Development, Implementation and Use of Mobile Apps in Indian Libraries
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3rd International Conference on Library and Information Management, Department of Library and Information Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka
The focal point for this paper is to explore Indian Library Professionals‘use of smartphones apps’ for supporting library operations. A surveyconducted using a questionnaire method with a response of 229 library professionals to examine the integration of mobile apps in the library and for its services.Survey results showed thatwhile the library professionals used already available apps in the store for supporting library operations,self- built apps for the libraries found meagre (11.80%). Through these apps, they offer services like membership, book renewal, SMS alert, e-resources and reference query services. The study also found the novel use of social media for supporting library operations like live streaming, reference advisory and information sharing. The results of the study suggest opportunities for the libraries to develop their own library app for satisfying the user’s information needs at the right time.This is certainly first of its kind at the national level to explore the library professionals’ use and adaption of mobile apps in libraries.
Smart phone, Mobile technology, Mobile learning, Social Media, Library profession
Vysakh. C. and Rajendra Babu, H. (2019). Development, Implementation and Use of Mobile Apps in Indian Libraries. 3rd International Conference on Library and Information Management, Department of Library and Information Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. p303.