Review on effectiveness of the Ingredients of Pathya Prithvi Decoction in Urdava jathrugatha roga
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Proceeding of 5th International & 16th National Conference on Shalakyatantra, The Association of Shalaki (TAS), Pune, India 2019
Pathya Prtvi decoction is poly herbal formulation commonly used for Däha,Grahani, Karna and Shirah roga which consists of 13 ingredients i.e. Pathya (Terminalia chebula), Prthvi (Elettaria cardamomum), Paraga (Oldenlandia corymbosa Linn.), Chandana (Santalum album Linn.), Kataka (Strychnos potatorum Linn), Ushera (Vetiveria zizaniodes), Shunti (Zingiber officinale Rose.),Varala (Eugenia caryophllus Thumb.),Yashti (Glycyrrhiza glabra Linn), Jeraka (Cuminum cyminum Linn.),Upakulya (Piper longum Linn.), Jarana (Nigella sativa Linn.), Bilva mula (Algae marmelos Linn.). This study is carried out to review on effectiveness of the ingredients of Pathya Prtvi decoction in Urdhavajatrugatha Roga. Ayurveda properties and therapeutic potentials of 1 3 ingredients were reviewed from related text books in Ayurveda, published articles and journals, According to collected data from Ayurveda, asPanchapadärtha,mainIycontain51.4% of Madura rasa; 59% ofLaghuguna; 66.66% ofUshnavirya; 75% of Katuvipaka; as Prabhava, have Thridosaharain Pathyaand Chakshusyain Kataka. According to Dosanurupa karma, contain 37.09% of Kaphashamaka, 32.25%of Vatashamaka and 30.64% of Pitta shamaka property. Therapeutic actions of the ingredients which are related to Urdhavajatrugatha roga are Vedana Sthapana, Kaphagna, Kaphanissaraka, Kaphaputihara,Swasahara,Khsayahara, Shirovirechana, Jwaragna, Deepana, Pachana, Uttejaka, Mukhadaurgandhanasaka, Rakthastambhaka,Chakshusya, Keshya, Kantya, and Dahaprasamana.Maintherapeutic application of the ingredients are Kaphapittaja, Kaphavataja and Thridosaja roga including Shiroroga (Shirahshula, Pittajashula, Khalitya); Karna roga (Karnashula); Netra roga (Drustimandya, Abhisyandya); Pranaavhasrothasgatha roga (Prathisya, Kasa, Swasa, Kshaya, Rajayakshma, Hikka); Khantaroga (Swarabheda, Khantashosha); Mukharoga (Mukhadurganda, Dantashula, Mukhashosha); Urdavagatha Rakthapittaas Urdhavajatrugatha Roga. According to review on therapeutic potential, majority of ingredients have analgesic, anti- inflammatory,anti-oxidant, anti-microbial, anti-cancer, anti-asthmatic, anti-spasmodic, anti-pyretic activities. Further clinical studies are required to determine the therapeutic potential as well as effectiveness in ingredients of Pathyaprtvi decoction in above Urdhavajatrugatha Roga.
Pathvaprtvi decoction, Urdhavajatrugatha Roga, Therapeutic potential
Wasana, P.D.L., Peiris, K.P.P. and Wakkumbura, H.P. (2019). Review on effectiveness of the Ingredients of Pathya Prithvi Decoction in Urdava jathrugatha roga, Proceeding of 5th International & 16th National Conference on Shalakyatantra, The Association of Shalaki (TAS), Pune, India 2019, P.85