International Symposium on ICT for Environmental Sustainability (ICTES 2014)

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    Acceptance of ICT-Enabled Services Among Bangladeshi Farmers
    (Department of Zoology, University of Kelaniya, Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2014) Quarmal, S.B.
    This paper is aimed at presenting a proposed work that focuses on the decision-making process regarding the acceptance of ICT-enabled services among Bangladeshi farmers. For this purpose, an Artificial Society Model (ASM hereafter), introduced by the authors, is being used. This psychology-oriented ASM of decision-making deals with knowledge-based decision-making process. It consists of a set of agents that represents groups of people who respond similarly to certain problem. The agents are characterized by the extent of knowledge that they have on the problem. The knowledge of an agent is expressed by a mathematical function. Thinking process of the agent is simulated by using a linkage model of cognitive psychology. A message is formed by the agent, based on the knowledge function and the conclusion (decision) of the agent on the given problem, which is also expressed mathematically, and is transferred to another agent and modifies the knowledge function of the agent that receives the message. As a result, the model enables to simulate dynamics of decision making processes in society. Such modeling helps us to understand various natural and social phenomena such as the issue discussed in this article, i.e. decision-making process regarding the acceptance of ICT-enabled services among Bangladeshi farmers.
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    Feasibility Study on the Wireless Mesh Network as an Alternative Wi-Fi Networking for Enterprises
    (Department of Zoology, University of Kelaniya, Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2014-06) Matharage, D.S.S.; Padmasiri, M.K.D.
    Wireless Mesh network architecture and its importance as a n alternative Wi-Fi networking, applications of mesh networks, and methods of implementing mesh networks are discussed in the present paper. CINEC play ground was selected as the test bed of this study. Results of the test cases which were carried out to determine link quality source routing, data throughput and multi-hop function of the mesh networks with the aid of laptops and external USB Wi-Fi dongles and future expansions of the wireless mesh networks with 802.11.s standard are also described.
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    Teachers’ Perceptions on the Incorporation of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in School Counseling
    (Department of Zoology, University of Kelaniya, Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2014-06) Pathiratne, Shamitha
    This study was carried out to determine the different perspectives of Sri Lankan teachers on the use and application of ICT in guidance counseling and the school counselor‘s advocacy role. Participants of the study were the teachers of public and private schools in Gampaha District who are handling the counseling role. The participants have experience as elementary grade teachers, as guidance counselors, and as teacher in-charge/principals. The study employed a snowball sampling technique that requires others to recommend teachers who they believe can have experience about the amalgamation of information technology in teaching and counseling. The open-ended formats or interviews were used to investigate the (a) different uses of ICT [e.g. internet, e-mail], (b) problems/issues/gaps on the use and application of ICT or computer technology, and (c) innovative ways in using ICT in counseling. The views of the teacher-participants on ICT use generated the themes on (1) storing, encoding and preparing materials/documents, (2) retrieving, distributing and utilizing data/information related to school counseling, and (3) other uses for entertainment, leisure and recreational activities. As to the potential uses of ICT, the subjects generated various uses as what they practice and what they have learned from their undergraduate courses on technology in education and knowledge management in education. The issues and problems were mostly related to the economic aspects, costs, administrators‘ attitudes towards the use of ICT, quality of information and on the issue of commercialism. Innovative programs presented dealt on the individual needs of the pupils and on the career services, but not on the ways to improve the professional capabilities of the guidance counselors. Continuous re-training and establishment of a well-defined capacity building program for guidance counselors focusing on individual skills of the counselors as to the other uses and application of ICT are needed. School counselors should be guided through schoolbased in-service training and education ministry or government - sponsored programs on capacity building by putting emphases on the benefits of ICT use as well as case presentations of the various experiences of counselors in Sri Lanka about ICT integration in the implementation of the school guidance programs.
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    Novel Approach for Analyzing Brahmi Scripts
    (Department of Zoology, University of Kelaniya, Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2014-06) Bandara, D.; Warnajith, N.; Minato, A.; Ozawa, S.
    Writing is one of the most important inventions of humankind. There are few main languages in the ancient world. Among these ancient languages Sanskrit was used in the Indo region. Brahmi script is one of the most important ancient letters in South Asia. It became the matrix of Debanagari character used for Sanskrit and Hindi. The people of Sri Lanka are fortunate that some of the writing of their ancestors is preserved on various inscriptions found throughout the country. These inscriptions have been discovered under the drip ledges of caves, rocks, pillars and slabs. Inscribed gold, silver and copper plates have been discovered as well. On the decipherment of these inscriptions, historical, linguistic and paleographical conclusions could be arrived at. The source data of this study is already published as gray scale images of early Brahmi script. These images are taken from the paper copies of inscriptions called as estampages (rubbed copy). Up to the present, reading and analyzing these inscriptions are done manually. The aim of this study was to develop algorithms based on image data of these estampages and implement a digital data repository. The process of this study can be divided into several stages as follows: (1). Producing precise alphabet fonts of early Brahmi scripts from photographic data, (2). Development of a precise method of identification of ancient letters with the aid of the alphabet fonts, which leads to automatic reading of ancient inscriptions by computers, (3). Database implementation for the analysis, (4). Development of web based interface for scholars over KISSEL network to share the knowledge and experience among the KISSEL users.
