Measuring of Rice Farmers Potentials and Readiness for Sustainable Agriculture Transition: A Systematic Literature Review
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Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya
In this study, the literature linked to measuring Farmers Readiness for Sustainable Transition is explored and analyzed from 1900 to now. This paper's goals are to describe how this research topic is organized in terms of publications, authors, and sources (documents), and to identify the primary references mentioned and how they are arranged (i.e. clusters). This paper also explores the observations of current literature. Specifically, this bibliometric investigation can reveal what have been examined, their limitations, and future research potential. PRISMA model is deployed in article selection process and 80 eligible articles are selected for review. The articles were analyzed in both quantitative and qualitative aspects. A conceptual framework is proposed based on the review for a future research project. Economic, Social, Structural, Environmental, and Psychological factors are found investigated by researchers in assessing farmers potential for sustainable agriculture (SA). Farmer’s SA adaptation capabilities, Knowledge on SA, and Effects of institutional interventions are key themes found in such studies. Theory of plan behavior, Diffusion of innovation, Social innovation and Human capital, Social theory, Adults learning theory and Resilience Thinking (RT) are some theories found in studies. Suggestions of RT closely explains the constructs of this research study of assessing farmer’s readiness for SA transition. RT has been deployed in some qualitative assessments on rural livelihood resilience, but no research study found applying RT in measuring constructs and their predicted relationships pertaining to a specific transition like the ongoing farmer’s reorganization process with organic fertilizers and preparation for a SA transition.
Adaptation, Farmer, Potentials, Readiness, Resilience, Sustainable agriculture
Ariyarathna, S.M.W.P.K., Madurapperuma, M.W. (2021). Impact of Sales Force Automation on Product Optimization through Self Efficacy and Techno-stress of Sales Employees in the Pharmaceutical Industry. Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, p.113.