Application of Package Based Data Analysis: An Explanation with Service Sector Research Study

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Staff Development Unit, Faculty of Commerce & Management Studies, University of Kelaniya


In the recent past, many changes have happened in all most all the sectors in the world and these changes have inspired the scholars to come up with new initiatives to uplift the living standards of people. One of the key drivers of the changes in the resent past is globalisation. Globalisation has become a crucial phenomenon with profound impacts on many sectors. Most important thing about globalisation is that it can be an opportunity and a threat at the same time. Organisations which are highly adaptable to this changing nature of the global market have been able to capitalise on the opportunities of the globalisation. This unstoppable phenomenon has captured the global banking sector too. There have been many changes happening in the way the certain aspects of the banking industry are conceptualised and functioned.




Wijenayake, S.I. 2015. Application of Package Based Data Analysis: An Explanation with Service Sector Research Study. Staff Development Unit, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. 60 pp.



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