Suitability Assessment for Cultivation of Sugarcane in the Monaragala District, Sri Lanka Using GIS
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Department of Zoology, University of Kelaniya, Kelaniya, Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka‘s total annual requirement of sugar is 550,000 tons and only
10% of it is produced locally. The necessity for self sufficiency in sugar is
identified and the current extent of cultivation of sugarcane has to be
expanded for the production of sugar while making use of other
byproducts. This requires identification of suitable areas for sugarcane
cultivation in the dry zone and intermediate zone of Sri Lanka without
causing environmental consequences or influencing the production of
other crops. This study attempts to identify areas suitable for sugarcane
cultivation in the Moneragala district based on a set of criteria; Soil
aspects, environmental aspects, legal aspects and climatic aspects.
Boolean approach was applied for the suitability assessment assisted by
Monaragala district extends up to 5659 km2
of area and belongs to both
Intermediate and dry zones. Study revealed that 36% of the total extent is
suitable for sugarcane cultivation with necessary management practices.
Dry zone area within the Monaragala district encountered with water
scarcity problem for both Yala and Maha planting conditions where the
issue is severe in Yala planting. Feasibility for the usage of surface water
resources has to be carried out for discovering solutions for this issue. The
intermediate zone areas do not have issues of water scarcity for
cultivation of sugarcane and therefore water availability criteria was
excluded for this zone. The study can be executed for other districts for
the expansion of sugarcane cultivation and the development of sugar
industry in Sri Lanka.