Building Relation Between Company and Consumers Through Co-Creation: European and Asian Context
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Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka
Building relations with stakeholders seems to be a standard behaviour in the companies that
operate throughout the today’s markets. One of the forms of building relations is to invite a
customer and other stakeholders to contribute to product creation, to assess the quality of the
service or to share experiences that were gained while using the products. However, is it worth
to open up for clients’ experiences? Maybe the clients are not interested in such issues? How
this process looks like in different countries, taking account of different levels of market
development and cultures? Those questions gave an impetus to conduct a research among
clients from different countries, such as Poland, Germany, Romania, China, Georgia or Sri
Lanka. The emphasis in this article is placed on presentation of research results from two
countries: Poland (European culture, HDI 0,834) and China (Asian culture, HDI 0,834). The
target group of the survey was young people which by virtue of their psycho-physical
characteristics are more open to share their experience and engage in various activities. The aim
of this article is to present similarities and differences in building relations through co-creation
in China and Poland. The paper consist of two parts, theoretical and practical. Theoretical
deliberations were devoted to the explanation of supporting the process of product creation. In
this part also advantages of process of building relations with clients have been shown.
Empirical part has been devoted to the presenting of results of studies showing the interest of
young people in participation in co-creation in Poland and China.
Co-creation, Customer, Building relations, Europe, Asia
Wiścicka, M. and Misiak-Kwit, S. 2016. Building Relation Between Company and Consumers Through Co-Creation: European and Asian Context. In proceedings of the 17th Conference on Postgraduate Research, International Postgraduate Research Conference 2016, Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. p 07.