Research was based on primary and secondary data. To collect primary data a representative
survey and some interviews were conducted with the general public and depth interviews
were conducted with a few top executives from selected companies. The sample was
selected based on cluster sampling method on the basis of demographic characteristics.
Two hundred people were selected among the general public and 25 managers among the
organizations for the sample.
Findings showed that though the general public openly criticizes sex appeal advertisements
unknowingly they are effective in motivating them to buy those products. Therefore, the
study concludes that there is a greater impact of using sex appeal in advertisements on
sales. Further, it was found that there are some differences between the attitudes of people
towards sex appeal advertising in terms of their demographic characteristics such as gender,
education level and place of residence.
Advertisements, Sex appeal, Attitudes and Gender differences
Herath, H.M.R.P. and Wijesundara, C.B., 2008. The Impact of Sex Appeal Advertising on Organizational Sales, Proceedings of the Annual Research Symposium 2008, Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Kelaniya, pp 198.