Employer Branding Practices: Case Review on IT Sector Companies in India
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Maitra, R.
Dissanayake, D.M.R.
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Scientific Research Journal (SCIRJ)
This paper has been developed as an empirical piece of work referring to the practices of employer branding in India. It has focused on IT sector as the scope of the case reviews and researchers used literature based approach to connect theory into practice. Descriptive statistical tools were used to discuss the responses of employees towards the employer branding practices. It has selected three companies in the IT sector those who have applied employer branding practices as to gain strategic outcome through people value creation. . Both primary and secondary data were used for this case review study. Key findings have been presented in the paper as to contribute for the practice. Study revealed that learning opportunities, challenging working environment flowed by pay structures could facilitate to build string employer brand perception.
Employer Branding, IT Sector, Employer Brand Perception
Maitra, Rangana and Dissanayake, D.M. Ravindra 2015. Employer Branding Practices: Case Review on IT Sector Companies in India. Scientific Research Journal (SCIRJ), 3(8): 21-26.