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    Use of Kissel Server as a Platform for the Expansion of Research on the Water Quality of Asian Water Bodies
    (Department of Zoology, University of Kelaniya, Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2014-06) Dahanayaka, D.D.G.L.; Tonooka, H.; Wijeyaratne, M.J.S.; Minato, A.; Ozawa, S.
    Monitoring of all relevant aspects of water bodies is highly important for their sustainable use. To achieve this all research findings should be easy accessible and presenting those in a user friendly manner will be highly advantageous. Therefore, development of a database on the coastal water bodies of Sri Lanka on KISSEL server system was initiated, for the benefit of all interest groups including the general public. Presently it contains water quality data of lagoons and estuaries for over two decades. This was extended from a local scale to a regional scale. In this extension, algorithm improvement or tuning based on in-situ data sets was carried out for optimization. The aim was to expand the databases on water bodies using satellite analysis within selected Asian countries. It was initiated through KISSEL server system to benefit pollution monitoring and sustainable use of water bodies. Water bodies of Japan, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia and Philippines were selected considering their economic and ecological importance. In-situ research parallel to satellite overpass were conducted on the following water bodies. Local Universities and/or Research Institutes collaborated with the collection of field data and will involve in future continuous monitoring programs and KISSEL related activities.
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    Survey on Metadata Standards for an E-Teaching Environment
    (Department of Zoology, University of Kelaniya, Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2014-06) Vasanthapriyan, S.
    E--teaching is commonly referred to as the intentional use of networked information and communications technology (ICT) in teaching and learning processes. In order to be easily retrieved, shared and used by different users and for different purposes, the various types of e- teaching documents have to be described following common schemes and rules e.g. specifications or standards and metadata. But the web lacks a uniform organization scheme that would allow easy access to these e-teaching material. It means that there should be efficient accessibility and the recoverability of educational resources. This objective can be gained using the ―Metadata Standards‖. Several institutions and professionals have established Metadata Standards. In this research, a survey was carried out to find out the existing Metadata Standards and their characteristics to propose common Metadata standards to the e—teaching environment. Therefore, the retrieval of information of various types including print, images, animations, presentations, audio, and video in the environment can be easily done.
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    The Role of ICT in Students and Their Tertiary Studies in Samoa
    (Department of Zoology, University of Kelaniya, Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2014-06) Ualesi, Edna Temese; Ozawa, Satoru; Minato, Atsushi
    Information and Communication Technologies play a paramount role in the development of Education worldwide including small island nations such as Samoa. The availability of vast Information and advance technological developments in Tertiary Education Institutions allow students to encounter the frequent use of ICT in their studies. This paper is based on the role of ICT in Tertiary Education in Samoa. The study was conducted using 300 randomly selected students regardless of which Institution they are enrolled in. Data were collected by questionnaires and interviews and analyzed by Microsoft Excel. The study revealed that Information and Communication Technologies profoundly contributes in improving their learning skills and simplifying their ways of studying, and have paved the way to their academic success. The study also showed need of improving ICT resources as the increasing numbers of students limit the access to various Information and Communication Technologies.
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    Influence of Human Computer Interaction in Learning Management System
    (Department of Zoology, University of Kelaniya, Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2014-06) Thuseethan, S.; Vasanthapriyan, S.
    The word E-learning in many developing and developed countries is inseparable from the field of education and more common in nature. The usefulness of Learning Management Systems in e-learning lies not only in performing the academic task itself but also in sharing of knowledge between users, which includes academics and students. The current trend in developing Learning Management Systems is largely empirical, and academically sound learning experiences are still absent. At the first glance faster, more flexible, more natural, easier and more convenient means for users and Learning Management Systems to interchange information are required. In user‘s perspective, the use of Learning Management System is constrained by the human‘s perceptual and cognitive abilities. On the other hand, in computer side, it constrained only by devices used in the system and the limitations in software design. The best way to overcome both types of constraints therefore now totally lies in designing the user interface rather than the internal system design. In this research appropriate strategies for developing interfaces to Learning Management Systems at a national level were considered. The issues in designing interfaces for Learning Management System for academics are little different from the design standard of interfaces taken from the literature of Human Computer Interaction standards. These differences were considered with the help of a survey done in an academic organization and are described, explained, and clarified. Finally we came up with some modification of standards with the help of existing standards in Human Computer Interaction and with the research output. This type of Human Computer Interaction standards for Learning Management System can satisfy the desires of its intended academic users and deliver a suitable opening for advance research and development.
