Application of Mobile Phone Technologies for Library Services
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Department of Library and Information Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka
This paper highlights an overview of mobile phone applications and how it helps to access the Resources and Services. Mobile technology is fast becoming as the most preferred method for connecting to the Internet, especially for Access to E-Resources, Social networking tools, Information Alert services, Library Virtual tour, status of the book in the library through SMS and so on. Librarians need to know more about these technologies to render more specific and customized services to individuals and user groups of micro subjects. Information and knowledge analytics is the current buzz word of the present knowledge society and it is being practiced in all walks of human life which may be of governance, education, consumer industry to entertainment. Rapidly changing advanced features with less/no cost technologies towards creation, organization, dissemination, access and use of information particularly through portable access devices evident information and knowledge revolution.
The present paper highlights the features of library technologies in general and presents state of Mobile services in libraries and theory about the future of mobile technology. This article will make an awareness of possible mobile technology usages for library applications and services among library professionals. Access to scholarly information and reveal the opportunities, the methods and means of scholarly communication among the researchers and academics is very much eminent to enhance the quality of teaching, learning and research processes. Libraries are not only act as learning centers but need to take more academic and research support both on demand and in anticipation. To elope with other service providers it is imperative for the libraries to adapt the mobile technologies to make update the user community on timely manner as very much emphasized by Dr. S.R. Ranganathan in the fourth law of Library Science. The paper discuss a few of mobile applications and tools (Whatsapp, Kindle, imo, Chat on, Dropbox, Viber, Playbooks, Skypee, Oovoo, Play newsstand, Google talk etc.) of various information service providers, databases and research information systems.
Information alert services, e- resources access, mobile services, mobile apps in library services
Prabakaran, M. and Niyamananda, S. 2016. Application of Mobile Phone Technologies for Library Services. 1st International Conference on Library and Information Management (ICLIM - 2016), 21st - 22nd October 2016, Department of Library and Information Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. p 82.