A Study on the Use and the Problems Faced by the Students in Using Library Web Page of University of Kelaniya

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Department of Library and Information Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka


University library has contributed immensely for the research, teaching and learning functions in the University systems and it has become an apex body in the higher education. Library web page has helped to expand the library services among the society and user community. The principal objective of the study was to investigate the use trends of library web page and the problem faced by the students in using it. Library web page of University of Kelaniya was used for this study. The students community of Faculty of Social Sciences, Humanities, Commerce and Management and Science was the population of study while 147 students selecting from all these faculties was used a sample. A questionnaire was administered for data collection purpose. Among total sample 75% students use the library web site. Students’ prefer to use more frequently the old question papers as well as e-resources. Main obstacles faced by the students were the utility of access terms and how to use them for effective information retrieval purposes. The other obstacle was the non-up to datedness of the contents of the University library page. It is better if steps are taken to update the web page continuously and take action for open and free access not limiting to access terms to make user friendly more attractive interfaces and to offer more awareness programs on University library web site among students.



Library website, Internet, Website, University library, User education


Deepika, D.M.P.P. 2016. A Study on the Use and the Problems Faced by the Students in Using Library Web Page of University of Kelaniya. 1st International Conference on Library and Information Management (ICLIM - 2016), 21st - 22nd October 2016, Department of Library and Information Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. p 19.




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