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    Knowledge Sharing and Management Application for National Wildlife Training Center, Sri Lanka
    (Department of Zoology, University of Kelaniya, Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2014-06) Wickramasingha, W.A.K.L.M.; Kudavidanage, E.P.; Vasanthapriyan, S.; Priyadarshana, T.S.
    There is a critical need to share and manage biodiversity data for conservation purposes. A comprehensive inventory of biodiversity data on a location together with information on subjects such as habitat use, conservation status, availability of specimens and previous research can benefit both researchers and decision makers. The National Wildlife Training Center (NWTC) is located in the dry zone, close to Minneriya– Giritale Nature Reserve Block II. It is surrounded by well grown Tropical dry mixed forests and harbors a diverse array of fauna and flora including many endemics and nationally threatened species. The center provides compulsory training to staff of the Department of Wildlife Conservation and has facilities for researchers. It is currently being developed to become an International Training School. Therefore, there is a great necessity to have well documented information on the biodiversity of the locality that can be accessed by visitors, trainees and researchers. In addition an advance form of a database can assist to monitor the use of the specimen collection at the museum and help future development of the site that might affect some of the faunal habitats. Thus this project aims to provide knowledge sharing and management solutions using Information and Communication Technology. The objectives of the study are to provide knowledge sharing and management solutions for using Girithale National Training Center as a model, assist maintaining the specimen collection, provide remote access to users, to reduce barrier between researches and application, to simplify the data searching process and to promote data driven decision making. The project used both primary and secondary data. A biodiversity survey was conducted around the training center in the sanctuary since no previous intensive study on the site has been carried out. The field data as well records from the specimen collection was used as the primary source for project. The research reports at the center were used as secondary sources. The data sharing platform constructed is a web site developed using PHP and the Data base using MySQL. Maps were prepared using digital image processing, use queries, search engine or artificial intelligence agent to retrieve data. In addition a mobile web page was also created. The NWTC could host this web site as a knowledge sharing center. This system provides a knowledge sharing and management system that will help to protect rare and threaten habitats of Girithale and also will provide easy access to different studies conducted. Thus it finally will reduce the gap between conservationists, researchers, decision makers and public and will also facilitate more informed decision making and efficient use of resources.
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    Application of Mass Balance Modelling To Assess the Effects of Fish Stocking On the Energy Flow in a Reservoir Ecosystem
    (Department of Zoology, University of Kelaniya, Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2014-06) Panikar, Preetha; Khan, M. Feroz; Sharma, A.P.
    The impact of fish stock supplementation on the energy flow in Hemavathy reservoir ecosystem in Karnataka, South India was assessed using mass balance modeling. The mass balanced model structured around thirteen ecological groups which included the nonliving group, detritus. Hemavathy Reservoir with an area of about 9162 ha was constructed in 1981, on the river Hemavathy for irrigation purpose in Karnataka. The fish landings data of Hemavathy reservoir was collected and studied for three years from 1983 by earlier workers. During this period there was no systematic stocking of fish in this reservoir. Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute investigated this reservoir in 2002 to 2004 when regular stocking and harvesting regime had become an established management practice. Hence the present study was conducted to analyse the impact of fish stocking on the energy flow and ecosystem maturity of a reservoir ecosystem by comparing two scenarios; pre- and post- fish stocking regimes. The mass-balance models of the reservoir ecosystem were constructed for two periods, 1984 and 2003 using Ecopath with Ecosim software to compare the fluctuations that occurred within each of these years before systematic stocking and post-stocking period. Flow at the trophic level II largely involves the zooplankton (the dominant herbivore), bottom biota and the two groups of fishes the minor carps and the exotic carps. Though aquatic birds occupy the highest trophic levels in both phases, among fish groups Eels in the pre-stocking phase and murrels in post-stocking phase occupy top trophic levels. The pattern of energy flow through the network is described in terms of the number of trophic interactions of each group and the mean length of pathways (MLP) through the network. For top predators, the number of connections was high (78–233) and with a high number of steps (MLP = 3.69). In the middle of the trophic chain, the exotic carps and major carps were (MLP = 2.87 &2.27) and the groups at the bottom of the pyramid like zooplankton and bottom biota are characterized by low numbers of trophic interactions (2 & 3 respectively) and path lengths (2.0). The ecotrophic efficiency of the carps were low in post-stocking phase showing these groups were not heavily exploited by the fishermen but the increase in biomass due to stocking are evident. The resilience of reservoir ecosystem before stocking the reservoir and the impact on ecosystem after fish stocking were compared using various indices of ecosystem maturity. A decrease of the flow of the system from pre-stock to post-stock is evident (22.28%). The system overhead was higher by 0.29% in the post-stock phase indicating maturity. The ecosystem indices tested indicate that the reservoir during post-stock phase was in a more resilient state compared to the pre-stock phase. The maturity of the ecosystem showed an improvement which indicates a positive impact of stocking.